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Resident Evil 5 = Resident Evil 4 (Arguing in here! - Keep it civil)

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  • #61
    Let's face it. As much as you hate to say it, He has a point, you know. No matter what you think, we should respect his thoughts, I don't like that easy answer of "Go and play SH" like if it was insulting. He's just explaining why he dislike RE series now and I think... I share some concepts from his text, because it is true that Capcom screwed up the whole storyline, and added other than ridiculous plot twists, like Sergei and stuff. The more they explained the more confused the story was. I really hate REUC, everything was so lame, I did like the gameplay, though but as BioEX said above, if you want to know more about the older games, go ahead and play them. I reckon there's not need to get REUC seriously, because it's a big let down to consider it as canon...


    • #62
      Originally posted by adamthegrave View Post
      ive been reading your stuff

      all i got to say is , if you dont like Resident Evil -games just dont play them no more just go to gamestop trade them all and be happy just go play Silent lame
      game and see thats any good then
      I completely agree, all he has been saying is that he no longer likes the RE series and how the whole series is complete garbage because of RE4. I dont know how one game can ruin a whole series thats been here since 96, thats like saying since the movie Spider-Man 3 sucked, then the first 2 suck as well.
      And as for UC, it wasnt even an actual sequel, it was basically a love letter to fans of the series, you didnt have to like it or buy it. Seriously, Biohazard EX, if you no longer like the series and want nothing to do with it or RE5, thats fine, but you dont have to post on a RE site how much you hate Resident Evil now. Most people on here are looking foward to RE5, and still very much like the whole series. And yes, there are others here who absolutely hated RE4 and dont like what they are seeing with RE5, but they still very much appreciate the other games of the series and wont let one game ruin it for them. Whats the point of it?
      Last edited by CODE_umb87; 11-01-2008, 04:34 PM.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Biohazard EX View Post
        Capcom should've done what Eidos did with Tomb Raider, started the Resident Evil canon from scratch, with RE4. Instead of placing it into the same universe with RE1, 2, 3 etc.
        You say take it for what it is... Another Resident Evil title, but I think everyone who's ever played the classics, and got to know the series through the classics, picked up RE4, and whether they liked it or not, they said, "This doesn't feel like a Resident Evil title." So it's really not another Resident Evil title to me.
        With RE0, yes, you can say, "Take it for what it is, another Resident Evil title."
        I'm not saying RE4 is a bad game, or RE5 is a bad game. But if you want to go that way about it, then I think a better way of putting it would be, "Take it for what it is, another exciting Action game." Which I'm sure it will be.
        Storyline just means too much to me, so I can't turn a blind eye to it.

        I'm not trying to convert people, or get them to think the way I think. I just wish people understood where I'm coming from. There's quite a lot of people out there who disliked RE4, and will be disappointed with RE5. I simply took the big boy step and actually said, "I'm simply going to ignore it."
        Resident Evil will never be like it was with the classics. And that's heart breaking to me. I would kill for a new horror game, which has zombies, static camera angles and tank controls.
        I do understand where your coming from, and your arguments are just as valid as any other. I too am a bit bummed at the way the series has turned, but I'm still going to have fun with it.

        From what I've seen and heard thus far, RE5 seems to have a ten-fold better storyline than RE4. It looks engaging and packed with twists and turns, which intrigues and excites me.

        I just hope you give RE5 a chance instead of shunning in completely?


        • #64
          Why do some members keep saying that Capcom already ruined the storyline? There hasnt been any new games regarding the original storyline yet. Seperate ways was the closet thing to a sequel to CVX, and it was pretty damn good. It seems that some of those who hates 4, now thinks that the rest of the series will be doomed. I have all the faith in the world in Capcom!


          • #65
            Im really hoping that the storyline is solid and they don't make it more complicated than it already is. As far as the game play being like Re 4 well I kinda expected that and this is the direction capcom is going even though it is not what I came to love about the series.


            • #66
              Originally posted by vogue_dirge View Post
              I do understand where your coming from, and your arguments are just as valid as any other.

              From what I've seen and heard thus far, RE5 seems to have a ten-fold better storyline than RE4. It looks engaging and packed with twists and turns, which intrigues and excites me.

              I just hope you give RE5 a chance instead of shunning in completely?
              We're on the exact same page.


              • #67
                I have no doubts that RE5 will be a good addition to the mythos of the series.

                But I'm more worried about it's qualities as a game. The AI leaves alot to be desired right now, and I am pissed off at the idea of having Sheva with you 90% of the game. I despise any game that throws you in with some shitty AI controlled character. It is tedious and annoying. RE5 sounds like this, only even worse.

                Which is kinda ironic. It's the complete opposite of RE4, where I liked (aside from a few grievances) the gameplay and utterly hated the copy-paste storyline. Hah.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #68
                  Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
                  I am pissed off at the idea of having Sheva with you 90% of the game. I despise any game that throws you in with some shitty AI controlled character.
                  Oh yeah, this is a big worry of mine. The last thing I want to happen is be consumed by 15 Majini, be low on ammo and hear Sheva screaming for help. I'll take care of my own situation, and then turn and go to help Sheva only to hear her scream once more, die in an explosion of blood, and then see "GAME OVER" come onto my screen. I will be furious.

