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Absolutely Worthless

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  • Yes since Re 3 was a side story and took place before and after Re 2 it really shouldn't have got a number. RE CV should had 3 in the title. I think that since nemesis was the third game it got a number.


    • Side story or not, it still added a significant amount of plot to the story. Resident Evil 3 brought us a lot of information we now take for granted. It provided us the destruction of Raccoon City. It gave us (albeit vague) updates of what some of the major characters were up to (via the epilogues). It started Resident Evil's transition to a more action based game and opened up the environments you played in. The claustrophobic feel of RE1 and RE2 was beginning to be done away with given the nature of roaming the streets and having a significant amount of more room to fight and run around in.

      Resident Evil : Code Veronica was a great game. It had just the right amount of action and horror, not to mention it combined the openness of RE3 with the confinement of the prior Resident Evil games to create a great atmosphere throughout a majority of the game. It should have gotten it's own number, but I guess the story Capcom had in mind for the series could still have happened had RE:CV not been created. The same also could be said about Resident Evil 4. Unless the plagas have a significant effect or direct tie in to the progenitor virus or Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 4 was a waste of time (story-wise), as the only thing significant that occurs is the game is that Umbrella was destroyed. Nothing else really ties back to the previous games aside from a few characters and the mentioning of the T-Virus 2-3 times.


      • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
        What about Code: Veronica then? That was definitely a main title....and considering it actually had something to do with the main plot, had three of the series's returning characters....techinically that should have been one of the ones with a number. RE3 still had the subtitle of Nemesis, so it would have worked fine.
        Yeah, when you mention it. Resident Evil: Nemesis could have worked fine, and the Resident Evil 3 instead of CV. I havn't played either a lot though.

        Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
        Side story or not, it still added a significant amount of plot to the story. Resident Evil 3 brought us a lot of information we now take for granted. It provided us the destruction of Raccoon City. It gave us (albeit vague) updates of what some of the major characters were up to (via the epilogues). It started Resident Evil's transition to a more action based game and opened up the environments you played in. The claustrophobic feel of RE1 and RE2 was beginning to be done away with given the nature of roaming the streets and having a significant amount of more room to fight and run around in.

        Resident Evil : Code Veronica was a great game. It had just the right amount of action and horror, not to mention it combined the openness of RE3 with the confinement of the prior Resident Evil games to create a great atmosphere throughout a majority of the game. It should have gotten it's own number, but I guess the story Capcom had in mind for the series could still have happened had RE:CV not been created. The same also could be said about Resident Evil 4. Unless the plagas have a significant effect or direct tie in to the progenitor virus or Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 4 was a waste of time (story-wise), as the only thing significant that occurs is the game is that Umbrella was destroyed. Nothing else really ties back to the previous games aside from a few characters and the mentioning of the T-Virus 2-3 times.
        Resident Evil 4 obviously have strong ties to Resident Evil 5. From what I can tell the Plagas are pretty much back, only they've mutated into snake and bat shapes.


        • That's the thing, though. Are there going to be ties beyond Las Plagas? We know the Progenator is supposed to be there. And storyline wise it appears as though someone has crossed Las Plagas and Progeneator. We might even get Wesker with Plagas in one hand and various viruses in the other Beyond that, though, I expect no ties to RE4. How can there be? RE4 is, storyline wise, unimportant. t would be easy enough to explain Las Plagas was found burried and combined with a virus to make something new


          • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
            That's the thing, though. Are there going to be ties beyond Las Plagas? We know the Progenator is supposed to be there. And storyline wise it appears as though someone has crossed Las Plagas and Progeneator. We might even get Wesker with Plagas in one hand and various viruses in the other Beyond that, though, I expect no ties to RE4. How can there be? RE4 is, storyline wise, unimportant. t would be easy enough to explain Las Plagas was found burried and combined with a virus to make something new
            Exactly. The plagas had been excavated. Obviously from the labs in 4 we didn't see any hint of a virus, but the plagas were being experimented on in their natural parasite forms.

            However....there is a moment when Luis and Leon are tied together where Luis says he think he saw a sample of the virus in a lab at the department. That instantly raised a red flag for me...why would a police department in SPAIN have a sample of the T-virus, and why would a normal cop just be able to walk in and take a peep at it. Saddler did have to have some pretty heavy backing from someone other than someone local to fund an operation as big as he had. Perhaps some of the new enemies in 5 are those people. *shrug* I highly doubt it but knowing Capcom anything is possible.
            Are you tired, Rebecca?


            • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
              However....there is a moment when Luis and Leon are tied together where Luis says he think he saw a sample of the virus in a lab at the department. That instantly raised a red flag for me...why would a police department in SPAIN have a sample of the T-virus, and why would a normal cop just be able to walk in and take a peep at it. Saddler did have to have some pretty heavy backing from someone other than someone local to fund an operation as big as he had. Perhaps some of the new enemies in 5 are those people. *shrug* I highly doubt it but knowing Capcom anything is possible.
              Taken from Thomas Wilde's Plot Synopsis on gamefaqs:

              Luis says that
              it's a sample, which connotates a very small amount.
              It's not like there's a big tank of it somewhere.

