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  • #16
    I wouldn't. I love RE enough to wait and buy the game legally. I figure if the game is good enough to make me want it that badly then they deserve to be paid.


    • #17
      ^ I guess we all have our own way in which we love the series.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Stars1356 View Post
        It probably with be leaked but whoever does it will be caught fast. I want to play the game bad thing these people that do this are crazy.
        They won't be caught though. Nine times out of ten the people responsible are never caught.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
          They won't be caught though. Nine times out of ten the people responsible are never caught.
          I totally agree.


          • #20
            I would play the leaked version and then I would buy a legal copy when it's out....

            Bur first, I need a PS3 or 360.......


            • #21
              Originally posted by Neptune View Post
              its the same with music albums. I find that I need to have the CD in my possesion, the booklets and artwork are all that goes into you spending the money. Dowloading even legally seems that you're only gettin half the package.

              I like 2 have it all wen i buy a CD/
              That is true but it would in this case mean that you would have to buy over a 100 CDs, at the least. For a student like myself I would not be able to afford it, and I like music a lot.
              Freedom of Information.


              • #22
                iTunes offers cheap music for download....


                • #23
                  iTunes offers still expensive downloads for digital files that can only be downloaded once.

                  It's all very well people preaching "But i know i'm going to buy the full copy!1!" when they download something, but if they download and then it turns out they don't like it, the chances are they still won't buy it no matter what they tell people on the internet. That's the cold reality of the situation.


                  • #24
                    But when they know they're gonna like it, then they WILL buy it.


                    • #25
                      That's so far from the point it's not even funny. The fact is on the other hand, if they don't like it, they're not going to buy it, and the developer is out of pocket thanks to your piracy whereas they wouldn't be if you'd just gone out and bought it.

                      People will still download, say they're going to buy it, and then in a lot of cases they actually won't. Not to mention, people can "know" all they want about something but they can still be wrong, games, films, music etc can all still suck hard regardless of how hyped you might be.


                      • #26
                        Big Stu is correct. It's unfortunate but the truth of it is that people will always perform the piracy action no matter what they state. The hype they develop for a given product is not always enough to make them buy the product after they've actually tried it.

                        It's like when you have checked out a demo for something you were waiting for and it turns out you weren't satisfied at all. Would it mean that you would spend 50-60 $ buying the game anyway?

                        As for iTunes, that doesn't cut it out. You will still need 1000s of mp3s and in the long run it will be a lot of money. Thus people will not/never use it.
                        Freedom of Information.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Trent View Post
                          It's like when you have checked out a demo for something you were waiting for and it turns out you weren't satisfied at all. Would it mean that you would spend 50-60 $ buying the game anyway?

                          I don't know about you, but i'm speaking from experience. I've downloaded albums that i'd intended on buying, even by some of my favourite bands, and then i've been so disappointed that i've not picked it up. These are bands i've liked for years, bands i know on a personal level, and if i'm unlikely to take the plunge on something as cheap as a CD, it's more than likely i wouldn't shell out for a game i'd been disappointed with.
                          Last edited by Stu; 11-01-2008, 05:49 AM.


                          • #28
                            I dout Re5 will be lecked I mean Capcom all ways keep a tight grip on most of there game but there always a small change it might get lecked but it most likely woint happen.


                            • #29
                              Damn. When I saw the title, I thought it was news about a RE1.5 leak.
                              As for this whole RE5 piracy thing: buy the game if you're looking forward to it, it's as simple as that

                              If you choose to illegally download something, fine (or not), but don't try to justify it by saying you're broke, need the money for other/more important things, it's overpriced, you can't wait any longer, entertainment should be free (yes, I actually heard someone say that), etc.
                              You always have a choice, nobody forced you to take it up as a hobby.
                              Last edited by abbatoo; 11-02-2008, 02:53 PM.


                              • #30
                                haha all very true as well!

