The game will be an English-language supplement for d20 Modern, with a few changes from the basic system.
Instead of Hit Points, the health will be done in a Vitality/Wound Points fashion.
The system is calculated thus:
Class hit die = Vitality
Con Score = Wound points
The Toughness feat is renamed to Resiliency, and has the same function.
The feat given the name Toughness grants Damage Reduction 3/-, and can only be taken once, only at 1st level.
The game will be an English-language supplement for d20 Modern, with a few changes from the basic system.
Instead of Hit Points, the health will be done in a Vitality/Wound Points fashion.
The system is calculated thus:
Class hit die = Vitality
Con Score = Wound points
The Toughness feat is renamed to Resiliency, and has the same function.
The feat given the name Toughness grants Damage Reduction 3/-, and can only be taken once, only at 1st level.