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Great idea for future RE game, i think youll like it

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  • Great idea for future RE game, i think youll like it

    ok i was getting up to the kitchen and thinking about Nikkolas's postes, and how i said you need to listen to peoples advice and give mroe reason, and then i thought of how RE4's shooting 2nd person mode helped pull the series out of the ditch, but what IF a future game gave ingame option (start options game mode ext) to switch from 2nd person to original fixed camera angles with tank controls, like you could be sitting there playing set future main character after you have beaten it a bajiillion times, you randomly say "oh im bored lets play fixed" or "oh i wonder what this is -click- ohmaigawd!! thats so cool!!" (new fans view)

    its brilliant, i think it would give original fans some sence of satisfation, but also get newer fans interested in the old ways, i think its a great idea how bout you?
    Last edited by Itashious_boy; 12-10-2008, 12:03 AM.

  • #2
    im game!


    • #3
      the truth:

      not. gonna. happen.


      • #4
        It wouldn't really work out seeing as how RE has now become an action-oriented series. I don't think anyone would want to play the game with clunky controls and fixed camera angles while being chased by an angry mob and several chainsaw wielding maniacs. It'd be pretty hard to play. They would have to reprogram a lot of things in order to make it work, and that costs time and money which Capcom probably isn't willing to spend.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • #5
          Yeah, the tank controls would get you killed in RE4. You have to be able to see everything comming at you. You try shooting off screen and you won't get enough head shots to make it worth doing.

          However, it might be good if they do something like Silent Hill of old, where the camera goes over your shoulder to shoot but some of the time is dragged away into eerie angles as though you're being watched or aimed at a corpse or the like. They even do it a little bit in RE4, in rooms like the one where you need to shoot the red dots on the ceiling to stop the ceiling crushing you, but they didn't use it for much beyond showing you what to shoot.


          • #6
            Simple balance issues would prevent that from working. Simple put: the over-the-shoulder 3rd person view would allow precise aiming (Headshots = good), while the fixed perspective wouldn't. It'd either be unnecessarily hard to run through the game on fixed cameras, or it'd be too easy to bother aiming with the over the shoulder camera.


            • #7
              It's a nice idea, but it's something I doubt Capcom would do, as it would simply be too much extra work. Plus, I'm not sure how aiming would work in the old style.


              • #8
                Could be a bonus unlockable.


                • #9
                  maybe but what if it had a blending of the two? like when there is no enemys it switches to tank mode for exploration, when the music starts and enemys appear the over the shoulder tank controlls take effect that solves that, maybe, its just the matter of a constantly moving camera

                  ~RE Rox my Sox~


                  • #10
                    More like you could use forced camera views to explore, and when you aim it switches over to over the shoulder. If it did it simply when enemies were around you would get too much warning.

                    As RE stands, though, the game has too much action for there to be much point.

