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  • Leak?

    Will RE5 be leaked? It's happened with nearly every game, including GTAIV and Fallout 3 360 versions.

    I reckon that it will be leaked.


  • #2
    Probably not.


    • #3
      Doesnt trouble happen with EVERYONE that leaks a game?
      Besides, whats the point? Really?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
        that really doesn't matter, leaked malaysian copies of gears of war 2 can already be found, atleast in my local flee market.


        • #5
          Well, yeah, after it was leaked by some guy in the USA . The point is, the source for all those leaks (presumably that jackass) was caught, and now faces time in federal pound me in the ass prison. So its obviously going to deter anyone from trying this in the future.


          • #6
            It may. But since piracy is not a good idea it doesn't matter to me.


            • #7
              I hope it deters people, but i wud always buy the proper version.

              its the same with music albums. I find that I need to have the CD in my possesion, the booklets and artwork are all that goes into you spending the money. Dowloading even legally seems that you're only gettin half the package.

              I like 2 have it all wen i buy a CD/

              same with computer games.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Neptune View Post
                I hope it deters people, but i wud always buy the proper version.

                its the same with music albums. I find that I need to have the CD in my possesion, the booklets and artwork are all that goes into you spending the money. Dowloading even legally seems that you're only gettin half the package.

                I like 2 have it all wen i buy a CD.
                I don't necessarily.


                • #9
                  Xbox 360 games are always at risk for piracy. This is one thing the PS3 does better than Xbox.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                    Well, yeah, after it was leaked by some guy in the USA . The point is, the source for all those leaks (presumably that jackass) was caught, and now faces time in federal pound me in the ass prison. So its obviously going to deter anyone from trying this in the future.
                    Totally... no white-collar resort prison for that guy. But if he does go there then the trick is to kick someone's ass the first day or become someone's bitch. Then everything will be all right.

                    Back on actual topic, every major game for the 360 in the past month has broken street date, including stuff like Guitar Hero World Tour which benefits more from people actually buying the actual game to get the instruments.

                    I'm also not going to believe he would be the only source for leaks... the first version of Fallout 3 for example was a duplicate of a review copy IIRC. And so yeah, I expect the 360 version of RE5 to leak a few days early.
                    Last edited by Rombie; 10-30-2008, 11:53 AM.


                    • #11
                      It is 100% obvious that the game will leak at some point pre-release.


                      • #12
                        If by "leak" you guys mean someone who works at a GameStop somewhere will take it home from work when their store gets it a week or two before release, then yes, absolutely, it happens all the time with any game you can think of.


                        • #13
                          It probably with be leaked but whoever does it will be caught fast. I want to play the game bad thing these people that do this are crazy.


                          • #14
                            I don't support piracy except for old games that you can't buy anymore except for high-priced copies off eBay. Also, I will only download a CD that I'm definitely gonna buy.

                            For example, I downloaded the leaked copy of Shiny Toy Guns' Season Of Poison, but my pre-order is in place and paid off in full down at my local Sanity CD store. I love these guys (they're my favourite band), and I couldn't wait for the release.

                            So if you have or if you're gonna buy the game/CD/movie for sure, then I think it's okay to commit piracy.


                            • #15
                              I want this game so much that I would definitely buy a leaked copy!

