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The Central "Jill Valentine" Discussion Topic

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  • I have always thought personally that Chris and Jill are somewhat of an item, but first and foremost they are soldiers and I think they both knew not to let emotion better them immediately after Chris has saved Jill. Though I think it's very clear they both have very strong feelings, even so much as yeah, love each other. Chris must be mighty important to Jill if she sacrifices herself for him, and the fact that he alone can nearly break the device attached to her.

    But I like the ambigiuity of it all, makes it far more interesting than a simple kiss/embrace. The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
    Review and contributor for


    • Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
      But I like the ambigiuity of it all, makes it far more interesting than a simple kiss/embrace.
      I suppose. But they are 35 & 33 respectively. They've spent a huge part of their adult lives together, pursuing the same goals.

      If this was their final journey in the RE universe, it'd be nice for some closure.

      I'd like to know if they're just friends or more than friends.
      Last edited by Jill's Boob; 03-16-2009, 07:27 PM.


      • That is the way I feel about it and when Jill had to convince Chris to go after Wesker when he wanted to stay with her I think it really says something about how much Chris cares for her that and he was pretty much hell-bent on finding her.but I would have liked to see closure to the JillxChris issue and Sina let's just agree to disagree here it's stupid to argue over whether Chris and Jill have something going on between them I think they do you think they don't that's fine it's your opinion and until Capcom confirms the issue that's all we'll have is opinions but I think Capcom hinted at it for a reason and I'm taking the hints.
        Last edited by ValentineKnight; 03-16-2009, 07:46 PM.


        • When the boss fight against Wesker and Jill started, I shot Jill in the face with the magnum and killed her.

          I was confused when the game ended.


          • EEEEE.

            Why did I miss this discussion?! *points at sig*

            Yeah. I agree with everyone who was frustrated at Chris for not doing anything. After all of that angst and Chris struggling and whatnot, I would've at least enjoyed a hug... but I suppose the implication of their waaaaaaaaaaaaay-more-than-partners bond is a lot already. And they were having eyesex... like, the whole time. So I guess that was nice.

            Okay, and not to be perverse or anything, but I'm already thinking they've slept together at least once x] I read Chris' file... said "...and they traversed the world together..." etc. That was before and after 2003, leading up to Jill's "death". The only people they ever saw was each other, and I don't doubt it gets lonely out there. And putting your life on the line and fighting everyday can take a toll on you... I honestly would not be surprised if they crossed that line at least once already, even if it was just an "in the heat of the moment" type of thing. Or maybe I've just been mulling over fanfiction too much lately. Probably the latter. *shrugs*

            Anyways... yes. I would've enjoyed SOMETHING more concrete between those two... but I really do love how Chris/Jill were handled otherwise. Chris was gonna put the whole world on the line for her. After all those years with "rawwwr, Wesker! Let's get Wesker! Kill Wesker now! Must find Wesker!" he suddenly went soft and wanted to stay with Jill. That really spoke volumes. Their relationship, no matter how obscure the ending, was conveyed as far deeper than say Ada/Leon's (Leon is a playboy anyway ). It was really beautiful, and I was very pleased (faha, I was talking to my friend about Chris/Jill and how people were starting to jump on the Chris/Sheva bandwagon. Then she snorted and said "wonder how it feels to be second best". I laughed)

            I'd still appreciate an epilogue of sorts from Capcom so that we know where Chris/Jill stood. But I wouldn't be surprised if they moved in with each other after the game... Chris has proved that he just can't stand to be without her.



            • eyesex? anyway I agree 100%
              Last edited by ValentineKnight; 03-16-2009, 10:43 PM.


              • I made a mistake when I tried to talk about RE5's obvious flaws with the wrong people, in the wrong topic. That was my only fault. It's true, that's not the place.

                Other than that, it's really nice when a bunch of people get together against a single person. I attacked RE5 and discussed RE5 (in the Jill topic, yeah, the wrong place, I agree), but I never attacked you guys, never dicussed you or insulted you. Now ask yourself what you did.

                I am shocked how certain members of this forum take the liberty to openly discuss other members using personal opinions and making up stories. I am sure most people don't even care, but to me it's outrageous. (I don't mean the quoted post)

                Originally posted by Sina View Post

                Seriously, you give Shinji Mikami way too much credit. He directed the original Resident Evil, a game NOTORIOUS for the worst written dialogue in the history of mankind. Granted, that was acceptable for 1996, but it was clear he knows how to design gameplay, but as far as how to tell a story goes he's not special.

