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How or Why did you come to love the series?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by The_15th View Post
    One of my friends was playing Alone in the Dark in front of me and I immediately liked it. So when I saw this OBVIOUS CLONE called RE2, I was heads over heals in love. I then enjoyed RE3 even more. Finally, Outbreak, implementing multi player at long last and the best analog control scheme so far, spoiled me for any other game.

    I liked the first game a little less. I like remake alot more.
    I remember playing alone in the Dark 1 and 2 and getting pretty scared about it.

    I have met with the series when I was reading about how great the game is from Computer and Videogames (CVG) magazine. At that time the shops were selling Resident Evil 2 like crazy (I was doing my Masters in UK). Despte being a fan of gaming since I was 10 I haven't thought of buying a PS1 to play the game.

    All that has changed when I found out that first Resident Evil was available to PC. I knew that it was great and I fell in love with it right after the zombie chewing the STARS member turned around to attack me.

    The first thing I did next is to buy Resident Evil 2 even before I got my PS1...

    3 consoles bought just to play Resident Evil (PS1,Dreamcast and GameCube), a wife and a son later I am still a big fan waiting for Resident Evil 5.
    Last edited by Sevket; 10-21-2008, 09:38 AM.
    Sevket's Game Collection
    PSN Gamercards


    • #17
      "Wow. What a Mansion."
      "Blood. Hope it's not Chris's blood"
      "Watch out it's a monster"
      "Help me Barry! Quickly!"
      "Jill Sandwich"
      "What about you Barry?"
      "I have THIS!"

      yea... that sums up about everything that made me start to love resident evil

      Well it doesn't stop in the sequels so.... here some examples...

      "Ada! Wait"
      "What haaaappppend?"
      "I told you it's my job to look after you."
      "Game Over!"

      "We have to get out of this town"
      "All the foxy ladies love my accent."
      "You want STARS I'll give you some!"

      "ahahahahaahahahahhahah..." - alfred ashford
      *does not remember cv quotes well*

      *insert cheesy one liners from RE4 here*

      I think I was watching my brother play the first game about 11 years ago... I was 9 then...
      Last edited by Scott Green; 10-21-2008, 09:45 AM.


      • #18
        First time playing was RE2 when I was around 8 years old– my parents were pretty lenient until they actually found out that it scared the crap out of me. Anyway, I remember getting maybe as far as the first licker and not wanting to continue on either due to fear or suckiness (probably a bit from both columns). In any case, I gave the controller to my older brother because he was just as interested and he was probably more capable. The first moment that got to me was the crow hallway. When they crashed through the window I immediately went into a fetal position on a pillow


        • #19
          My first RE encounter was playing RE2 back in 1998 when it was released, as a 12/13 year old. Like GuardhouseMusic, i was pretty damn scared of it and ended up siphoning off the controls to my older brother, who completed it as i watched vigorously. I became attached to the characters and thought the story was outstanding (I was an impressionable 12 year old, i didn't even notice how bad the voice acting was!) and since then i've bought every new game upon release...


          • #20
            Sound clips taken from the first Resident Evil game.



            • #21
              My brother used to play RE2 when he was 14, at the time I was 4, so of course, naturally, I had a go, and died at the RPD area all the time.
              My gaming started at 3, and my horror gaming at 8 when I played...Outbreak or RE4, I cant remember.

              I even played Silent Hill when I was 6, but only the end of the begining (Harry waking up in restaurant).
              Though, I always do remember watching my brothers play RE1,2,3 and SH1 to the very end, I can just remember it now, such good memories.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sevket View Post
                I remember playing alone in the Dark 1 and 2 and getting pretty scared about it.
                I didn't think it was scary, but it harkened back to YET another favorite of mine. "Chose your Own Adventure" horror novels. ;)


                • #23
                  I remember first seeing RE2 when it was new, we played it at my cousin's house and we were so young. But we loved the game, and got into going back and buying 1, playing the games over and over together and screaming together as well as cracking jokes left and right. We were huge 2 dorks, and my 14 year old self was crushin' on Leon. And hell, Chris when we went back to play 1. It always stuck with me, so when new games came out, I went HELL YES. I fell out of things a little after 0's release, but tumbled right back in when UC was announced.


                  • #24
                    Got Resident Evil 2 when it first came out in 1998. Before hand I had never played the series. I can remember mocking a friend of mine, who claimed the games scared him. (He named the part where the dog dives through the window in Resident Evil 1 as being the scariest) I couldn't understand how a video game ( of all things) could be scary. That was until I played Resident Evil 2. I ate my words. I been hooked on them ever since. Though I must admite that I have no intress in any of the Nintendo verisons. That includes and Wii. I'll stick to the Playstations. And now that the series is moving to XBOX360, all the better to me.


                    • #25
                      My firend introduced it to me when he brought RE3 to school.We both had an obsession with Nemmy.His teacher also let him play it on the school computer,which was also awesome.Then he told me RE4 was coming out soon,I watched him play it,then I got a PS2 and it was the first game I got then RE3,UC,survivor and both Outbreaks.I'll probably try to find RE2,CV and 0 and REMake with a GC controller around Chinese New Year.
                      Last edited by Blacktail; 01-19-2011, 12:51 PM.


                      • #26
                        I remember my brother's freind brought Resident evil 1 over to our house I was 6 or 7 and I remember whach the first 10 mins and I ran out the room screaming and when I got over that I play it my self and I found it to bee fun and scery at the same time but Re2 was when I got into the whole resident evil and I just love the game.


                        • #27
                          My friend showed me RE2 when I was visiting him. It was on september 11th 2001 actually... Anyway I really liked the plot and gameplay. Since than I'am a fan.
                          "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


                          • #28
                            i played RE 4 and thought it was pretty good so i played RE Remake and was hooked by the whole thing especially the storyline


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Chris_Redfield8 View Post
                              i played RE 4 and thought it was pretty good so i played RE Remake and was hooked by the whole thing especially the storyline
                              Me too, though I played zero after 4 and so on (in this order: remake, 2, 3, CV, Outrbreack and file 2, dead aime and thats mostly all, I have survivor one and two, but I never really played them)


                              • #30
                                When I was ten years old, my friend's older brother bought resident evil the day it came out and he warned that it was "really scary". He then left me alone to play the game and I was sucked into the storyline as soon as the intro movie started. I don't know what made the first game so special for me, I think it was the mansion, and that you're looking for your friends that are strewn throughout the place. The save rooms were something I had never seen before, and I loved the soothing songs that made my heart rate slow down a bit, as they still do. The creepy music, the dogs through the windows, the zombie eating kenneth, checking for the blood puddles to make sure their dead...that stuff stays with you for life.
                                I still remember when I first started playing I kept getting killed(long before I learned the rule of conserving ammo)I actually thought the game would end when you escape the mansion. WRONG lol
                                Last edited by REmaster; 10-24-2008, 11:45 PM.
                                "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                                Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls

