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Jill Valentine's Death - Possible Theories

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  • Jill Valentine's Death - Possible Theories

    It doesn't even make sense to kill off a major character like her without any real explanation. They should have killed a minor character instead, probably Rebecca or Billy. I still hope she's not dead. She's my favourite character in the series. It would be so terrible to loose her. Why couldn't they have killed of Leon instead? Nobody cares about him anyway. But at the same time i don't want her to be the birdwoman, she seems to have superpowers and that would mean that she's been experimented by Wesker. I hope there are many birdwoman and one is Jill but she's just pretending to be one of them...

    I don't see the point in Capcom just pretending that she's dead, i'm fearing the worst, there's something more about this.

    I just hope the tombstone was only to pique our attention.

    I think you dont put something like that at the end of a trailer without some BIG twist. There's something more, I just know. If they killed her off, then they took away all the good things from RE, the horror, zombies, and now Jill.

    Jill can't be the birdwoman nor the tube one but that doesn't mean Wesker couldn't have been addressing Jill. Another line says, "And now that your partner has arrived, I'll leave you two to catch up" could imply Chris and Jill rather than Chris and Sheva. "Catching up" is not really something new teammates do. I don't know, it's plain confusing...

    Sorry for making a new thread but this is traumatic for me xD.

  • #2
    "Jill Valentine's Death - Possible Theories "

    Hmm, I wonder who made this topic?

    "Jill Lover"

    Ahh makes sense.



    • #3
      The only people that will really think she's dead are clueless, or straight up drama queens, or in extreme cases, both!

      Of course she's not dead.
      Last edited by Stu; 10-09-2008, 02:07 PM.


      • #4
        Capcom can't kill Megaman, I hope the same Stu, I know it wouldn't make any sense, I just hope she's pretending to be one of the bird woman (assuming that there is another one). But I would not tolerate Jill being controlled or brainwashed... she's a heroine...


        • #5
          haha, she's Weskers bitch!

          Let's take it back even girl perhaps? I know it's unlikely and some of the clues don't fit...but hey, there's a better chance of it being Jill than Sherry right now!
          Last edited by Stu; 10-09-2008, 02:14 PM.


          • #6
            Jill isn't blonde to be that girl in the tube, it could be a clone though but hardly possible. And that would ruin the character...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
              Jill isn't blonde to be that girl in the tube, it could be a clone though but hardly possible. And that would ruin the character...
              I was thinking something along those lines...about Jill being the woman in the tube. I doubt they'd use a clone...that's too much of a stretch.
              Are you tired, Rebecca?


              • #8
                Yeah me too, but she would be ala Alice and that would be a big big let down, she's not suppose to be the bad guy from the game like Wesker or Ada, those who are mysterious.
                They can simply pretend that she is dead but i think capcom is planning something further and i'm fearing about something related to that tube or powerful powers. The idea of using Jill against Chris would be ridiculous.


                • #9
                  "But now that your partner has arrived...I'll leave you two, to catch up."

                  My theories:

                  Jill's tombstone is a red herring. Her "death" will be shown via flashback (2006). Wesker -vs- Chris and Jill. It looks like Wesker kills Jill, leading Chris over the edge. Wesker escapes, no body is found (standard Hollywood fare). After the funeral, Chris lets himself go, becoming the scruffy hooligan that no longer resembles the clean-cut good ol' boy of yore. He turns to pure unbridled hatred, hitting the free weights, and amping up his lone goal of Albert Wesker, R.I.P. (rest in pieces).

                  Wesker has taken Jill, and subjected her to some sort of experiments. She is now his brainwashed henchwoman hidden behind the mask, leather outfit, and cloak. Why else have a conveniently placed character aptly titled "Mystery Woman?"

                  The line up top - Wesker says during a showdown with Chris near the end. Mystery Woman, who has tangled with Chris all game, shows up and removes her mask. Chris is justifiably freaked out, and has to "catch up" with Jill via combat. Wesker continues his plan (whatever it is) while Jill tries to kill Chris, essentially mindfucking them both. Chris declares his love/friendship to Jill (or just Falcon punches her back to her senses) and she collapses. Chris then heads into the castle hall where Wesker has just killed Spencer, as seen in the end of the second TGS trailer. Chris then takes on Wesker in the final showdown (where Wesker drags Chris across the table top). Chris is wearing a different shirt and tactical vest, so it must be his "upgrade" near the end of the game.

                  Sheva is...dead, injured, caring for the collapsed Jill, or just elsewhere?

                  Other theories:

                  Small, frail girl in the red dress is Sherry. She has been Wesker's hostage (and perhaps Wesker extracted some "G" from her, and used it to inject into himself, furthering his powers?). Anyway, she is just wandering around the shanty town when Chris comes across her. Is she an amnesiac? Maybe she is recaptured and needs to be rescued again later?

                  The blonde in the tube is an Alexia clone. The developers said pay close attention to RECV. Somehow, Wesker has managed to clone and grow Alexia. Think about it...the bat/insect hybrid boss creature. The insect like infection of the villagers. The means to control all the infected. A "Queen" could do that.