                Resident Evil 2, seen by most as the best game in the series, was NOT directed by Shinji Mikami, and it's clear the dialogue and storytelling is way improved.

                Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil: code veronica. Same thing. Not Shinji Mikami's direction.

                Shinji Mikami came back SIX YEARS LATER and took the reigns of Resident Evil: Remake, and the dialogue and story were matured abit, but that couldn't've been too difficult. And then he decided he was tired of the RE story arc and started afresh with RE4.

                Giving credit where credit's due, as far as game design, level design, enemy design, boss encounter design RE4 was fantastic. It was highly regarded as one of the best games of the decade as far as playability, and the over the shoulder view was something many games copied in the following years after its release, including RE5. RE4 was an amazing game, gameplay wise, and noone can dispute that, and I find it sad that people try to just cause Rakkoon is a whiny crybaby. As far as story development and dialogue goes, RE4 was sorely lacking.

                So if you wanna look at the overall series, other than starting it, Shinji Mikami doesn't have as much to do with the success of the series as you seem to think. Mikami cutting off the story right at its climax did alot of damage to the series, like killing off Umbrella in a few sentences. The games since RE4, including RE5, have done their best to bridge the giant gap left by RE4. That being said, the stories in Umbrella chronicles did their own damage aswell. Red Queen? TALOS? *Sigh*

                Overall, RE5 did a great job mending the story. I'm sorry you're so madly in love and obsessed with the pure Jill valentine that her new hair colour blinded you from what made RE5 a good game.
                Shinji Mikami was always there. He was a director, a producer, a designer, an advisor. Different for each game. But he was there making sure Resident Evil was Resident Evil. In RE5 there's no Shinji Mikami whatsoever.

                About RE4 and its story and dialogue... It was intended to be like that, that's why I didn't mind it. It didn't take itself seriously, it didn't try to be more than it was. As long as you keep RE4's nature in mind, Leon's lines were great.

                Back on topic, I mind Jill's hair and pale skin, because I think that's ugly. It doesn't look like Jill and she seems ruined like that. I don't care it's explained. They could turn her into a shemale and explain it in a logical way, but that doesn't mean I would like it because there's a perfect explanation for it. I thought the ugly look ruined Jill, that's it. I didn't think RE5 was ruined because of that, so stop that already. I even said it when I was talking about RE5 being ruined. I clearly said, 'I'm not talking about Jill's hair now'. Why is it that some people only see what they choose to see? It's really unnerving to keep explaining. I don't know why I bother.

                And about the RE3 outfit, again... I don't see how a tube top with no bra underneath is skanky. Of course it's not what you would wear in the middle of a zombie outbreak, but it's not what YOU would wear. Why are you so sure Jill wouldn't wear it? It doesn't make sense, but it's entirely possible for her to decide to wear something like that. Not logical, but entirely possible. It doesn't even need to be logical, or plausible. It could be a screwed up Jill thinking what the hell. Could be anything. So looking for reason or logic here is totally unnecessary. What's more, it's a causa perduta.
                Last edited by Rakkoon; 03-17-2009, 12:31 AM.


                • ^Get over yourself. You weren't "ganged up on" by a bunch of bullies. It just so happens that your sentiments were irrational, incoherent, and incorrect. Multiple people called you out on it, and all the sudden it's a "group mentality" teaming up on innocent old you?

                  And stop trying to imply that RE4 was a parody of sorts. Nothing about that game was tongue-in-cheek. It took itself very serious in trying to be uber-cool, and that is what makes it unintentionally funny. And a cliche-filled shitstorm with a poor story and worse characters. The gameplay still rocks though, and some of the enemies are great.

                  As for Jill's appearance, stop your bellyaching. She's fictional. It's not ever permanent. She can dye her hair, and once she gets some sun she'll be fine (wearing spandex, a cloak, and a mask for however long exacerbated her paleness). Stop overreacting. Jesus.
                  Last edited by Jill's Boob; 03-17-2009, 12:33 AM.


                  • Originally posted by ValentineKnight View Post
                    but I would have liked to see closure to the JillxChris issue and Sina let's just agree to disagree here it's stupid to argue over whether Chris and Jill have something going on between them I think they do you think they don't that's fine it's your opinion and until Capcom confirms the issue that's all we'll have is opinions but I think Capcom hinted at it for a reason and I'm taking the hints.
                    I'm not even disagreeing with you completely. I may have actually gone abit far dismissing any form of complexity in their relationship, but the point I was trying to make was that Chris and Jill were not boyfriend/girlfriend by the time Jill went out the window. The argument is that Chris should've reacted differently when Jill came out of her mind control. If they were boyfriend/girlfriend, they would've reacted differently. And as far as closure goes, I'm fairly certain the Jill/Chris story isn't over, so I'm happy it didn't have closure.

