I've been collecting RE trailers to make a compilation dvd and while sorting through some old promo disks, I came across this one. I had completely forgotten that I owned it and watching it again I noticed some THINGS!
This is some of the earliest footage of RE-Outbreak but it's just called Resident Evil Online.
RE-Online Trailer: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ycnz9tdibbz
(3.40mins, 53mb)
I've completed all the scenarios on both Outbreak games a few times but there's some scenes shown here that I don't recall, including what looks to be an in game battle with William G-2! Other things: 'A Day in Raccoon' building, the hospital entrance from RE3, area with gate and dogs, the street scene with scissor worms, the hole in the roof and the area near the end of the trailer showing Kevin crawling on the ground. I may have just forgotten a few of these as it's been a while since I played it but I'm quite certain that some of these scenes were dropped and never released.
I welcome any Outbreak fanatics to correct me or maybe spot other things.
It's got me thinking just WHAT ELSE was created but never made it into either game?
Just for fun, here's the US release trailer: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zwnnxjsxxg2
(3.06mins, 45mb)
No 'lost levels' here but it's a pretty cool trailer and worth downloading.
Some stills from the RE-Online trailer below:
This is some of the earliest footage of RE-Outbreak but it's just called Resident Evil Online.
RE-Online Trailer: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ycnz9tdibbz
(3.40mins, 53mb)
I've completed all the scenarios on both Outbreak games a few times but there's some scenes shown here that I don't recall, including what looks to be an in game battle with William G-2! Other things: 'A Day in Raccoon' building, the hospital entrance from RE3, area with gate and dogs, the street scene with scissor worms, the hole in the roof and the area near the end of the trailer showing Kevin crawling on the ground. I may have just forgotten a few of these as it's been a while since I played it but I'm quite certain that some of these scenes were dropped and never released.
I welcome any Outbreak fanatics to correct me or maybe spot other things.
It's got me thinking just WHAT ELSE was created but never made it into either game?
Just for fun, here's the US release trailer: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zwnnxjsxxg2
(3.06mins, 45mb)
No 'lost levels' here but it's a pretty cool trailer and worth downloading.
Some stills from the RE-Online trailer below: