I would love a game with the good 'Ol Barry and of course Jill. Barry as a supporting character. It would be great to play that... Barry should get his own game...heck... not matter what age he is... he just deserve it.
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who's the most underhyped character?
Originally posted by Jill Lover View PostI would love a game with the good 'Ol Barry and of course Jill. Barry as a supporting character. It would be great to play that... Barry should get his own game...heck... not matter what age he is... he just deserve it.
i would love a Barry and Jill RE game, then hopefully we could get to play as Barry for once as well,
Originally posted by BlackHeart View PostIf barry and Jill ever were in the same game together again i would be expecting another cheesey joke about a sandwich =/.
I mean come on after the amazing voice acting, Barry does need his own game...I mean Gaiden doesn't count, thankfully its non-canon. He's only been in 1 and the epilogue for Nemesis...that's about it...
as far as Rebecca is concerned, the RE Degeneration bonus feature had the director saying that he would be interested in doing a Rebecca movie if given the chance which is neat...
I didn't sift through the 20 pages here, but what about Billy? I mean the fangirls need more Billy right?
Originally posted by Daargoth View PostI mean come on after the amazing voice acting, Barry does need his own game...I mean Gaiden doesn't count, thankfully its non-canon. He's only been in 1 and the epilogue for Nemesis...that's about it...
as far as Rebecca is concerned, the RE Degeneration bonus feature had the director saying that he would be interested in doing a Rebecca movie if given the chance which is neat...
I didn't sift through the 20 pages here, but what about Billy? I mean the fangirls need more Billy right?
Originally posted by missvalentine View Posti would like to see a little more of Billy, maybe in RE5, and id love to see more of Rebecca to, hopefully she's in the next movie, and hopefully she does something in it as well.
Originally posted by Biokk View PostI personally think Billy's story has been finished. I dont really feel he has any more purpose to be featured in another game unless what happened in Africa when he was there somehow ties in to the storyline in 5??
Originally posted by Daargoth View Postit's a stretch, but it would be pretty cool to actually see Billy in there...doubt he will but would be neat to see Capcom put that swerve in there.
Originally posted by Biokk View PostJust remembering this actually, didn't the guy that voiced Billy in RE0 have it stated on his official website that he was working on RE5 and then a couple of hours later he removed the statement. I'm sure I didnt dream this! LOL must google it. If memory served correctly, it was around the time the first trailer came out and people were speculating if it was Chris or Billy!sigpic
Originally posted by Biokk View PostJust remembering this actually, didn't the guy that voiced Billy in RE0 have it stated on his official website that he was working on RE5 and then a couple of hours later he removed the statement.
I believe that was an error and eventually the voice actor you're talking about voiced Billy, but in REUC and not RE5.Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 01-17-2009, 06:40 PM.