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English version of my website

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  • English version of my website

    Hello everyone

    I'm Mike, webmaster of RE fan site in Spanish called Resident Evil Center and I want to comment as follows:

    At the moment I am looking for the network any person interested in my new project. This project will have an English version of my website, is currently only in Spanish.

    It is a project to extend further the contents of my website on the net.

    The activity would be to translate all the contents of Spanish to English. In addition to implementing a zone anglophone in my forums.

    You can use the google translator if you don't speak spanish. (

    Is anyone interested? Any doubt you post on this thread.


    PD: Dot50Cal, thank you for letting this thread.

    Mike, webmaster of reCenter
    Last edited by Guest; 03-10-2009, 12:05 PM.

  • #2
    Great site, just listening to the awesome-o Gaiden tracks again. What a legend!


    • #3
      wow your pretty good at setting up a home page, but no i dont think i could though XD i know someone though... do you have an email? ill get them to see if they can help o.e;; i suck...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Itashious_boy View Post
        wow your pretty good at setting up a home page, but no i dont think i could though XD i know someone though... do you have an email? ill get them to see if they can help o.e;; i suck...
        Hi Itashious yeah my email is this:

        PD: MSN -> PM.

        PD1: Helegad thank you for comments!

        Can Anyone help me?


        • #5
          Your site doesn't work for me, I get a 404 error....


          • #6
            Originally posted by FeurMensch View Post
            Your site doesn't work for me, I get a 404 error....
            We have some technical problems at the moment, in a few days will be solved.


            • #7
              How many pages do you have to translate?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
                How many pages do you have to translate?
                100% the website, there are many sections and a laborious work, I look for a guy that through this work is part of Staff.

                PM: -> MSN!


                • #9
                  Do you have a site map available? Something like this :

                  Something that might speed things up would be to know how images are handled. If all your images are located in one directory, then basically you save on a lot bandwidth since you won't have a duplicate copy of your website just for the English version. The only images that would have to change would be the ones with Spanish text on them.

                  This is what made translating websites like Survivhor so hard since the text was embeded into the backgrounds. It makes for a nice presenation, but also makes editing a typo a real hassle.

                  From what I saw from your website, it should be pretty easy to translate since alot of the text isn't embeded into images. You can use a online spanish to english translator and then work on correcting the grammar and making sure the information flows smoothly.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
                    Something that might speed things up would be to know how images are handled. If all your images are located in one directory, then basically you save on a lot bandwidth since you won't have a duplicate copy of your website just for the English version. The only images that would have to change would be the ones with Spanish text on them.

                    This is what made translating websites like Survivhor so hard since the text was embeded into the backgrounds. It makes for a nice presenation, but also makes editing a typo a real hassle.

                    From what I saw from your website, it should be pretty easy to translate since alot of the text isn't embeded into images. You can use a online spanish to english translator and then work on correcting the grammar and making sure the information flows smoothly.
                    Yeah, fortunately so, the majority is text. I am looking for someone who would be responsible for correcting errors of grammar translator.

                    I am responsible for passing paragraphs have already been translated into English but with grammatical errors.

                    That would be the activity.

                    Anyone interested send me a private message with your Messenger.

                    PD:Thanks for your interest Project Omega.
                    Last edited by Guest; 07-21-2008, 07:56 PM.


                    • #11
                      sorry... the guy isnt interested... and he says he wouldnt want to be involved with anything RE


                      • #12
                        After problems with the server, we have returned with a new hosting. Resume the proyect English translation of my website.

                        Are there people interested in helping?


                        • #13
                          aaaaah so this is the reason why I can't open your website Mike, so you are doing an English version, and the Spanish one?
                          I really hope RECenter is going to be 2 languages (Eng/Esp) and not English only.
                          However good luck


                          • #14
                            hey michael!!! i registered on your website!! nos vemos ahi pronto!!!


                            • #15
                              I have got a little bit more than basic knowlege of HTML and a little bit of CSS, too.

                              I can't help you translation from Spain to Engl I only speak german & english

                              If you are interested write me a PM ;)

