Some cool stuff on its way, joystiq could kinda get in trouble for doing that, although to know what theyre hinting at, you would have had to have known before hand
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Official Resident Evil 5 Spoilers Topic (READ FIRST POST)
Okay guys, im about to post a HEAVYYYYY HEAVYYY HEAVY SPOILER PREVIEW!!!!! Its an awesome preview though, gets you really excited, especially since the guy says the game is way better then the demo, including the enemies way harder and smarter , as well as sheva that way too.
I might be wrapping more than should be, but its just to be safe, because i dotn want anyone getting mad at me for posting this incorrectly
Again, just so no one gets caught off guard, im going to wrap this HEAVVYY SPOILER preview in spoiler text, but anyone who reads this should know that, this spoiler preview contains information very detailed for, the first 3 chapters, very spoilerific info about characters, dialogue, different levels and how they play out, mini bosses, weapons, and cutscenes
Again, im just repeating, HEAVIEST SPOILERS REVEALED YET!!!
I am pretty well informed about Re5, so i will be showing the normal stuff, and wrapping anything that hasnt yet been revealed.
I will say this though, it actualyl is such, that after reading this, i am even more intrigued to the game, and that i feel it hasnt ruined a thing, has gotten me even more pumped about the story, and is confusing me in a very good way
Here they are, kudos to The zombie Messiah from gamefaqs, who goes overt his preview, again, everything that could be even a small spoiler, is wrapped in spoiler wrap
The Event
"This event was organised several months back by Capcom Europe and the community admin of the European Forums.
Myself and several others (around 30 in total I think?) were invited over to their London branch to give us a taste of the game, and to hopefully spread the good news around to other communities.
The event itself was small, but this worked well with the atmosphere. All of us are mostly forum dwellers, so large crowds of unknown people probably don’t help too much. Also, the small nature ensured a more private feeling.
The Game
As all should be aware by now, Resident Evil 5 follows Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar in Africa. The main focus is on a region/town known as Kijuju, and a mysterious outbreak of an unknown virus/parasite
As I said earlier, I’ve been following the RE series for a long time. The controls are second nature to me.
The controls for the main game, from what I could gather, do not differ from the demo. I immediately set up Control Type A (the one closest to RE4), and set on my way.
It still feels weird for me to have to press X to perform certain actions, but this is just something I will have to get used to.
The inability to move whilst shooting does not bother me, as it makes me feel like I have to play the game tactically. Whilst I deal with any major problems, Sheva can deal with the surrounding Majini anyway.
Aside from minor problems that mostly arise from muscle memory, everything else seems quite natural.
Aiming is simplistic and fast, shooting feels good. Using the various Sniper Rifles is easy.
I do feel that a welcome addition to the controls would be the ability to slowly step forwards and backwards with the knife out. Waiting for an enemy to get closer to you can be frustrating at times, and it can lead to some very dangerous situations.
Enemy AI
The enemy AI is a vast improvement upon that shown in the Demo. They’re still a little slow at times, but they are much more vicious than the Majini the general public have been shown so far.
I faced off against Spoiler:
The Executioner (Axe Guy), Chainsaw Majini, The Leech Creature and a few demi-bosses.
The Boss creatures are, for the most part, smart, agile and cunning. Those that don’t meet these criteria are very bullet-resistant.
There were numerous times where I would try to feed a particular boss round a specific route, only to find them heading in another direction entirely.
There was, however, one moment near the very beginning of the game that gave me a chuckle. When the Majini first started to attack, I didn’t really have a clue where to go (the sound was down, so I couldn’t hear Sheva screaming the instructions). The small alleyway was slowly filling with Majini, and I wasted my ammunition on them.
Finally figuring out where to go, I arrived at the location to find Sheva surrounded by about 20 Majini...she wasn’t being attacked, nor was she attacking them. I figure this was more of a scripting issue than anything else.
Friendly AI
Sheva’s AI is still slightly problematic, but better than that of the Demo AI. This game is clearly meant to be played by 2 people.
However, saying that, the game isn’t unplayable with the current AI. Considering how far I got (without dying I must add), this just goes to show how capable the AI Sheva is at defending herself and you.
The really good thing about her AI is the fact that she isn’t trigger happy. She does seem to get through ammunition quite quickly, but not as quickly as I’ve seen some AI do in games.
Sheva uses what she has expertly, and will find ammo and other items very quickly on her own.
There is a section of the game that will force you to choose whether Sheva will carry a large torch, or defend you as you carry the torch. I advise those that play this without a human partner to make Sheva carry it.