              Further, we know that the American government knew about
              the T-Virus and its effects, and Leon's opening monologue
              suggests that Umbrella's culpability in the Raccoon City
              disaster was, if not public knowledge, a relatively open
              secret. It's not beyond the bounds of reason for any law
              enforcement agency to have a sample of the T-Virus on hand,
              in case there's an outbreak within their jurisdiction and
              they need to know what they're dealing with. (Note that
              Leon doesn't flip out when Luis mentions the sample.) It
              also helps that Luis wasn't working in some backwater
              town; he was a cop in Madrid, the capital of Spain. One
              could also assume, given Luis's knowledge of biology,
              that he was a forensic scientist.


              • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                Exactly. The plagas had been excavated. Obviously from the labs in 4 we didn't see any hint of a virus, but the plagas were being experimented on in their natural parasite forms.

                However....there is a moment when Luis and Leon are tied together where Luis says he think he saw a sample of the virus in a lab at the department. That instantly raised a red flag for me...why would a police department in SPAIN have a sample of the T-virus, and why would a normal cop just be able to walk in and take a peep at it. Saddler did have to have some pretty heavy backing from someone other than someone local to fund an operation as big as he had. Perhaps some of the new enemies in 5 are those people. *shrug* I highly doubt it but knowing Capcom anything is possible.
                Oh, I watched that scene today. I simply thought he meant he saw it in the RPD, good observation that he was a cop in MADRID

                Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                Taken from Thomas Wilde's Plot Synopsis on gamefaqs:
                No, man, that simply doesn't work. He's saying that every major police station would have a sample of the T-virus? That someone probably just dropped on the floor causing it to spread over an entire body of land?
                If a, from the looks and tales of it, quite everyday policeman like Luis Sera could get a glint of the virus - just imaging what terrorists would do?


                • Well, you never really get to know "too much" about Luis.
                  For all we know, he might've been part of "something" himself.

                  As for the virus "samples". After the Raccoon City incident and up to Resident Evil 4, we don't really know much about what has happened. The virus might have become useless for various reasons... a vaccine could've been developed, maybe they've found a way to neutralize it, who knows? One thing's for sure, after such an incident, labs/whatever all over the world would surely try to make sure they have the proper equipment, resources and knowledge set up to detect, counter and properly react if another outbreak was to happen in their neighborhood.


                  • I gotta admit, I would not allow a sample of a virus that reanimates the dead in a lab where any crooked cop could grab it. True, the lab would most likely be pretty well guarded and such but, still, I'd keep any samples under lock and key myself.

                    My only explanation is Luis was part of an elite bio-terrorism department or some such. Given his skills and expertiese it's not too big a leap to make and a department like that would need access to such things.


                    • Always thought Luis ilied about being a police officer, I assumed he always worked for Saddler.


                      • I considered that but then I thought: Why? If Leon's been briefed it'll do no good and if he hasn't it won't make him trust Luis. I figure he probably was, but he might be lying about where he saw the virus. Then again, likely not. Leon's in a position to know where samples are stored and probably keeps track of them as best he can.


                        • I figured Luis lied about being in the Police anyway, most probably he had a T-Virus sample in the lab while working for Saddler, he just threw a lie of being a cop I suppose to explain why he's in such a location *and tied up*.


                          • Well we know Luis was lying about being a cop....or at least to an extent. He was a spy for Wesker and knew a lot more about the plagas and Saddler than he let on to Leon. Ada obviously had previous ties/contact with him due to getting the email for help that was supposed to go to his dead friend. That would have meant several bouts of communication. Luis probably knew that she and Krauser were both sent in to get the sample (possibly him as well).

                            And I really doubt the theory of the t-virus being in major police stations across the globe. Depending on if you count UC as canon, we know that Umbrella didn't immediately flop. It took several years for it to happen. And if you'd rather believe Umbrella was put out of business directly after Raccoon instead of a while later, you'd still have to deal with the fact that Umbrella still had power over its employees. They wouldn't simply just give up one of their key weapons. Even after Umbrella was supposed to be shut down there would still be the main people working underground or moving to different companies. Wesker did it...and we know that Ada's mysterious Organization and S both have desires to collect viruses and the parasite samples.
                            Last edited by Bertha; 08-03-2008, 06:00 PM.
                            Are you tired, Rebecca?


                            • He was a spy for Wesker? Is that in Seperate Ways? I really, really need to get along and play that. I mean, yes, he knew tons of stuff, but I thought that was because he was one of the scientists working for Saddler. Which is also why I thought he might have been in a bio terrorism unit at some point.

                              As for the sample being in different locations...honestly, I can see it happening and it didn't matter what Umbrella said. The virus and samples thereof are still in Raccoon City, or rather than smoking crator where it was. The US goverment could have retrieved a monster that survived (and we know some of them did) and gotten a sample which they'd shared. Umbrella could hardly say they were violating there copyright or something without admitting the responsibility for the Outbreak.


                              • Luis was involved into Sadler research, thinking that he is searching the way to destroy the plagas. The real reason for Sudler to use his work was to find the way to make plagas even stronger. Luis was actually one of those whom Sadler realy trusted, and it is known that his grandfather lived RE4 vilage, and Luis was there a lot when he was a child, thats why he managed to hide from ganados for so long, he knows the terain well. When he found out about Sadlers true intentions he desided to run. Contacting his old colege friend Ada found him and said that she helps him in exchange for the Sample. So Luis never knew anithing about Wescer, he was just folowing Ada's lead without of asking any unnesessury questions. He's true goal was to escape but he also wanted for Sudler's cult to be destroyed forever.
                                "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley

