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The Central "Jill Valentine" Discussion Topic

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  • Chris does not equal Leon
    in-fact Chris > Leon

    while Leon could only jump lasers and perform backflips, Chris can knock massive boulders which probably weigh a few tons away by the simple act of PUNCHING them.


    • Does anyone know exactly why Jill's hair turned blonde? I wonder if she's going to stay like that forever.


      • A file in the game explains her hair colour. Also she has her natural hair in the mercenaries mode.


        • I must have missed it, where do you find the file?


          • It's not a file actually. You can find the information after the boss fight with U8, just investigate the computer on the evevator.


            • Originally posted by Rakkoon View Post
              I completely agree. And that suggests the game should be more serious. But it's not. It's a joke. At least RE4 didn't take itself so seriously. Hence the RE4 Leon. What I meant about Chris was that I wasn't involved and I didn't even care about his character. It was like he wasn't even there. Hence it would have even been better for him to say something stupid just for the sake of the player's enjoyment. It's a joke already, so at least make it funny. That's how I felt.

              By being a separate story I meant RE4's story wasn't directly connected to the original RE story, so it was okay for the game to be different. However, it still had a RE feeling to it. Now, RE5 just wasn't what we were made to believe it would be. The feeling was that of a different game, not a RE game. On top of that, the story was weak while it was supposed to be one of the greatest RE stories ever. RE4 wasn't trying to do that, it was meant to be a different type of Resident Evil in the first place. Now RE5 'tries' to unite the two types of RE, but because of the way it is presented, it fails.
              Your arguments make very little sense.

              It seems as though you went in with very specific wants from RE5 and when one didn't meet your expectations you decide to diss the whole game based on that.

              RE5 > RE4 and has one of the best storylines in the series with an excellent atmosphere and feels much more like an actual RE game than RE4. Great characters, great plot, great music, great atmosphere, great acting.

              I'd be worried if you found enjoyment out of the RE4 script. That's just a new kind of weird.

              Also fuck Jill.
              Last edited by News Bot; 03-15-2009, 06:00 PM.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
                Your arguments make very little sense.

                It seems as though you went in with very specific wants from RE5 and when one didn't meet your expectations you decide to diss the whole game based on that.

                RE5 > RE4 and has one of the best storylines in the series with an excellent atmosphere and feels much more like an actual RE game than RE4. Great characters, great plot, great music, great atmosphere, great acting.

                I'd be worried if you found enjoyment out of the RE4 script. That's just a new kind of weird.

                Also fuck Jill.
                I found enjoyment in RE4. I found enjoyment in Leon's lines. I did. Any sane person with a sense of humor would. I'd be worried if someone didn't find it funny when Leon would say something to piss Salazar off, for example.

                I'm sorry, but I really don't see a great story in RE5. I see no story. It felt so random, it was presented terribly. The atmosphere and level design is also terrible. For most of the time, that is, but enough to ruin everything. I don't know how you can consider the atmosphere good, much less great. The locations were terrible, for most of the time. The characters didn't make me feel involved, and the cutscenes were all about eye candy. God, everything was so randomly thrown in the mix that it didn't make any sense at all. And that's a game that took itself super seriously. I guess it was all overhyped, and it just didn't live up to the expectations and the name on the box cover. I keep failing to understand how someone can screw up a game with RE5's potential. Ironically, someone really did.
                Last edited by Rakkoon; 03-15-2009, 07:14 PM.


                • at least chris is way cooler instead of all those one liners it gets to silly but with chris in re 5 we actully saw great emotions from him where chris whould show emotion leon whould say ( NO i got gum) XD heheh baaah


                  • This "Rakoon" character is just here to bash RE5. His/her arguments started in this thread - the "Jill Valentine" thread - with complaints about Jill's appearance. He/she claimed that the series ended with RE3.

                    When he/she was called out on it, the argument shifted to how RE4 is suddenly better than RE5. "Rakoon" is just here to badmouth RE5 at every turn.

                    His/her arguments are incoherent, and don't have anything to do with this thread anymore. It's just about spreading the hate for RE5.


                    • im with you there jills boob that person in only there to say shit !


                      • I don't think Rakkoon actually thinks before speaking. I mean, how in the sweet name of lord can you stand Leon's ridiculous and out-of-character lines in RE4? The script in that game is on par with the original Resident Evil. An absolute waste of otherwise great acting talent.

                        You keep bashing RE5's story by comparing it to RE4's story, which is inconceivable considering RE4 didn't really have a very coherent one. Filled with inconsistencies and complete and utter randomness. RE5 at least explained everything it was meant to instead of leaving it all in the dark, giving reasons for Jill's change in appearance and incredible athletic ability with a very reasonable excuse. Not only that, it actually attempted to correct past series mistakes and did so rather well, even going so far as to correct a rather large RE2/RE3 plot hole about the military blockade around Raccoon City, and gave a reasonable backstory to Wesker and cleared up the ridiculous Wesker Virus aspect.

                        Whether you like it or not is your personal thing, but don't talk shit about it for the sake of talking shit with incoherent arguments and utter ridiculousness.
                        Last edited by News Bot; 03-16-2009, 09:56 AM.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • back to Jill...Anyone else but me think she looks like Trinity from the Matrix now?


                          • Originally posted by ValentineKnight View Post
                            back to Jill...Anyone else but me think she looks like Trinity from the Matrix now?
                            She reminded me more of Nina from Tekken or an older Fiona Belli from Haunting Ground. I think Capcom is incapable of making blondes that don't in some way look alike.

                            If anyone has the RE5 special guide, it even says in the back of the book where the interview section is that RE4 was more like a SIDE STORY. Doubt that will ever shut anyone up though. I mean there was already an interview posted a while back that stated many on the RE production team thought 4's story was weak.
                            Are you tired, Rebecca?


                            • I meant her ponytail and leather look like trinity's anyway yeah she does kinda look like nina...except her face
                              Last edited by ValentineKnight; 03-16-2009, 11:50 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                                She reminded me more of Nina from Tekken or an older Fiona Belli from Haunting Ground. I think Capcom is incapable of making blondes that don't in some way look alike.


