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Favourite Playable Character!!

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  • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
    Lo and behold, here is RE5 Chris. He's gruff, unshaven, disillusioned...questioning what's become of his life; questioning what he's devoted himself to. He's been lifting weights to try to create some leverage against his superhuman foe, and maybe to supress some deep emotional pain (Jill's death?) - when you think about it, Chris is the most developed and empathetic character. He's the most real...amazing, considering how little he's appeared.
    With that, you might be able to theorise that Chris represents the old school RE fan. He's a sign of the old times, the original games, before RE4 came along. That's why Chris is so disillusioned, he realises that he MUST no longer have tank-like controls anymore, and that's something we all have to realise - that our gameplay is dead, and won't be coming back. The series has changed, and like Chris, we must all come to deal with it and get over it. Even if we have grown disillusioned and unshaven ourselves. We're old, tired, weary. All this time as fans, we stop the question whether it's all been worth it, whether we've been following the right series or not and what's become of that series.

    Leon, on the other hand - like the majority of younger gamers, lives in blissfully ignorant and naive joie de vivre. Where everything will be alright in the end, the series is awesome, with explosions and terrorists, decorated with witty one-liners that make everyone look "cool", even though in reality - like everything else in the 21st century - everyone doesn't, instead being colossal pussies who try to act hardcore, and gloss over everything with superficial "coolness", like fancy hair and bishounen appearances.

    Originally posted by Nikkolas View Post
    I've liked most of the RE games' soundtracks...

    BTW, Mr. Spencer, are you the same one from the REHorror forums?
    Yeah, I posted there very briefly.
    Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 11-26-2008, 03:43 AM.
    See you in hell.


    • Chris is nowhere nearly as bad as Leon. But I'm sure Capcom's gonna find a way to ruin him in RE5. I mean the fact that he can floor a pack of enemies in a single punch... Come on, even Rambo (in his prime) couldn't do that.
      But of course... Rambo didn't know the Falcon Punch.


      • It all comes down to this.

        If Leon was in CV, he'd have said "RODRIGO!!!"

        Chris? He just kinda stood there, being one-dimensional and with a bad haircut.

        So it's a lot of personality vs. no personality.
        Last edited by Becky's Butt; 11-26-2008, 03:53 AM.


        • Originally posted by Nikkolas View Post
          Chris? He just kinda stood there, being one-dimensional and with a bad haircut
          Which makes sense since Chris barely knew him. Not like he lost someone close to him.
          See you in hell.


          • Yet Chris still felt more human than Leon. Chris actually had weaknesses and at least flinched when scary stuff happened.
            Oh and... Bad haircut? Leon's haircut is bad. The only thing cooler than Chris' haircut is to actually shave one's head. And even that is being overused these days.
            It beats the hell out of these long haired pretty boys that plagued RPGs back in the 90s.


            • @ Jill's boob

              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
              I find Chris to be the most interesting, in that his moral stance has never wavered and he truly cares about his friends & family. He also has set aside his personal life to focus on his quest to rid the world of bio-terror.
              honestly that's why i find Chris to be boring, same thing everytime, just wants to protect Claire and kill Wesker, he is your generic action movie hero.

              and no i would say the opposite with his personnel life, id say he is focussing on his personnel life very much so, with his personel quest to find Wesker and kill him, remember in the RE5 trailer "Sheva, you don't have to continue on from her, the mission is over" i suspect he was going after Wesker.

              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
              I don't see how that is bland or generic? He started off as a rebel (smoking cigs, spiky hair, kicked out of the USAF) and became motivated by the incident at the mansion. He found direction.
              Jill smokes in Apocalypse, is she super BADASS now too, i never found smoking to be a "cool" thing to do, only a stupid thing, and spikey hair is just a fashion, it's nothing rebellious, and im not sure about the kicked out of USAF thing ill look that up, didn't he just leave after a while?

              i think he was more of a goody two shoes character, and so what if Chris became motivated, so did Jill.

