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  • #16

    Biochemist // Geneticist.
    Police Officer.
    Master of speed & time.
    Fashion expert.


    • #17
      and spokesman for the universal hair care organization.
      Last edited by A-J; 11-29-2008, 05:16 AM.


      • #18
        Ada,Wesker and Leon (RE4 characters )


        • #19
          It's hard to say whether they have blood circulation or not. I'd assume they do. When you pop their heads off, blood does tend to splash out. It wouldn't do that if they had no circulation. I never thought of RE zombies as dead anyway, still living but with the increased metabolism, flesh that drops off as a result and their "hunger".


          • #20
            Jill and Chris no doubt. Chris won the competition for STARS Marksman and he was in Air Force on the other hand Jill was in Delta Force and she survived the destruction of RC.


            • #21
              Alexia; she can take all her clothes off without even trying.


              • #22
                Steve Burnside...
                He's 17 and can jump from a window, shoot an enemy while still being in the air and finish him off with a well placed kick.
                He can pilot a cargo plane (at the age of 17!).
                And he's the only human in the world that can revert back into a human after being injected with T-virus (or T-Veronica, doesn't matter) and mutating into a big green guy with tail and claws (well, he dies soon after that... ;))! Now, who can do THAT?

                And don't me even start with Rebecca, who at the age of 18 managed to become a medic in a world-known special forces team.
                Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 11-29-2008, 07:11 AM.


                • #23
                  This is a screwed up question, because none of the characters can be compared by the same standards. Its all over all the different aspects of reality and unreality.

                  So Ill just base them by what I know. Where HUNK takes the cake. Hes the "legendary soldier" of RE universe. Theres not a single shred of doubt that he would come out from any hole dug by anyone. From what we know, hes one of the few that has never needed any help from anyone. (Zombie munchy bait excluded)


                  • #24
                    he's the only human in the world that can revert back into a human after being injected with T-virus (or T-Veronica, doesn't matter)
                    That's incorrect. The T-Alexia form of T-Veronica (the strain which was used from her own blood after she was re-awakened) was used on Steve, the same which Alexia had now developed within herself and controlled. She chose when she transformed, and it's highly likely she could change back.

                    (She changes back in Gun Survivor 2 CV, and although it's not canon, it's a strong incline), and in CVX before she fights Claire and Chris in the final confrontation, when she emerges, she doesn't have the mutations on her that she does in her first form, as seen in the battle with Wesker. She has to transform back into her first form again, so it's proven she can go at least half way back.

                    There is nothing to suggest that only Steve could do it, as the virus hadn't bonded with his DNA like it had hers. She had full control over it.


                    • #25
                      I don't think he was being serious....

                      Anyway, I agree with HUNk being up there. Billy too I'd say.


                      • #26
                        I'd probably say Jill. She survived the first Outbreak in the Mansion, she fought off what I regard as one of Umbrella's best B.O.Ws (Nemesis) pretty much single handedly and still managed to escape the infected Raccoon City in time (all while wearing a mini skirt and boob tube), and then she joined the B.S.A.A and helped bring down Umbrella in the Russian Facility. No way do I believe she's dead either.

                        I also think Alexia is skilled as well for her intelligence, creating the T-Veronica virus at such an incredibly young age and being a main researcher for Umbrella aged nine.
                        Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 11-29-2008, 07:22 AM.


                        • #27
                          Theres nothing in the game to suggest that Alexia is skilled in combat. Of any kind. In fact, if you look at the fight between Wesker and Alexia, youll see how one has incorporated his newfound powers into his skillset, forming an agressive and lethal combination.

                          She pretty much stands still.

                          As for Jill, Id have high opinion of her due to her Delta Force and STARS background, but I wouldnt say shes better than HUNK or Chris. Shes probably physically weaker than Leon, but in a combat situation, Id trust a former Delta more than from that bunch. Mogadishu.

                          Besides, a weapon already is a force multiplier.


                          • #28
                            but in a combat situation, Id trust a former Delta more than from that bunch.
                            What bunch? Chris and HUNK?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Nikkolas View Post
                              What bunch? Chris and HUNK?
                              Almost any and all characters you see wielding a gun in Resident Evil universe. That means Chris and HUNK included. HUNK for obvious reasons.

                              What separates Jill from Chris is exactly her Delta background. Deltas are regarded as the best CQB combat force by almost anyone, and that is the British SAS included. CQB is pretty much mental and physical massochism, nonlinear combat grounds, pretty much the most dangerous grounds. If she was Delta, and NOT kicked out of it, she pretty much has all the right stones.

                              *Someone I could rely on / trust my life to*

                              This is different from comparing skillsets and combat potential / experience.
                              Last edited by Member_of_STARS; 11-29-2008, 07:48 AM.


                              • #30
                                Jill had a whole manner of weapons during Raccoon City, Nicholai only had a pistol and a knife - and NPC powers.
                                See you in hell.

