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Best script?

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  • #46
    You mean the hole created by a man whose semi-mutation was growing a giant sharp wang? Yeah, great script. Great character development. *cough*

    RE4 had everything to do with Wesker who is the definite main villain of the series.
    Are you serious? How the hell did RE4 have everything to do with Wesker? Do you actually remember the fact that Wesker was only mentioned, and not even seen in the original copy of the game? RE4 has NOTHING to do with Wesker. NOTHING. It was only ret-conned and Separate Ways added to give even the smallest, thinnest connection to the entire RE universe. Before that, it may as well have been a separate game altogether, and just use the "Biohazard" label to get more sales.

    The whole game, rescuing Ashley, only happened because of Wesker.
    Wrong. Kidnapping Ashley was the idea of Saddler, and would have happened with or without Wesker. Saddler could have used someone else to kidnap her, it just happened to be Krauser. Kidnapping Ashley was the idea of Saddler and Los Illuminados for their own ends, and rescuing Ashley was of course the idea of President Graham. Wesker's only slight involvement in the plot was the fact he wanted a sample. You know, just like in Resident Evil 2. But wait, Leon was in RE2, and Wesker wanted a sample, so RE2 must have been all about Wesker too!

    The game also established Wesker is trying to re-establish his own Umbrella which tells us where the series is heading.
    Yeah, because no one saw that coming. You know, the sequel of a series INDICATING where the series is heading, not actually developing the existing story in any way. Kudos to RE4.

    He didn't. I just threw two lame scenes of Wesker together.
    I thought Wesker is the uber cool villain who made RE4's plot uber cool?

    As compared to the revolutionary storytelling done in previous REs. Such as an evil corporation making an evil virus that causes evil things to happen where people die.
    And now the heroes have to escape the evil or destroy it.
    Never seen that done before.
    Your point being what? The "lame plot" you just described is the plot for the entire Resident Evil series. For one, if you don't like it, why do you play the games? For another, if you think the original plots are so lame, why are you even here? You can't justify one game's plot by saying "Hey, it's predecessors were shit. Because this one game had nothing to do with it, it was good". Even then, you counter your own argument that RE4's plot was good because it has to do with the main villain, Wesker. If the original 3 plots were so lame, doesn't that by default mean RE4's plot is too?

    The first 4 games (RE1, 2, 3 and CV) all established a game universe, with characters, a plot and the bad guys. RE4 had nothing to do with any of it, it was a half baked attempt of a game. Even Capcom themselves have now admitted it was a side story and didn't have much to do with the game universe, and even described the story as being "odd" in parts.

    I will always defend RE4 as a game, as I found it enjoyable, replayable and all around a very fun game to play. But please, to me, Resident Evil was part of my childhood and I've loved the series ever since it came out, so please don't try to tell me RE4 was a decent Resident Evil game.
    Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 11-28-2008, 07:18 PM.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Nikkolas
      As compared to the revolutionary storytelling done in previous REs. Such as an evil corporation making an evil virus that causes evil things to happen where people die.
      And now the heroes have to escape the evil or destroy it.
      Never seen that done before.
      Hey, the idea of a pharmaceutical company secretly working on a virus that turns people into zombies, and mutates creatures into monsters, for bio-weapon use, is one cool concept. One of the things that made me love Resident Evil in the first place. Plus zombies are awesome, period.

      Ancient parasites which have been buried in the mines, until randomly discovered, and infected a village of spaniards... Then.. Established a CULT... Acquired military technology... And started doing genetic research on their own kind... Then kidnapped the US president's daughter... It almost sounds like he came up with it in ten seconds from the top of his head, then said, "Okay, that's what we're going with."


      Originally posted by Nikkolas
      Let's see. Butler's Memo shows how Salazar wa san innocent castelian who was just brainwashed and used by Saddler to get Las Plagas.
      Krauser was previously a good guy and partner of Leon but faked his own death to join Wesker and "bring order and balance to this insane world of ours."
      Ada's and Leon's relationship kinda is uncertainly hinted at with her repeated refusal to kill him and his ending line to Ashley.
      Let's see...Wesker is trying to start up a new Umbrella while Ada and The Organization are apparently doing their own unknown thing.

      And that's most of what I recall off-hand. It wasn't great development by any means but it existed.
      Salazar was a bad character, period. And the development you speak of happened before RE4 actually took place. Same with Wesker. It's not like he wasn't trying to start up New Umbrella at the beginning of the game, but then by the end, his character developed to have this new goal in life. So that character development didn't happen in the game itself either.
      Last edited by Biohazard EX; 11-28-2008, 07:13 PM.


