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Best script?

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  • #31
    UC had a fine script. I have no complaints.
    The only thing I didn't like about the game was the voice-actors for Billy and Carlos.
    Richard, however, got the voice of Kein from Xenosaga III. Good for him.

    Anyway, the best voice-acting goes to 4. No question.


    • #32
      whats with the poll?

      surely Outbreak and Survivor don't have the best script ever.


      • #33
        ^ my thoughts exactly.

        Anyway, my favorite scripts are probably from Zero and UC.
        I love 4 but it definitely had soem script issues. And I'm not talking about Leon's one-liners.
        Ada: You know I met Wesker long before you did.
        Krauser: We'll see soon enough if you did.

        I mean...what the hell does that even mean? I know what the meaning is supposed to be but..damn, what were they thinking. It's a blackmark on the badass record of Krauser.


        • #34
          UC had a fine script.

          Nemesis and REmake had great scripts. Although in terms of both acting and script, Outbreak destroys all of them. It felt the most natural.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • #35
            i think Remakes voice acting was a little weird, especcially in Chris's game with some conversations with Rebecca.

            there voices just sounded, weird.

            and actualy Outbreak did have good voice acting now that i think about it.


            • #36
              Shut up please. You've done nothing but demean me since I got here. So please grow up.
              Last edited by Becky's Butt; 11-28-2008, 03:58 PM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Nikkolas View Post
                Shut up please. You've done nothing but demean me since I got here. So please grow up.
                I don't see how finding a comment amusing is demeaning. But whatever floats your boat.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #38
                  Omfgz guyz re4 had t3h best script r u kiddin me wut r u on bout? soisoisoi



                  • #39
                    A spin-off game (Survivor, Outbreak) 154 77.78%
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by AlexiaAshford View Post
                      Omfgz guyz re4 had t3h best script r u kiddin me wut r u on bout? soisoisoi


                      RE4 FTW xP

                      INSPIRED SCRIPTWRITING!!!!

                      LEON: No thanks, bro.!!!

                      LEON: Thanks. That should keep me company. Cuz boredom kills me.

                      INSPIRED!!!! INSPIRED I TELLS YA!!!


                      • #41
                        i no i cnt beleev ne1 wud say another game is ne better, leon is so kool hes lyk rele sexy!

                        On a serious note; people seriously think Outbreak/Survivor/other games had better script writing than any game of the main series?


                        • #42
                          I was contemplating voting for outbreak at the beginning of the topic to be a dick, however then I realised the 150 votes in that area.
                          Must be a joke.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by AlexiaAshford View Post
                            i no i cnt beleev ne1 wud say another game is ne better, leon is so kool hes lyk rele sexy!

                            On a serious note; people seriously think Outbreak/Survivor/other games had better script writing than any game of the main series?
                            Actually, there's a bit of a flaw with the polls. Apparently, non-users can vote, which means anyone can revote as many times as they want if they're signed out.... Or something along those lines. It's essentially poll spam.


                            • #44
                              The zombies killing the cops was a lot more relevant to RE's entire plot, throughout the whole series, than anything Resident Evil 4 had to offer. Even Capcom admit it was a side story and didn't have barely anything to do with the main plot.

                              I also don't remember Wesker saying "Look at the power I've gained", then run up a wall in the same scene.

                              RE4's script and story is essentially very poor. Taken seriously, it's no good. Isn't relevant to Resident Evil, is full of cheesy one liners and the typical American action hero plot. The guy saving the girl, and defeating the bad guy to do it. Nothing special at all.


                              • #45
                                Script aside. RE4 had absolutely no Character development on anyone's behalf. The only character development I've seen is when Luis developed that big hole in his torso.
                                Last edited by Biohazard EX; 11-28-2008, 07:04 PM.

