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Best Old School RE Game

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  • #16
    See, this is why I consider the late 1990's to be the golden era of video games, and personally think that time released the absolute best video games ever made.

    You can beef up the graphics and control innovations however much you like, but I have yet to see a game that has the charm and lovability of any of the titles listed above.


    • #17
      Survivor lol nah im kidding.

      Original for me, every moment in the game is classic in my opinion, the only game i was actually too scared to play back in the day. The guardhouse atmosphere was too much lol
      The RE3, i was never into RE2 as much as most fans, dont know why.
      bit like Peter Griffin says in Family Guy: "The Godfather - I did not care for that film"


      • #18
        @Biohazard EX: Games lack substance nowadays, IMO. That's why I don't play any series other than RE anymore. (Though I did pick up "Okami.") You are definitely right about the charm aspect. Back then, everything was especially revolutionary - games like Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, RE1, MGS, Tenchu. Graphics had taken a huge leap, 3-D worlds were ripe for was an amazing time. Honestly, I can remember playing a Japanese import of Mario 64 at the local gamestore, and thinking it was the most amazing thing I had ever experienced in a video game.

        Nowadays, everyone expects graphics to be superb, and there really isn't any "wow" factor left...they've now resorted to gimmicks like controllers or achievements.

        I'll stick to my old NES, SNES, & Genesis favorites to play whenever I have the occasional downtime.

        Back on Topic: RE1 is hands down the best in the series. RE2 is very close, but it was too short of a game and the characters aren't as endearing as those lovable goofs from part 1.
        Last edited by Jill's Boob; 10-31-2008, 12:41 PM.


        • #19
          My favourite RE *-*


          • #20
            I voted for RE3. I really like that game, and I'm actually playing it on the Gamecube.
            Like someone said above it has the best replay value, extras, and with Jill as the lead there's no wonder about it. Has great voice acting, variety of enemies. I think it was far better than CV. Overall is a great game. Can't stop playing it.


            • #21
              RE2 for me. As much as I like 1, 3 and CV, 2 reigns supreme over them. 3 has good gameplay and replayability, CV has an interesting story but 2 all the way for me.


              • #22
                Defintely RE: CVX. It united two of some of the best characters from the series & some of the series best games, 1 & 2. And it had awesome villains, Wesker & Alexia, not to mention how everyone in the game were mutual enemies.
                "Chris vs. Wesker vs. Alexia vs. Steve vs. Claire"
                The music and everything was just great! It was a little boring in the beggining though.
                IMO CVX has the best Plot and Story of any of them!
                Last edited by beasley23803; 10-31-2008, 12:57 PM.


                • #23
                  RE2 is my favorite, this game dragged me in the video-game word.
                  "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


                  • #24
                    The original resident evil is without a doubt my favorite resident evil game, and also my favorite game of all time. I played the first game when my neighbor bought it the day it came out, and I was addicted for life instantly. I was 10 then, now I'm 22 and the feelings for the game haven't changed a bit. For me it was the cheesy live-action movie,the music and the whole overall feeling of the mansion. Also I liked the amount of allies in the game(the most in any resident evil game)even though they're all dead or dying, it's just a motivating feeling that there's people trying to help you or needing your help.
                    The poor graphics and horrible voice acting just make me love it even more. Playing the original resident evil was one of my fondest childhood memories, a bar setting game and a classic for the ages.
                    "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                    Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by beasley23803 View Post
                      Defintely RE: CVX. It united two of some of the best characters from the series & some of the series best games, 1 & 2. And it had awesome villains, Wesker & Alexia, not to mention how everyone in the game were mutual enemies.
                      "Chris vs. Wesker vs. Alexia vs. Steve vs. Claire"
                      The music and everything was just great! It was a little boring in the beggining though.
                      IMO CVX has the best Plot and Story of any of them!
                      I agree that CV had amazing music. I have a few tracks from RE games on my playlist and a marjoity of of them are from CV. Berecuse! And the Alexia themes omg. *__*


                      • #26
                        I think Code Veronica soundtrack is a bit overrated. It's the most orchestral, yes, but I liked RE3's soundtrack the best. It had a very military vibe to it, and it fit really well. The city is like a war zone. It's got commandos everywhere. Nemesis is like a super-soldier, in a way. The score for RE3 was very fitting.

                        Code Veronica had good epic orchestral pieces. But its quiet and creepy music wasn't as good as RE1 or RE2's.


                        • #27
                          RE2's music was amazing. From the Save Room theme, to the RPD Main Hall theme...soooo awesome.


                          • #28
                            That I agree with. Either way, I like the soundtracks from the first three games better than CVX.


                            • #29
                              For me 3 it was the one that scerd the shit out of me I mean getting chase by a monster that can chase you though room to room and you never knew which room he was going to be in and is hard to kill and screms STARS is freky as hell the first time I played it I was scered of going into any rooms just in case the Nemesis was lurking around the corner.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                                I didn't include RE0 or REmake because those two are Next-Gen with improvements
                                CV is "next-gen" though isn't it?

                                Out of four, Resident Evil 1. My memories of my first plays of the other three are quite hazy, but Resi 1 will always stick with me.
                                Last edited by Stu; 11-01-2008, 08:45 AM.

