Another monster choice I wouldn't mind being is the huge Neptune. Like anyone in the real world would escape that thing easily. [In a water-esque environment, obviously]
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If You Could Live In The RE World, Would You?
Back in the old days a post very similar to this came along. But it's title was something along the lines of Would you be a a Hero or a Villian in the Resident Evil world?
Pretty much having everyone choose if they would want to be a good guy or bad (there wasn't no naming characters to be, such as Weasker). And everyone started picking sides until one guy (for the life of me I cain't remember his name) simply stated the ever so famous quote "GOOD, BAD, I'm the one with the GUN".
Anyways. I agree with DarkMoon. I'd rather be me. Though I don't have a wife and kids (No kids that I know of that is), I do still have a life to live, and will go on until the bitter end.
Id say id have to be a crow, hanging with my crow buddies, talking about crow stuff and doing crow stuff, then be like hey, " i will bet you $5 that I can peck this guys eye out" and so we would bet on silly stuff like that. Then I would bet that I can scare the shit out of some one by busting through the glass randomly when someone is walking through. After that we would all have a great crow laugh about it...then i would do what crows do best, be a scavenger and steal shinney shit.Last edited by Stars_g36; 09-04-2008, 12:06 AM.
I would like to be a nuce and poot an end to your miseryNo, actually I would like to be as far as possible from the outbreak. In a real life the chance to survive re events only 7.5 percents
"Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley
I'd probably be Nemesis or good Ol' Mr X. The thing is if I was still myself but had the body of the villian I don't think I'd be evil, though I'd have other reasons for stalking Jill though I'd probably end up having too much fun using the nemesis's super powers to slaughter zombies to do anything else.