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Biohazard 1.5 Background Reproductions

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  • #46
    Commendable work. Great stuff


    • #47
      If there is some confusion that may come up later about this, I want to lay it out now.

      As c2keo said, he and I are working together to do these backgrounds (basically, I provide mapping and ideas and information). The goal is two-fold. The first goal is simply a recreation of all -known- backgrounds available that belong to the RPD, Sewers, and the 2 factory/warehouse yards that were not included on the trial discs.

      The second goal is pretty much to create a completed set of backgrounds for a complete mapping of the RPD and sewers. Without the game, we do not know 100% the maps and, even with all of Inflames images, we lack footage of quite a few angles, halls, and even complete rooms to legitimately map the RPD and sewers. Therefor, he and I have agreed to take a few liberties to come up with logical rooms and solutions to the maps and therefor there will be rooms we create that may not be in 1.5, or if it is it may not look at all like we create it. Basically the reason for this second goal is for future modification purposes. If someone other than Dominion in the modding community can figure out how to appropriately change backgrounds -and- the necessary coded dimensions for camera angles and scale to work properly, then we'll have all the backgrounds ready for use immediately to recreate the best version of 1.5 we can make without having the game.


      • #48
        I cannot get over how superb they really look. The grainy-ness, the way the images are compressed, everything, looks so great. Even if it isnt in 1.5, it doesnt change how amazing it is


        • #49
          Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
          I just hope he has the secrets to modding RE2 saved somewhere or given to someone for backup. Because if the unthinkable happened to him, all hopes of modding RE2 would be doomed.

          True, If I were him and I bet that if anyone knew how to do such thing They would tell everyone because if his Computer breaks or something like that or he dies *The Unlikelines of this Unlikely thing is too unlikely to actually happen *

          Then we're all F***** LOL!

          Sorry for the Spam.


          • #50

            They maybe can be used into Flash+3D script to create a game (or something like that), if change the real backgrounds of RE2 with these is impossible to do very well


            • #51

              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
              If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



              • #52
                I see you posted pics of the interrogation room, nice. It looks a bit similar to the final version but I guess there isn't too much that can be changed or modified in a room like that.


                • #53

                  You are going to reproduce all backgrounds for the Umbrella Labs and other areas right? You only mentioned the RPD and sewers but not the labs so I thought I'd ask.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Biocore View Post

                    You are going to reproduce all backgrounds for the Umbrella Labs and other areas right? You only mentioned the RPD and sewers but not the labs so I thought I'd ask.
                    There's no need for that since we have the official backgrounds for those areas from the trial discs. Remaking those would be pointless and a waste of time. All we're doing is an entire RPD, Sewers, and the 2 outside areas of the above ground Umbrella Facility that the official backgrounds didn't include. Although, there is the fact there are a couple of rooms from the labs that were unfinished. We may do those too. But right now we have the entire first half of the game's backgrounds to work with and about 6-10 rooms we're gonna have to design from scratch for a total of about roughly ~60 rooms each with anywhere between 3-15 angled shots per room. It's a lot of work to be done. I'm grateful that c2keo is willing to put all this effort and work in to help with this.

