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Jill Losing Battle VII from GameFaqs

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  • #16
    This is all pointless. I voted for Chris and Jill and Leon, only to see them beat out by characters like "Weighted Companion Cube" and "L-Block." It's stupid. A character that deserved to win these battles has never won. I believe L-Block is on some kind of win streak.

    Beasley, I go on the RE5 boards...but I've been in purgatory for about 3 weeks now because of posting the name of a porn website in a conversation about Flash 9 on the PS3. Banned for a month because of that. I knew the mods were terrible, but this was an all-time low, when people admittedly and angrily troll every board possible, people post off-topic and argue with each other and get nothing...and I get banned for saying "What does Flash 9 on the PS3 web browser have me thinking of? (insert name here).com." I was banned within 10 minutes.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
      This is all pointless. I voted for Chris and Jill and Leon, only to see them beat out by characters like "Weighted Companion Cube" and "L-Block." It's stupid. A character that deserved to win these battles has never won. I believe L-Block is on some kind of win streak.
      It's all opinions More people like something from the Half Life universe than the Resident Evil universe, big deal.


      • #18
        What a stupid "battle". Really nerdy


        • #19
          and now its leon's turn to loose, currently the last place in today's character battle, even behind Dante.


          • #20
            Good. Leon deserves to lose. Matrix-moves won't help him in the fanbase.


            • #21
              I voted for Leon. I hate him, but I like him better than any of the other 3 characters.
              As I clicked, I repeated "RE2, RE2, RE2" over and over in my head.

              Kirby? Pink blob of crap that sucks( it?)
              Dante? Silver emo hair, crazy devil-slayer with guns and swords. Never played a DMC game.
              Master Chief? A very generic main character for such a successful series.
              Last edited by Vector; 11-11-2008, 08:52 AM.


              • #22
                Why do they still bother with those character battles?

                It's always going to boil down to some combination of Cloud, Sephiroth or Link in the final.
                Last edited by JcFFx; 11-11-2008, 09:20 AM.


                • #23
                  I was just saying the same thing to my friend. But hey, good news, Leon is losing to Dante.


                  • #24
                    Poor Leon nobody likes him.


                    • #25
                      Well, maybe if he acted like an actual human being would, people would be able to identify with him a little more.
                      The fact that he was all, "I'm all cool, nothing phases me, here's a backflip," kind of alienates... You know... Everyone.


                      • #26
                        This topic scares me.

                        ~backs out slowly~


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by JcFFx View Post
                          Why do they still bother with those character battles?

                          It's always going to boil down to some combination of Cloud, Sephiroth or Link in the final.
                          Too goddamn true.

