ok i was getting up to the kitchen and thinking about Nikkolas's postes, and how i said you need to listen to peoples advice and give mroe reason, and then i thought of how RE4's shooting 2nd person mode helped pull the series out of the ditch, but what IF a future game gave ingame option (start options game mode ext) to switch from 2nd person to original fixed camera angles with tank controls, like you could be sitting there playing set future main character after you have beaten it a bajiillion times, you randomly say "oh im bored lets play fixed" or "oh i wonder what this is -click- ohmaigawd!! thats so cool!!" (new fans view)
its brilliant, i think it would give original fans some sence of satisfation, but also get newer fans interested in the old ways, i think its a great idea how bout you?
its brilliant, i think it would give original fans some sence of satisfation, but also get newer fans interested in the old ways, i think its a great idea how bout you?