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The Central "Jill Valentine" Discussion Topic

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  • Not really sure what you are geting at JillLover Im bit confused.


    • Anyone find any evidence for Jill's status in Degeneration? I thought they might have put a tidbit about her in there, anyone?


      • Nope


        • huh, I would have thought capcom might have slipped something in-between the lines...


          • Not a damn thing, I watched the extras not even a mention, Only character they mention is Chris once and its just bout being Claire's brother. Why do they shun the other characters so bad. Everytime we see them it's like they forgotten thier past. I was waiting for Leon to say to Claire "Hey whatever hapened to that little Sherry girl that we lost". Guilty Consience!


            • damn. Looks like we've got RE5 to fall on now...


              • Yeah I hope that it ties up alot of these questions. Dont need to know about everyone we got Jill, Wesker, Chris, Spencer and maybe Sherry if they added one or two more I'd be happy with that. I also hope the "Detailed in the Kennedy report" Is the only mention we get on Leon. I'd be happy to never see him again less they change back his image, His character in Degen was 10 times worse than in Re4.


                • Yeah, they really screwed up Leon in degen, especially because he was so-well developed in RE4

                  Man, that birdlady somehow reminds me of HUNK...

                  BTW, what is the kennedy report? I've heard of it, but I don't exactly know what it is


                  • Chris mentions it in the Tgs trailer says "The villagers are acting like the Garnado detailed in the Kennedy report" Havent seen this report but after Leon got back from the island on Re4 he probably had to fill out reports of what happened there, Chris must have gotten a copy because well its just something I guess the B.S.A.A. soldiers should be aware of. Dont belive it's been released to us but maybe in Re5.


                    • Interesting... This is really complicated, Jill must have some sort of role then, and I've got a sneaking suspicion that she isn't gonna be the blue-beret S.T.A.R.S member from the mansion. It could get ugly this time 'round.


                      • Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
                        Not a damn thing, I watched the extras not even a mention, Only character they mention is Chris once and its just bout being Claire's brother. Why do they shun the other characters so bad. Everytime we see them it's like they forgotten thier past. I was waiting for Leon to say to Claire "Hey whatever hapened to that little Sherry girl that we lost". Guilty Consience!
                        so there was no mention of Jill at all, in the entire film or any of the special features?

                        i thought it was gonna have every character in it since that's what they said it would be.


                        • Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
                          Lol disgusted, Guess this form just proves Jill is most popular character in the franchise.
                          If anything it proves that you're all fans of a single character, rather than fans of the series. If Jill Valentine was a character in Devil May Cry, I imagine that none of you would even be at this site. I have no qualms with people having favourite characters, in fact I've even got a couple myself. But it's when that fandom starts to take precedence over the series, that's when I begin to doubt. Sure, there's no harm in having a preference for one character over another, it would be silly to suggest otherwise, but I like to think that all of us - despite this - share a passion and appreciation for the series.

                          All I'm seeing here is obsession with a single character. If you want to do that, then go and join a Jill Valentine fanlisting. This is a Resident Evil site.

                          Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                          Advice : Ignore people who think different, I usually don't quote empty posts.
                          What a great idea. Ignore people with different opinions. That's exactly the kind of single-minded mentality that I'm talking about.
                          Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 01-17-2009, 11:47 PM.
                          See you in hell.


                          • I think that honestly, since Chris and Jill are so tied together in all the other games and media that derive from the RE franchise that it is a no brainer she will be in part 5 and to a large extent a major part in the outcome of it. We probably will not know how much of a degree until we finally get to the end of it and find all the files and other media littered throughout it like the previous games did, but she is too big to just be killed off and for Chris not to take a bigger issue with it.


                            • You know, I wonder if RE5 had starred someone else, and we saw a headstone with the name CHRIS REDFIELD sprawled across it, if there would've been a 'Central "Chris Redfield" Discussion Topic,' LET ALONE would it be 26 pages long! This topic really makes me wonder, and I think it's a valid question.

                              Anyone get where I'm comin' from?
                              Last edited by Vector; 01-18-2009, 12:03 AM.


                              • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                You know, I wonder if RE5 had starred someone else, and we saw a headstone with the name CHRIS REDFIELD sprawled across it, if there would've been a 'Central "Chris Redfield" Discussion Topic,' LET ALONE would it be 26 pages long! This topic really makes me wonder, and I think it's a valid question.

                                Anyone get where I'm comin' from?
                                It is interesting how much of a response this supposed death of Jill has created such a fan based reaction and in the coarse of doing so has given 5 a much needed surge of interest from those who have otherwised looked over the game as another RE 4 knock off and not wanting to play it.