For the first few minutes, she did fine...but then when a large enemy came along, she would only fire when she was stood behind me...and considering I was backing away from the enemy, this was very rarely.
Aside from these relatively minor issues, Sheva’s AI is good. As a partner character, she is well designed and easy to handle.
The version of RE5 that I played was quite Cut-scene heavy, though I assure you that these do not detract from the gameplay. Capcom have gone the smart route and ensured that Gameplay comes first, but Cut-scenes are well made, very detailed, and are enjoyable to watch.
I only encountered one scene with QTE’s, and this scene was amazing. I do, however, wish that I could have focused on what was going on, rather than which button to press.
This game is well acted, with talented voice actors, and a very talented art and production crew.
I was playing the 360 version of RE5, so I cannot comment on how the game differs between the PS3 and 360. Though head over to if you wish to view a comparison video.
Graphically this game is amazing. It is NOT the best looking game to come out this year, and it probably wouldn’t have been the best last year either.
BUT, this game holds its own. It looks nice, it looks realistic, and the world is very detailed.
At times you can still see a few blocky bits within the texturing, and the occasional blur...but these are very VERY minor things compared to the overall visual style of the game.
I never encountered any problems with non-loading textures, backgrounds, environments or items.
From a gamers perspective, this game is visually stunning.
On Screen Visuals
I’ve decided to review the HUD and various other on-screen items separately.
As many of you that have played the demo know, the item screen, map, and health all appear in real time on the screen.
None of it differs from the demo that is available, and this is a welcome addition to the game in my opinion.
The real time item menu means that you have to think fast, and with the sometimes overwhelming number of enemies, fast means FAST.
The Map that will appear in the top right of the screen is incredibly useful. There were moments where I got lost, and the easy to read design got me back on track very quickly.
There will, however, be times where you cannot use the map due to a lack of signal from the satellite.
And finally we get to the storyline. I do apologise, but this bit has to be quite spoiler heavy.
There is no way to accurately describe what happens in this game without giving away key details or moments. Every cut-scene is loaded with spoilers.
I also apologise if any of this is out of order. Only having 3 hours to play, I did rush through and not take notes. In hindsight, I should have done, but sadly I didn’t. These events do all take place, but happen in a slightly different order.
The opening section of the game begins with Spoiler:
The Bird Lady walking around a man cowering on the floor. This is the scene from the trailer where leech-like tentacles slither up his neck and around his body.
The Bird Lady walks away, leaving him lying on the floor. It cuts to Chris Redfield driving through Africa, giving the monologue that is given over the recent trailers.
This is split up with the BSAA members arriving in Kijuju and securing their location.
Chris arrives in Kijuju and meets up with Sheva Alomar.
They head towards a large gate, where Sheva is accosted by a guard, and bribe their way into the main town.
Upon entering the main area, you are given control of Chris. You have no weapons, no jacket, and no ability to fight. You can calmly walk through the town and head towards the yellow blip on the map, or you can run around the town.
I didn’t fully explore the area, trying my hardest to get through the game. However, this place is teeming with life. You are shown people wondering around the town, and you even witness a man having the life beaten from him by a crowd.
As you reach the blip, you are given a small cut-scene of Chris and Sheva turning around to notice that the entire town has emptied, much like that of the early trailers.
Chris and Sheva head into a building and you are met by Reynard Fisher. Chris and Sheva have a brief conversation about a doomsday project, and a man called Irving.
You collect your weapons and jackets, and head on your way.
Your goal is to meet up with Alpha Team, collect Irving, and find out what is happening.
After leaving the building, you witness a man being pinned to the ground and having a parasite like creature forced into his mouth. He transforms and rushes you. This is your first enemy encounter, and it is over quite quickly.
From this moment onwards, you are in hell.
You leave this area, and are forced almost immediately to face off against large rushes of enemies. They feed you through several areas within Kijuju, mostly backstreets, and towards the assembly area from the demo.
As Chris and Sheva head into the building from the demo, you get to watch as Reynard Fisher is executed, and Chris and Sheva are spotted by the Megaphone wielding speaker.
After the fight for your life, you are fed through more areas of Kijuju.
You will often get to fight Spoiler:
a large Majini that can take about three times the number of bullets than normal, but is quite slow. He is powerful, and certainly someone to watch out for.
After Chris and Sheva realise that everything has gone to hell, you head further into Kijuju.
Your main goal Spoiler:
is still to find Alpha Team and Irving, and then leave.
Heading through Kijuju, you get to witness people in backstreets being beaten to death, and large crowds running towards you.
In comes Spoiler:
Allyson (The Blonde Girl). You enter a small area near to the beginning of the game, and witness Allyson running onto the balcony and screaming for your help.
As the heroic type, Chris and Sheva head into the house and find Allyson stood in the centre of the room. You approach her, and she attacks. Allyson is a demi-boss. After all the theories on who she could be, she only turns into an enemy moments after seeing her.
She takes a fair amount of ammunition to take down, and after blowing off her head, she still isn’t finished. However, after you’ve killed her? That’s it. She’s gone.
After being fed through more areas, you finally find the spot where Alpha Team were to meet with Irving. There are bodies all over the place.
Alpha Team have been slaughtered by some unknown creature, and whatever it leaves black goo.
You find one member still partially alive and get an information disc from him, also watching as an unknown person runs from the area (Irving).
Giving you chase, you soon find that you are locked within the area, and have to retrieve a key.
You head through this small location, pick up the key, and head back to the main room.
You now witness the dead body of an Alpha Team member being taken over by the leech like tentacles from the first scene. This body is now a massive tentacle covered enemy that is quite happy to charge you.
You head back to where you picked up the key, and find a furnace. To take down this enemy, you must shoot the bright yellow weak spots, and whilst it is recovering, head to the switch and burn it.
Not much longer after fighting this boss, you witness Irving and The Bird Lady fleeing in a car. Chris and Sheva use the data disc to upload information to the BSAA, and are told to be on their way.
At some point, you will witness the Helicopter that has been supporting you get taken down by flying B.O.W’s, and your extra goal is to find the downed helicopter.
You head off through Kijuju and take out the Chainsaw wielding Majini. Upon entering the clearing with the downed helicopter, Chris and Sheva witness utter devastation.
After they are all gone, you talk with the team and you are sent on your way once again.The helicopter is in ruins and is a burning wreck. There is no sign of life from any of the previous occupants.
Immediately after this revelation, Chris and Sheva are surrounded by Dirt Bike Driving Majini and your first QTE sequence starts.
Quickly pressing a button stops Chris from being killed as a Majini drags him away with a chain. Sheva shoots the chain and Chris is free.
As the button sequence unfolds, the Majini are taken out. It soon turns out that another BSAA team are taking them out with sniper rifles.
Chris and Sheva head off once more and are fed through the mines with a torch, and you eventually make your way out into a large area filled with Majini.
After dealing with the Majini, you head up a lift and into a small building on the edge of a canyon of some sort.
You enter the building to find Irving aiming a gun at you (Irving is Fireworks guy).
After a moment of watching three people pointing guns at each other, and a brief comment from Irving saying that he isn’t a terrorist but a business man, a smoke grenade is thrown through the window, and Irving is whisked away from the scene.
Moments later, Sheva finds files with information about the current plan for Kijuju. The laboratories are in the marshlands, this is where I’ll be heading then.
Sheva hands Chris a photograph and Chris has a flashback.
The photograph is of the girl in the tube from the end of the earlier trailers. This girl is Jill Valentine.
Chris has a very brief and mixed up flashback of Chris and Jill rushing into a room, Chris being thrown against a wall by Wesker, and an unknown body lying on the floor.
After this moment, my small session with the game was at an end.
I apologise if this is not revealing enough for anyone, but it does answer some questions for you."
story= top notch!!
Wow, it sounds amazing! I'm so glad enemies' AI are harder and better! Spoiler:
So Sherry is confirmed to be 100% not in the game, right? I suspected it the moment I connected the endings of the most of the trailers, each of them dealed with Jill/birdwoman/tube girl.
Alexia: have a LOT of fun tomorrow!
Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to tackling RE5. I've heard nothing but praise about it so far. Well I think that
Sherry isn't going to be in it at all. The main Sherry speculation was when we first saw the clips of the tube girl, which has now confirmed to be Jill. We've never heard anything about Sherry other than speculation, so I highly doubt it.
I think the trailer outlines the main story of the game but doesn't include nearly everything. Alot of the footage we've seen seems to be spread out quite a bit and in some cases recylced over to other trailers. In this latest one, we basically hear the dialogue that we've heard before but in its right context instead of as a voice-over.
I also remember reading that Capcom said everything we've seen so far has only been from the first half of the game, give or take a scene or two.
I found the movies to be enjoyable only if I can seperate them from Resident Evil. I think of it as an alternate world in which the world was created by a director/writer who should have his eyes ripped out. They aren't bad movies, they are just terrible when compared along side the Resident Evil games. Much like other movies, they tend to get worse with each sequal. Milla Johovich's character I didnt mind so much because it was original and not something swiped from the series. Jill, Carlos, Wesker and Claire...I hated how they were portrayed..aside from basic look and name they were nothing like their game counterparts.