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who's the most underhyped character?

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  • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
    Don't call me Shirley.
    Haha, nice. Airplane was great.
    See you in hell.


    • Most definitely Rebecca. Give me Rebecca back. She belongs in Resident Evil as a main heroine. And as we all know, heros/heroines never die. Rebecca needs more attention!

      Last edited by Rakkoon; 02-20-2009, 04:21 PM.


      • Well the only idea for a Barry game I have is a sort of supernatural concept. Say Barry's seen wartime before the events of RE. Also imagine after RE1 the fear of losing his family and the guilt of betraying his comrades shakes him up so bad that he becomes more or less scarred. Now, bear with me, but imagine playing one of his nightmares. It would start out in a battlefield that progressively gets more surreal and warped, ending him up in the Spencer mansion. Enemy soldiers turn into zombies or other B.O.W.s, Jill/Wesker/whomever haunt him in whatever form (scenes of Jill being crushed by the ceiling/killed by Plant 42/Lisa Trevor; Wesker stalking him and/or morphing into the tyrant)...i.e. both intense experiences symbolically interweaving with oneiric logic. I got this idea because people suggested that Barry would be too old to carry a game (at least to the brains at Capcom). They can make him young in his dream to accompany his war scenes. Or it would switch around as the game progresses. I mean, hey, with dream physics his absurd one-liners wouldn't seem out of place.

        It would both give his character a something of a backstory and allow for Capcom to try something new with the RE mythos. Wow, I got a bit too invested in this my ego is making me desire a game like this. Obviously with better writers.


        • yeah i would LOVE to see Rebecca return someday.

          and gaurd house music, that is one of the coolest ideas i have heard of, that would make for a brilliant game, or maybe they could make it a movie instead, like Degeneration, it might work better like that, but still id also like to play as Barry as well.
          Last edited by missvalentine; 01-30-2009, 10:49 PM.


          • I had an interesting idea where, if indeed Jill is BMW and is made the main focus in part six if it is made, that the storyline would somehow involve her now being a fugitive on the run from both Tricell, the government and even Chris himself now that she is in effect made into a new and improved bio weapon with untold abilities and seems to be of her own person and uncontrollable. Well, who better than to send after her and bring her back but HUNK himself ? He is already a pretty popular side character to those who follow the mythos and more and mroe in recent games he has been given more of the spotlight and more to do, so why not make him a main plot point in part six ?


            • Originally posted by JillLovesChris View Post
              I had an interesting idea where, if indeed Jill is BMW and is made the main focus in part six if it is made, that the storyline would somehow involve her now being a fugitive on the run from both Tricell, the government and even Chris himself now that she is in effect made into a new and improved bio weapon with untold abilities and seems to be of her own person and uncontrollable. Well, who better than to send after her and bring her back but HUNK himself ? He is already a pretty popular side character to those who follow the mythos and more and mroe in recent games he has been given more of the spotlight and more to do, so why not make him a main plot point in part six ?
              That's simply brilliant! Rebecca could be squeezed in there as well.


              • I'd love a game with Hunk. I think if anything like that were to happen Capcom would make a spinoff for HUNK.

                Or a game with the Trashsweeper leader ( @ 0:50) as the primary antagonist. Or both.

                (before the final battle)
                TS Leader: I can't believe you're not DEAD YET!!!
                HUNK: The death cannot die.
                TS Leader: WHAT-EVER! *transforms*


                • Originally posted by Rakkoon View Post
                  That's simply brilliant! Rebecca could be squeezed in there as well.
                  Actually, if you went by this storyline with Jill on the run she could throughout the game try and catch up with former members of STARS and other associated to try to get information on who or what is after her and how she can defeat them. That way you have a viable excuse for all these 'forgotten' side characters from the previous games to come back and help Jill out in one form or another and thus also give their storylines either closure or further expanded upon.


                  • Originally posted by JillLovesChris View Post
                    Actually, if you went by this storyline with Jill on the run she could throughout the game try and catch up with former members of STARS and other associated to try to get information on who or what is after her and how she can defeat them. That way you have a viable excuse for all these 'forgotten' side characters from the previous games to come back and help Jill out in one form or another and thus also give their storylines either closure or further expanded upon.

                    that sounds like BEST GAME EVER material.

                    id be happier if you were writng RE5 rather than capcom.

                    i really really want to know what happend to Barry and Rebecca and Carlos and Billy and everyone who disapeared, and i would love to have Jill and possibly Claire as the main characters, and Rebecca as well,


                    • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post

                      that sounds like BEST GAME EVER material.

                      id be happier if you were writng RE5 rather than capcom.

                      i really really want to know what happend to Barry and Rebecca and Carlos and Billy and everyone who disapeared, and i would love to have Jill and possibly Claire as the main characters, and Rebecca as well,
                      18 million thumbs up