      • #48
        The idea of having parasites, military, and a cult all in one is stupid in the first place.
        It's like, "Let's have a group of ninjas, who are all aliens, and are also a rock band."
        It's something that can pass in a 1990's cartoon maybe...


        • #49
          Originally posted by Biohazard EX View Post
          "Let's have a group of ninjas, who are all aliens, and are also a rock band."
          Best premise for an evil brotherhood ever *writes it down*


          • #50
            Originally posted by The Dude View Post
            Best premise for an evil brotherhood ever *writes it down*
            Let's see how it holds up in a Survival Horror game.


            • #51
              Eric, I think we should put you in a new position in Capcom, head writer for RE6. Your plots and ideas are just as brilliant as the writers for RE4.


              • #52
                I dunno about Capcom, but I bet Mikami would say I'm a genius. Afterall, RE4 was his baby.


                • #53
                  Oh fuck, another topic struck down by Nikkolas' banter. Shocking!

                  On a serious note; people seriously think Outbreak/Survivor/other games had better script writing than any game of the main series?
                  I'm pretty sure only Outbreak is even considered.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
                    Oh fuck, another topic struck down by Nikkolas' banter. Shocking!

                    I'm pretty sure only Outbreak is even considered.
                    But Outbreak had the worst script of all. I mean, it was justified, since it had to consider all 8 characters in the dialogue, but still. It was the most broken script of all.


                    • #55
                      We only learn about Wesker's goal in RE4.
                      I thought Wesker was stealing all of Umbrella's research data and collecting various virus samples to have a tea party!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Nikkolas
                        That doesn't make any sense.
                        We only learn about Wesker's goal in RE4. So the development didn't take place exactly in the ame...that's probably because it had been 6 years in that universe. It still remains RE4 who gave us that information.
                        All that is, is new information given to us in this game. That doesn't make it character development.
                        The concept of character development is that by the end of the game, the character is somehow different from when he started. Either his beliefs, or his perception of things, or the way he acts. Something. That's character development.
                        And considering how much dialogue RE4 had, for there to be no character development, is pretty sad. Since every other RE game had substantially less dialogue, and still more character development.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Nikkolas
                          As usual, wrong.


                          The Dude:

                          It was these two who started the bashing RE4. Much like yourself, actually. Don't start something and then blame others for disagreeing and defending what they like.
                          Once again, you try and pull the innocence card. You're just being ridiculously defensive and just can't stand the thought of someone having a differing opinion.

                          Cut it out, please.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • #58
                            No, his motives were not invented in RE4. His motives were there right from the beginning, he was pursuing it in every game. Where exactly does it say in RE4 anyway that he is making his own company? Didn't Umbrella Chronicles shed a LOT more light onto the whole thing than RE4? Also, I don't remember RE4 being the game/file that mentioned the fact that Wesker sold Umbrella out. Of course he can make his own company with Umbrella still being there and he was already doing this BEFORE Umbrella fell. You know, stealing UMF 0.1.3, taking a T-Veronica sample, taking G-Virus and T-Virus sample and collecting battle data from the Mansion Incident? He was already well established before RE4, for example getting Ada to secure a sample for him. This was after he betrayed Umbrella. He was working all of this and setting himself up pre-RE4. It doesn't make RE4 a better game for pointing out the obvious. RE4 plot = epic winz0rz because it says "Wesker is making his own company"? In that case UC must have been a much better game in your books than RE4, because it goes from start to finish exactly what he did.

                            You're missing the point that RE4 has barely anything to do with the main plotline. If you really believe it is then you're only deluding yourself. The original copy of the game doesn't even have Wesker in it at all (only mentioned in conversation). That shows how important he is to the plot. The game could still run without Separate Ways even being in it. It was added almost a year later.

                            It's like clubbing baby seals.
                            Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 11-28-2008, 08:02 PM.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Nikkolas
                              All I did was mock the other RE games thereby joining in the fun.
                              Then Alexia went and defended the other RE games.
                              So again, I didn't start anything.
                              Except jumping in to defend your ever-so-precious RE4.

                              Stop trying to justify yourself. You do this way too often for it to simply be "joining in on the fun" unless you get a jolly out of starting internet arguments over a game.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Nikkolas
                                As usual, wrong.


                                The Dude:

                                It was these two who started the bashing RE4. Much like yourself, actually. Don't start something and then blame others for disagreeing and defending what they like.
                                I don't really think a rebuttal is necessary here considering my post was merely sarcasm, so i'll just laugh at you and say good day sir.