                    Originally posted by blaze View Post
                    Okay, and not to be perverse or anything, but I'm already thinking they've slept together at least once x] The only people they ever saw was each other, and I don't doubt it gets lonely out there. And putting your life on the line and fighting everyday can take a toll on you... I honestly would not be surprised if they crossed that line at least once already, even if it was just an "in the heat of the moment" type of thing.
                    I was actually going to say just this. While I don't think they're an item or anything, it's very likely with what they've been through together for nearly a decade that they've gone through phases. They probably work better as friends/partners, but every now and again when the shit really hits the fan and emotions are all over the place they'll wind up in the sack. Trying to think of an example of their relationship... Anyway, they're friends with a mutual respect, but there's an underlying attraction.

                    I don't think there's too much hinting at this other than that it's the likely, realistic and natural scenario when two people are in their situation. Still, given this scenario, I think their reaction to seeing eachother was sufficient.


                    If you're going to slit your wrists over Jill's haircolour, atleast do the decent thing and put it on youtube. I think it would be a hit, given the reason. Granted, I think you make some good points though about RE4's gameplay. It is better than RE5's gameplay. As far as story goes, I was way more interested in RE5, and having played the RE series since the original game, the story and characters of the series is the main reason I keep playing.

                    I'll tell you this much, I stopped caring about the series completely when RE4 was released, and didn't even bother playing it. I saw the Umbrella collapsing intro and thought fuck it. The only reason I got into RE again was because RE5 was announced with the promise that it would tie together with the main RE story. This announcement even made me go back and play through RE4, and it was probably the most fun I've ever had playing a game. Taking it for what it was, I could finally see why it got such high praise. If it wasn't for RE5 I still wouldn't care about the series, and I'm really happy they went back. Sure, it could've been better, but it was a good enough jump back to the RE lore that I'm in again. Topping RE4's gameplay was hard, and I wasn't expecting that to happen. All I wanted was a romp in the RE universe with the same characters advancing the story, and I got just that. Talking about taking games for what they are, maybe you should do the same with RE5, cause honestly, all it sounds like is a fanboy whos heart is broken that their perfect Jill fantasy was damaged by a slight evolution of the character.


                    • The only reason I mentioned Jill's hair was because this is her topic after all. Then everyone kept grabbing on to that, even though it was merely a small thing that pissed me off compared to the other flaws.

                      And I thought it was clear I was overreacting about that, so I didn't think people would take that seriously and use it to attack me. That's just funny. It was never meant as something too serious. I was just pissed off.

                      Then the 'discussion' shifted to more serious things concerning RE5 as a whole, but since this is the Jill topic, I'm not going to keep 'discussing' RE5 here.


                      • Here's something else to be sad about - BSAA Jill in "Mercs" is a weakling.


                        • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                          Here's something else to be sad about - BSAA Jill in "Mercs" is a weakling.
                          But Battleslut Jill has a great ass in that tight spandex. And she has a cool Skorpion, too.


                          • Originally posted by Sina View Post
                            I'm not even disagreeing with you completely. I may have actually gone abit far dismissing any form of complexity in their relationship, but the point I was trying to make was that Chris and Jill were not boyfriend/girlfriend by the time Jill went out the window. The argument is that Chris should've reacted differently when Jill came out of her mind control. If they were boyfriend/girlfriend, they would've reacted differently. And as far as closure goes, I'm fairly certain the Jill/Chris story isn't over, so I'm happy it didn't have closure.
                            That's what I was saying they're relationship is VERY complex and I just hoped Capcom would quit dancing around it and just say whether Chris/Jill like each other that way or not and sorry about my fanboying I just like it when my fave male/female chaacters get together I'm weird like that.
                            Last edited by ValentineKnight; 03-17-2009, 09:49 AM.


                            • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              But Battleslut Jill has a great ass in that tight spandex. And she has a cool Skorpion, too.
                              Here here


                              • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                But Battleslut Jill has a great ass in that tight spandex. And she has a cool Skorpion, too.
                                Well, I've only unlocked half the Mercs characters so far. Out of the few I have, BSAA Jill is the weakest link and I just figured that would incite the Jill fanatics even more than other trivial things such as her hair color.

                                I do like the look of BSAA Jill though. She looks "cute" with her ponytail and ballcap. Much more practical than a beret. Who wears berets?