              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
              Lo and behold, here is RE5 Chris. He's gruff, unshaven, disillusioned...questioning what's become of his life; questioning what he's devoted himself to. He's been lifting weights to try to create some leverage against his superhuman foe, and maybe to supress some deep emotional pain (Jill's death?) - when you think about it, Chris is the most developed and empathetic character. He's the most real...amazing, considering how little he's appeared.
              he is doing what jill does, IMO now that Jill is supposedly dead, Chris is being the one deep in though questioning things, that's what Jill did in RE3, she was questioning if it was all worth it or not, and i don't like how he is a roid monster now, im more scared of Chris than the tiny little ganado running away in terror.

              no i think Chris has barely any character development at all, he just the action man of the series, and in RE5 he has Jill's character traits kind of.

              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
              And, yes, he very much IS the main protagonist. A protagonist has an enemy, the antagonist. Everyone knows Wesker is the primary protagonist in the RE world, and who is Wesker's #1 enemy? That's right - one Christopher Redfield.
              no Wesker has always been a side enemy, never the main enemy, he is only the main enemy in RE5, Spencer has been the main antagonist of the entire series, it's always been about taking umbrella down, and who is umbrella? Spencer is umbrella.

              Chris VS Wesker is just there personnel little battle, and killing Chris is not even Weskers main goal, Wesker just wants to play with him, other wise he would have just snapped his neck in CVX when they first meet on the island, and i bet in RE5 Wesker will just toy with him the whole way through RE5 as well, this is evident by the fact that in the trailer we see Wesker show of by teleporting and doing back flips while no actual Chris killing occurs.
              Last edited by missvalentine; 11-26-2008, 04:14 AM.


              • Originally posted by Nikkolas View Post
                It all comes down to this.

                If Leon was in CV, he'd have said "RODRIGO!!!"

                Chris? He just kinda stood there, being one-dimensional and with a bad haircut.

                So it's a lot of personality vs. no personality.
                You are really puzzling to me...your mentality is...different.

                ^That's an action hero, in the vein of Colonel John Matrix or Douglas Quaid. A man's man. One who lets his actions speak for him, as opposed to pansy quips. Chris is a "goddamn sexual Tyrannosaur."

                ^That is an effeminate, laughing-stock of an action hero, in the vein of...I don't even know. Probably something with Paul Walker. And his hair. His hair! He looks like the kid from "High School Musical."

                Case closed.
                Last edited by Jill's Boob; 11-26-2008, 04:03 AM.


                • i thought capcom were trying to attract emos to the franchise


                  • Which makes sense since Chris barely knew him. Not like he lost someone close to him.

                    Yet Chris still felt more human than Leon. Chris actually had weaknesses and at least flinched when scary stuff happened.
                    Leon had plenty of weaknesses hence why he was beaten or knocked out multiple times.

                    Also, I like pretty hair. I also like good fashion.
                    THIS is not good fashion.

                    "I killed twnety men. I watched them die. I'm badass. See the darkness around my eyes? Means I'm badass."
                    Last edited by Becky's Butt; 11-26-2008, 04:05 AM.


                    • Leon jumped straight out of an anime. One of those Bishojo animes.


                      • What you got against those? Some of the most badass anime characters are pretty feminine. And I'm not talking about Sephiroth or anything.
                        I know he's not anime but with AC and Last Order, he kinda is.

                        @Boob: What? The best action heroes make jokes. Ash Williams, Arnie in most of his movies...the list goes on.
                        Last edited by Becky's Butt; 11-26-2008, 04:07 AM.


                        • IMO the best heroes are always girls, i don't like guys that much.


                          • Jill's boob are you gonna respond to my post?


                            • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                              IMO the best heroes are always girls, i don't like guys that much.
                              yeah Claire's a good one, being a total newb in a zombie outbreak and have little training in combat and making it out of the city with a little luck, but turned into a total assassin in the start of CVX


                              • Well, frankly, I don't want to play as some feminine pretty boy. Don't get me wrong, the amount of muscle on Chris in RE5, I think is overdoing it a bit.
                                If I had to pick one character who's got the ideal look for an action hero, it would have to be Gabe Logan from Syphon Filter.

                                Which is a pretty standard look, I mean, he could be Chris from RE1 for all we know. Well, except the age. Gabe Logan is seasoned, so he's not 25 like Chris in RE1.
                                Point is, he's got a decent haircut.
                                But frankly, I have nothing against characters like Sam Fisher who's generally bald.

                                These are real soldiers with real soldier haircuts. Leon is supposed to be a government agent. With a haircut like that? He's a joke.
                                I mean imagine Leon in a suit and sunglasses, standing guard at some presidential press conference. I'd laugh.