                  Spencer has returned to his first "kingdom." Excella, whose family used to be close to Spencer, has since taken him in as a refugee from the world. Excella, who thirsts for power, plays both Wesker and Spencer to her advantage. Eventually, she realizes that Wesker will seemingly triumph, so she starts to hit on him.

                  The "Fireworks Guy" - some small time arms dealer? Excella's cousin from the bronx? Either way, this (poorly voiced) flapjack is in cahoots with TriCell and is protected by the Mystery Woman.

                  EDIT: I like so far that the ridiculous ninja/Matrix moves are reserved for superhuman characters like Wesker or the Mystery Woman. Wesker's "teleporting" is more believable to me than seeing Ada Wong flip, fly, and spin through the air via Grappling Gun like Spider-Man. Or Leon' run up the wall and do a back flip over the mobile lasers.
                  Last edited by Jill's Boob; 10-09-2008, 02:28 PM.


                  • #10
                    Let's face it....Chris's two greatest weaknesses are his sister and Jill. Killing or turning her against him in some way would certainly break Chris down on a very emotional level. I just hope that, even if they do really kill her off, it is done so with a very, very meticulously written story. They can't just say "Oh well...she got killed. Here's her tombstone." Like I said...just when I found my faith almost completely restored in 5 with the first trailer of the night, the second one puts me on shakey ground again even after seeing more of the battles between Chris and Wesker.

                    edit- @ Jill's Boob.
                    Wow....I always love your thoughts! Though...I think when Wesker is talking about Chris's partner, he means Sheva. The whole 'catch up' thing seems to relate to Sheva possibly being left behind as they are escaping that area.

                    Doesn't partain to Jill...but in the first trailer you hear the Firework's Guy talking...and when he is about finished, he sounds like he's in great pain. (Where he mentions the world is changing and they *Chris and Sheva* can't keep up or something)
                    Last edited by Bertha; 10-09-2008, 02:31 PM.
                    Are you tired, Rebecca?


                    • #11
                      I hope your theory about Jill being evil isn't true.. Boob. It would be great if she faked her death and now is pretending to be a birdwoman. Somehow she's been seen with the merchant guy, she can't be evil, that's not Jill. And that would make her character die instead of keep alive. I know we can't get the answer til the game is out but this left everyone confused, capcom's gone mad really...


                      • #12
                        @Mist - I think the trailer is edited that way to make you think Wesker's line is directed toward Chris and Sheva in the aircraft hangar. Maybe it is. But I will stick with my theory. I've stood by my assessment since mid-summer that the Mystery Woman was Jill (based on lips & jaw outline). I also said that Alexia was the blonde in the tube back then as well. If I am right, hooray. If I am wrong (most likely), well...I tried?

                        I think the hangar bay is possibly the first fight between Chris & Sheva -vs- Wesker. Wesker beats them down, steals Sheva's gun, fires off her rounds to make her no threat, then walks up to Chris and pulls out his own gun to place it at his head. Wesker, being the fan of "cat and mouse" that he is, then taunts Chris before hopping onto whatever giant thing is taking off. Chris and Sheva run to catch up to it. Well, Chris makes it...Sheva looks VERY far behind.

                        @Jill Lover - I no longer think that Jill could have faked her death and infiltrated TriCell as a henchwoman. Her uncaring as she watches the one man become infected is not a quality Jill possesses. Also, Wesker is smart, and he'd be able to smell out a rat. Plus, the way Mystery Woman opens a can of "whoop ass" on Chris & Sheva shows that she is no longer a normal human.

                        I'm kind of bummed that Jill may be a brainwashed henchwoman, but at least she'll be in the game and we can see that she isn't dead.


                        • #13
                          I don't think Wesker steals their guns...he's already wearing a holster. You can actually see him reaching inside his coat at one point when he's teleporting towards Chris and holds it to his head. Also...Chris was firing his gun at the same time. The whole teleporting thing....*shrugs* That's....kinda....I dunno...shitty.
                          Are you tired, Rebecca?


                          • #14
                            No I'm saying that Wesker was emptying Sheva's pistol, then tosses that one away, and then draws his own.

                            As for the "teleporting" thing...I, too, find it a bit ridiculous, but they've got to keep showing Wesker's power growing, I guess. At least he hasn't transformed from his human "form."

                            And since his quest is to become a "God," I think that maybe he's mixing progenitor, las plagas, G, etc...and injecting himself...maybe?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                              @Jill Lover - I no longer think that Jill could have faked her death and infiltrated TriCell as a henchwoman. Her uncaring as she watches the one man become infected is not a quality Jill possesses. Also, Wesker is smart, and he'd be able to smell out a rat. Plus, the way Mystery Woman opens a can of "whoop ass" on Chris & Sheva shows that she is no longer a normal human.

                              I'm kind of bummed that Jill may be a brainwashed henchwoman, but at least she'll be in the game and we can see that she isn't dead.
                              She would never get back into normal then, she would make those ridiculous backflips and movements ala Alice, that fact drives me mad. She wouldn't be the same character. Where's Jill's sense of justice? Where is it?

                              I can't wait 'til March. I need to know...

