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Help with plot error

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  • #16
    You forget though three things PO:

    - Marcus basically worked alone with little interest in what others were doing and vice versa.

    - Zero retconned a lot of stuff previously mentioned with no regard.

    - Wesker's first entry in WR2 is in 1978. Wesker and Birkin were together at the time Marcus was killed which isn't made clear by WR2 (they only just met) and both don't look _that_ young in those flashbacks.

    Point of these are:

    - Birkin's later work could easily be produced between 1988 and 1998 and it doesn't matter when others were doing their own work. Alexia doesn't mention a worry about Marcus clearly.... but it seemed like the training facility was left solely to it's own use and only a few people really kept an eye on Marcus' actions at all. Birkin was given T-Virus access and it's made clear by various sources he only begins working on other virus' post 1988, leading to the G-Virus and Wesker's superhuman-ness. IIRC WR2 also throws in the parasite stuff from the Remake/Nemesis to make things even more complicated... it was like Birkin was looking into several things all at once.

    - ...because Zero was a lot of retcon. LOL

    - Check the WR2 reports. Given the placement Wesker and Birkin were at by the late 70's it's unlikely they would have been given/decided that mission to get rid of Marcus. By the time 1988 comes around Wesker's hatching plans of taking stuff like the Nemesis project away from others and thus I could easily believe by then an assassination mission is on the cards.

    There is a lot of inconsistency around it, but easily understandable. I think Capcom changed the date because of WR2 to make both the facility not be abandoned (basically) for 20 year and to kinda match in to what they said Wesker and Birkin were doing at the time according to previous info (because they both count towards Zero's actual plot). What you have said makes a lot of sense towards actual timeline consistency but that's more or less gone out the window since Code Veronica released.
    Last edited by Rombie; 10-21-2008, 02:07 AM.


    • #17
      Well even though its not dated you can work it out from other documents what the T-Virus was created in September 1977. Alexander's memo is a mistake. It is written before the T-Virus is created and should read 'there is great competition in the field of progenitor virus research' in order for it to make sense.
      So it wasn't the T-Virus that was released to facilities across the world, it was the progenitor. Remember, Alexander and Edward were working on progenitor when he died, not the T-Virus because it hadn't been discovered yet.
      Its also hinted that Marcus keeps the virus a secret initally from everyone else, planning on using it to move against Spencer and seize power. Its only when Marcus discovers evidence that someone is snooping round his work and that people are beginning to belive he is using trainees as guinea pigs does he decide to officially announce it and save his skin but he never does. Yet, merely weeks later, Birkin and Wesker were placed in charge of the virus at Arklay, and it becomes known that Birkin is the creator of the virus???

      Also, Birkin and Wesker hadn't only just met. They were together at the training facility for at least a year previously and were the only 'decent' trainees that 'may have a future'. They were the only students Marcus trusted and so it makes sense that they were the ones to kill him.
      "I've got 100 cows."
      "Well I've got 104 friends."


      • #18
        There really isn't any other conclusion to be made. He died in 1988, 1978 was a mistranslation. Every japanese timeline and game says 1988, the PAL version of RE0 says 1988, and the retranslation of the file in UC points to 1988. You can argue it until you turn blue, and yeah it probably would make more sense, but that won't change the fact that it isn't true. Sorry.

        If you want more evidence, we have a 100+ page timeline to be published in the near future that you can tome over. Bastardo is working on citations right now so there should be no questions where the evidence comes from and we have all japanese translations of files thanks mostly to Colvin for point of accuracy. Up until recently a lot of files were mistranslated or blatantly rewritten, you would be surprised.
        Last edited by Krispy; 10-21-2008, 03:27 AM.


        • #19
          Interesting. I've always wanted to read an accurate translated RE timeline just to see the differences. Is that for this site and when will be be able to expect it would you say?
          "I've got 100 cows."
          "Well I've got 104 friends."


          • #20
            @Kris: Does El Bastardo's timeline dwelve into listing a timeframe for T-001 or T-002 development or does it go into the begining of the Nemesis Program any further than what was provided in the translation of the "Origin's of Nemesis Report"?
            Last edited by Project Omega; 10-21-2008, 12:22 PM.


            • #21
              @Krispy: Are you gonna integrate info from japanise resourses like books and guides along with the timeline? I'm very curious about the work you guys are working on.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
                @Kris: Does El Bastardo's timeline dwelve into listing a timeframe for T-001 or T-002 development or does it go into the begining of the Nemesis Program any further than what was provided in the translation of the "Origin's of Nemesis Report"?
                It goes into as much detail as we is available throughout all RE material (hopefully we can share it all when we launch). Points of conjecture also exist, Dot50 has seen the 50 page PDF Bastardo made on Dead Aim alone that was made, and anything that isn't official will be color coded so people know what is our educated guesses and/or opinions.

                @Krispy: Are you gonna integrate info from japanise resourses like books and guides along with the timeline? I'm very curious about the work you guys are working on.
                As much as aren't redundant with english material and that we can get our hands on/have time to translate. We really want to launch the site with the timeline so until then we can just give you tantalizing tid bits heh. We are going to be using the same timeline AJAXy interface demoed here hopefully with videos linked. Videos might need to be added later though. There is a long list of features to trudge through and so little time hah.

