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who's the most underhyped character?

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  • who's the most underhyped character?

    who do you think is the most underhyped character in RE? who deserves attention but never gets it or always gets overshadowed by someone else or just not noticed?

    i think that Claire is way underhyped, she needs more attention IMO.

    because she's never had her own game, and always has to share with either Leon or Chris, she needs more attention.

  • #2
    Barry, that's for sure...
    Or Maybe rebecca...
    Last edited by Neoblast; 12-23-2008, 06:49 AM.


    • #3
      Well if you want to go with the main characters then yes I would have to agree that Claire could be used more often. Rebecca would be another as she has disappeared from the face of the earth in the Re universe. Probably all the sub characters in RE deserve more attention as capcom has a habit of forgetting about them. I guess thats why they are sub characters, more like throw away characters but some kind of update would be nice like where's Barry?


      • #4
        barry and rebecca are the most underhyped characters thats for sure


        • #5
          yeah i agree that Barry and Rebecca need more attention from capcom as well, and Carlos to.

          Barry should be in RE6, and so should Rebecca, but i still think they get more hype than Claire does, even HUNK and Tofu get more hype than Claire, everyone forgets about her it seems.


          • #6
            well claire did just have her own movie with leon not so long ago so shes not forgotten well at least not as much as barry and rebecca


            • #7
              yeah but she was completely overshadowed by Leon i heard.

              also, i think we should know more about Richard. Enrico, and Nicholai as well.


              • #8
                well richard is dead enrico is dead and nicholai is still out there somewhere


                • #9
                  Nicholai had an interesting role after RE3. He could be a villain besides Wesker. And Rebecca, I wish I could see her having more roles than managing to escape from the incidents, but it's all, she seems to be a kind of person who doesn't like to have much acion, I think


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ivory View Post
                    Nicholai had an interesting role after RE3. He could be a villain besides Wesker. And Rebecca, I wish I could see her having more roles than managing to escape from the incidents, but it's all, she seems to be a kind of person who doesn't like to have much acion, I think
                    but at the same time if she got involved with all this then she will come back there is no way they will let her go
                    so im sure in the future she will be back


                    • #11
                      If Wesker does indeed make his departure from the narrative in RE5, then the series is going to need a new antagonist. Seeing as Nicholai has been unfortunately forgotten about since RE3, he would make an ideal candidate. I'd like to see his return to ***** some day, I even put together a feasible storyline that kids won't understand because they weren't born yet.
                      See you in hell.


                      • #12
                        And that storyline was great, so great that about 20 years ago the entire movie was made based on it, with Arnold the Governor as the main character So Spencer, I gues that originally the main character in your script was Chris, not Carlos. You know, because all those "bolgy muscles" part But seriously, Nickolai really have to get back in to the series.
                        "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


                        • #13
                          Oh no, it was definitely Carlos. As epic as Chris' muscles may me, Carlos had the incentive and motivation to hunt down Nicholai. It'll be a revenge story, with action sequences and such. Nicholai and his band of mercenaries, selling biological weapons on the black market. Taking full advantage of the power vacuum left by Umbrella.
                          See you in hell.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                            yeah but she was completely overshadowed by Leon i heard.

                            also, i think we should know more about Richard. Enrico, and Nicholai as well.
                            She was not.

                            Clair is the star of the first half of the movie,

                            The second half shifts over to leon.

                            Barry definitely needs more attention. Especially after saving Jill in RE3.
                            Last edited by BLSR1; 12-23-2008, 12:14 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                              Oh no, it was definitely Carlos. As epic as Chris' muscles may me, Carlos had the incentive and motivation to hunt down Nicholai. It'll be a revenge story, with action sequences and such. Nicholai and his band of mercenaries, selling biological weapons on the black market. Taking full advantage of the power vacuum left by Umbrella.
                              Chris just looks a lot like Arny now. And yeah, it should be Carlos by all means, those two share a lot of history (betrayal, death etc) And without jokes, the conseption is great either, having no faith in Capcom though I would say that it would be awesome to see a fan project like this maybe. Damn, even a fanfic would be cool, or atleast artwork...
                              "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley

