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Biohazard d20 creation

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  • #16

    The game will be an English-language supplement for d20 Modern, with a few changes from the basic system.

    Instead of Hit Points, the health will be done in a Vitality/Wound Points fashion.
    The system is calculated thus:

    Class hit die = Vitality
    Con Score = Wound points

    The Toughness feat is renamed to Resiliency, and has the same function.
    The feat given the name Toughness grants Damage Reduction 3/-, and can only be taken once, only at 1st level.


    • #17
      I hope you'll have a detailed manual for the game, cause I don't know how to use this system either. Anyway, hows the production going?
      "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


      • #18

        Progress is slow, and I almost forgot about this! I wish I had checked much sooner. I have the entire d20 Modern SRD, and I'm Going to get back to work.
        EDIT: It's never too late for a submission. Be it artwork, rules ideas, etc... I could always use input.
        Last edited by ElzaGotGypped; 06-17-2009, 08:45 AM. Reason: Addendum


        • #19
          I think the WOD system (Wolf) would do well for Resident Evil, if you can shake things up a bit to go well. Keep up the work on the D20 system though, it's good you're testing it out, especially coming from a role player (table top and LARP) myself; got Star Trek and dark heresey on Monday/Wednesdays every week in the afternoon you see


          • #20
            Mmm, Dark Heresy. I bought those books because of my unwholesome love of warhammer but have yet to run the campaign in my head...The Dark Mechanicus will crush your puny souls, fleshbags.

            On a side note I did run a Resident Evil Campaign using All Flesh Must be Eaten, just writting up the rules and stats for the non-zombie beasties. It worked pretty well, what it already being designed with zombies in mind.

            Still, I'm intrigued to see how this will work. It should be good.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              Mmm, Dark Heresy. I bought those books because of my unwholesome love of warhammer but have yet to run the campaign in my head...The Dark Mechanicus will crush your puny souls, fleshbags.

              On a side note I did run a Resident Evil Campaign using All Flesh Must be Eaten, just writting up the rules and stats for the non-zombie beasties. It worked pretty well, what it already being designed with zombies in mind.

              Still, I'm intrigued to see how this will work. It should be good.
              Hmmmm. would you be able to upload your rules and system onto your perhaps, and send it to me via email if you could? Would be great for my own game in the near-future, pretty please
              Last edited by Zombie Fred; 06-17-2009, 12:29 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by ganado View Post
                Hmmmm. would you be able to upload your rules and system onto your perhaps, and send it to me via email if you could? Would be great for my own game in the near-future, pretty please
                Aww, how could he resist when you ask so nicely

                Resident Evil RPG sounds great to me.
                Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 06-17-2009, 01:11 PM.


                • #23
                  It'll take me some time to hunt them outta my notes and transcribe them into Humanspiel, but I'm sure it can be done.


                  • #24
                    Dunno what you've got penned down already and what the rules are for the stuff you're using as a source for inspiration, so I'm just gonna toss this out there and probably just repeat some stuff you've already got penned down (or have better and/or alternate solutions to)

                    So... weapons (firearms and various melee objects based on stuff from your surroundings) can obviously be based on standard modern rules.

                    Anyway, I dunno if I'm misunderstanding your health rules cause they don't make sense or because I've just been out of the D&D action for too long (hell, nearly a decade since I last rolled!)

                    Anyway, damage, in RE tradition, should affect your movement somehow. Decrease movement speed and evt. decrease your stealth stats (if that would even be present). Know a lot of people don't play with this kind of stuff unless the character is in critical condition or the scenario/DM somehow demands it.

                    I dunno how the system works for firearms -> distance -> aiming (since you obviously wanna go for legs or heads to either slow 'em down or insta-kill), but make sure you've got something penned down for calculating all that junk (unless the DM just has to improvise).

                    Attacks + Infections could be done like a normal attack and resist of sorts (see if a creature attacks/grabs -> if it grabs see if it manages to actually attack and not just stun/hold you... or someone/something else uses an attack of opportunity -> Deal any damage given -> If damage is dealt to a human; roll to see whether or not you're infected).

                    Infection spread could evt. then be handled pr. turn (by rolling to see how much it's "spreading". Kinda Outbreak-ish). A person that is seriously injured/weak would probably have a penalty too, so he'd have a modifier applied to the infection. Someone who's used the right type of herb would have a modifier decreasing infection spread (and evt. adding a modifier to a non-infected rolling a save against infections), this only for an X amount of turns.

