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The Central "Jill Valentine" Discussion Topic

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  • #91
    It seems she has been confirmed with the gravestone.


    • #92
      Well. Dumbledore from Harry Potter was an important character, and JK Rowling killed him off.

      Capcom could kill off Jill. Like I stated in another topic it would give Resident Evil more depth and emotion.

      Don't get me wrong all you Jill fans, I don't want to see her dead, but I could see it happening.


      • #93
        ^ yeah but dumbledore wasn't a protagonist was he, this is different.


        • #94
          Dumbledore was a protagonist in a certain light. But yes, this does deviate from Jill (what with Jill being a central character).


          • #95
            Dumbledore was more of a mentor character for Harry, a bit like Gandalf from LotR's.


            • #96
              oh god stop it with the dumbleodores please ...

              if your going to use an example, atleast use a better *hip* one ..

              like big boss ..


              • #97
                Big Boss was killed off three times.


                • #98
                  exactly, and he always came back ..

                  and capcom showing jill's tombstone just confirms that she will be in the game in one form or another.


                  • #99
                    I've kinda stayed out of the whole Jill Tombstone topic thing... so I dunno if people have really thought about this before, but...

                    What if the game has multiple endings?
                    (Resident Evil 1 being a good sample of a multi-ending game of the "Who lives?" and "Who dies?" type.)
                    Just a though...


                    • ^ good idea, although then we will fight constantly over which ending is cannon and did Jill really die or not.


                      • Ehhh...I really hope multiple endings are dead. I never liked them. Especially in games with sequels and good storylines. How do you know what's canon?


                        • Yeah, that's true. I don't really want to see multiple endings, and I think that it's unlikely to happen in RE5. They told that Jill's grave is important to the plot... so there's something more about it.


                          • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                            How do you know what's canon?
                            Obviously it's this one

                            I wouldn't mind if it had multiple endings. I find it really motivates me to play through the game again.


                            • i wouldn't mind multilpe endings, but more like in RE3 or Outbreak than RE1 maybe.


                              • Multiple endings are a fantastic thing. Ads proper replay value. Sequels decide which one will be the "canonical ending", and even in those cases they're often able to leave it up to the user what they feel is the "right ending" for them. It is also easier to create something to leave a bit of after thought that way. (For those who like that kinda stuff).

                                The more branches there are for decisions you make, the more interesting the story can get when you start going down the different paths and "experiment" with things.