                  That's why, the first time I play will mostly be online with a good friend of mine. I trust in his gaming ability, so I'll trust Sheva when he plays as her. The only thing that could enhance my confidence would be voice chat support...that would be sooo clutch.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by adamthegrave View Post
                    ive been reading your stuff

                    all i got to say is , if you dont like Resident Evil -games just dont play them no more just go to gamestop trade them all and be happy just go play Silent lame
                    game and see thats any good then
                    Well, no offense to anybody here. But even before RE4 came out and I lost my faith in Resident Evil, I still acknowledged the fact that Silent Hill is a scarier game than Resident Evil could ever have hoped of being. And as of right now, as far as I'm concerned, it's also got a ten times better storyline. Just because you call it "Silent Lame", which is VERY creative[/sarcasm], doesn't take anything away from the fact that despite what some asshole critics on IGN might say, Silent Hill is still awesome, and right now, my favorite Survival Horror franchise.

                    Oh, and it really doesn't seem like you've been reading what I've been saying, just skimming through it. Let me clear it up... RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles almost ruined the entire franchise for me. I happily got rid of them to preserve my love for the classic games. Which I DO still play and love.


                    • #70
                      Im just curious as to how you lost faith in RE before RE4 even came out? And I hope your not serious when you say the Silent Hill series is better than the Resident Evil series, Silent Hill has never and probibly wont get as much recognition as the Resident Evil series has gotten. Just because ONE game(RE4) out of the entire series has a bit of an edgy story doesnt mean the whole series is unfaithful. They are making it up with 5. I dont ever recall any Silent Hill game winning "Game of the Year" anyway. You also said that playing UC has made you hate the REmake, which doesnt make any sense knowing that UC was just a thank you note to the devoted fans, nothing more. It has nothing to do with the REmake. And you probibly just might wanna stick to Slient Hill because it doesnt look like RE is going back to the annoying camera angles and slow-moving zombies. That is one of the reasons why Silent Hill is not as popular as RE, its never changed. Sure, SH is more faithful to the series, but if RE had stayed the same, it would have been in the same place as SH is in now. Horror games are not as popular now days as they were in the 90's. People now expect action and adventure, and RE wants to be recognized, not kept in the shadows. Its just as simple as that.
                      Last edited by CODE_umb87; 11-01-2008, 11:12 PM.


                      • #71
                        And that's what's important these days, right? What's popular with the mainstream.
                        That's like saying that Britney Spears is a better singer than Natasha Bettingfield just because she sold more records.
                        There's a difference between what Capcom was tries to do, and what ends up happening. Maybe Umbrella Chronicles was INTENDED as a tribute to the devoted fans, but I honestly felt like I got slapped in the face. I did.

                        And the fact that Horror games are not as popular now as they were at the turn of the century is a sad, sad thing.
                        Silent Hill might not be as popular, but it was always scarier than RE. And as of right now, Resident Evil is an action game, not horror. But action games are a dime a dozen, and if I wanted to play an action game, I'd play something that doesn't bastardize what used to be my favorite horror game.

                        Sure RE gets all this recognition now. But you know what else gets recognition? Halo gets recognition. GTA gets recognition. They're not that great of games. And they're very overrated. Just like RE has become.


                        • #72
                          I consider Resident Evil to be a new Genre, "Action Horror".

                          And yeah Biohazard you are right about Just becasue RE4 won tons of awards doesnt make it the best game ever.
                          But I know it deserved every single award it recieved!


                          • #73
                            Exactly! Action-Horror!
                            I don't count the awards, it's a good video game, no doubt. But still overrated. I mean, on the back of the package it quoted someone, (can't remember who) "Destined to be the greatest Survival Horror title ever." Come on, that's really pushing it.


                            • #74
                              nah...I dont think it was over rated at all.
                              Resident Evil CVX & Resident Evil 4 were the best games I've ever played.

                              Also for years I felt that many gamers and the industry were sleeping on this great series. It is a shame that Capcom had to completely destroy the gameplay for the series to recieve it's well deserved recognition.
                              Last edited by beasley23803; 11-02-2008, 12:53 AM.


                              • #75
                                Resident Evil is not overrated. Maybe RE4 was, but the Resident Evil series itself is not overrated, even now it isnt. As for GTA and Halo, games like those are not overrated, they're entertaining and most gamers like to play those kind of games believe it or not.
                                RE4 did get alot of attention, im not sure if it was intended, but it became one of the greatest games of all time according to some people. Resident Evil is more popular than Silent Hill, which is true. More people like Resident Evil than they do Silent Hill, because Resident Evil started to change, while Silent Hill stayed the same. RE's change got attention from gamers that never even played RE or any other survival horror games. That is why its more popular and that was a smart move for Capcom because now there are so many new fans of the series. Its gotten to the point now were I am just a fan of the series no matter what. I now care more about the many RE characters and their stories than I do about the absence of horror and survival. Thats my main point, once you really like the series, you just dont care if they replace the zombies with ganados, or if the game takes place during the day. If your a devoted fan to the series, you just dont say screw it just because one game was not what you expected.
                                Last edited by CODE_umb87; 11-02-2008, 12:54 AM.

