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DEG - Claire Redfield Backgroud character?

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  • DEG - Claire Redfield Backgroud character?

    I just watched RE DEG and overall I really liked it. There was something about Claire that didn't match with all of this. She was meant to be a side character, not a fighter. Even Angela had most of the action scenes along with Leon. Although I really like Angela's character, I felt that Claire needed more than just a few scenes with nothing really interesting to show. And the worst of this is that almost in the end of the movie (When Leon takes all the action part) she's injured in her leg by a glass making her more useless to the plot.

    What do you all think about it?

  • #2
    I've mentioned that several times before. Especially her injury. She gets hurt, and yet despite the godly feats Leon pulls, he doesn't so much as get a scratch and neither does Angela. I thought Angela was a poor character overall, and wished she did not have as much screen time. Claire was turned into a thinking, somewhat problem solver. Aside from the little bit of 'action' in the start, she didn't do anything. I really wished she would have fought some zombies with that umbrella. Or hell even have a minute where she was shooting them without anyone else around.
    Are you tired, Rebecca?


    • #3
      I agree. But in my opinion I really liked Angela, she was cool. Got more great moments than Claire. But I would have liked Claire to have her moments in the film too because no one would realize she's meant to be a super star of the series, heck, she's even in the poster and she got the title of a problem solver? When she gets hurt it was a bit let down. I hate that part. The movie is great, but I don't know the reason of Angela being more important than Claire. She even had background story.

      I personally think, this movie was about Leon... and I was sure about that.


      • #4
        Yeah, it's funny to think of Claire in Code: Veronica compared to Claire in Degeneration.

        I wouldn't have had a problem with Claire's "support" role in Degen if that whole opening cutscene to Code: Veronica never happened.


        • #5
          One minute she's dodging bullets from a Assault Helicopter, then the next she's taken down by a piece of glass.


          • #6
            Good points ,guys but I think they really meant to tone her down a bit except for that scene where she protected Roni which showed she can still kick booty. Still, the down playing of Claire wasn't the only thing amist in Degeneration. I loved the movie but why was Leon in it? Just to have Leon and Claire back destroying zombies? Leon had Angela as a sidekick...
            I realize that Chris is in RE5 so putting him in DEG. would be redundant but Capcom has a whole slew of characters to use. I know once we played RE5 DEG. may make more sense but I was still hoping for a cameo from Claire but I doubt it now because of D
            Maybe Claire's story is truly over. I mean,her main purpose,and story line,was to find Chris and she accomplished this in CVX or rather Chris found her.
            Last edited by FBR4Life; 01-09-2009, 04:07 AM.


            • #7
              I'm not gonna bother watching Degen. I knew it would be shit for the most part. Tri-cell seems to be the new wanna-be Umbrella which is equally annoying me.


              • #8
                Rebbeca - Disposed of.

                Billy - Disposed of.

                Barry - Disposed of.

                Claire, probably disposed of.

                Umbrella: Replaced by Tricell.

                Leon: Replaced by Leon S. Kennedy.

                Is that it?


                • #9
                  Twist, I'd suggest you actually watch the movie before pissing and moaning about how much it sucks. Just an idea. Or you can just go back to cutting yourself.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                    I've mentioned that several times before. Especially her injury. She gets hurt, and yet despite the godly feats Leon pulls, he doesn't so much as get a scratch and neither does Angela. I thought Angela was a poor character overall, and wished she did not have as much screen time. Claire was turned into a thinking, somewhat problem solver. Aside from the little bit of 'action' in the start, she didn't do anything. I really wished she would have fought some zombies with that umbrella. Or hell even have a minute where she was shooting them without anyone else around.
                    Remember, she isnt a fighter in this movie (apart from a few little scenes) thats why shes with terra-save. Leon and Chris are the fighters which would make them much tougher.
                    I thought the movie plot was brilliant, especialy the parts with Leon and Angela fighting G - Kurtis.
                    As a fan that enjoys all the games it's great to a see a movie with good action scenes and 2 of my fav characters (re4 Leon and Claire).
                    To edit a bit more, ive seen some comments that are comparing claire to her code veronica self. Shes still the same person, she just wants to protest instead of fighting. Plus nothing could be done to avoid the glass going into her leg, a bomb went off and you cant really do much to sheild yourself from that. So its a different thing than the helicopter scene in CV.
                    Last edited by Andyfer_Ruu; 01-09-2009, 06:40 AM.


                    • #11
                      I'm sorta disturbed that a lot of folk find the action bits the best bits. I admit, I've yet to grab a copy (stupid stomach bug) but shouldn't it be, well, a bit scary in some places?

                      I'm also slightly disturbed by how Claire seems to be portrayed. Sure, she's chosen to work a different way to Leon and Chris (because they're manly men so blowing up stuff is good) but she, well, is clearly a damned fine fighter. From what I've read she even proes it by blasting a few zombies during the movie. You'd think Leon, of all people, would know that. I'm not sure sticking her as a baby sitter and having a new girl go all action star with Leon seems like the best plan. Maybe it would have been better to reverse the roles there. Even if she doesn't really want to fight anymore, which is perfectly reasonable, when you've got no does sound like Claire fans will be disapointed to me, alas.

                      I'm also slightly worried by the sound of the return of Super Leon. From what I've seen and heard he does any number of super human feats such as Parkour along for a while, defying gravity all the while, and getting pimp slapped by a G-monster...then springing back up.

                      Still, I hope the movie is better than it seems from what little I've garnered.


                      • #12
                        Well....true, Leon does get smacked by G and Leon does get up from it. But thats one thing i could over look. :]
                        now...i need to watch the dvd again...i think some parts are horror, like after the panic has died down in the airport. I think i just made a cheesey pun in my last sentence....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                          but shouldn't it be, well, a bit scary in some places?
                          It isn't.

                          And about Claire - I'm happy with what they did to her. Really, being a master of gun-fu didn't suit her in Code Veronica. She was meant to be an ordinary student girl who happened to find herself in a wrong place, on a wrong time. The way Capcom resolved that in Deg, making her join an organization protesting against bio-weapons, was IMO a good decision.

                          Also, I saw at Claire-Leon roles in Deg as Gr.ace and Gabriel in "Gabirel Knight" games; Gr.ace (here, Claire) was the one to dig into mysteries and solve them; Gabe (here, Leon) was the hot-headed one that was dealing with danger personally and get all action bits. And I'm good with that.

                          (forgot that the G-name is censored here -_-)
                          Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 01-09-2009, 07:06 AM.


                          • #14
                            Why is the G name censored? 0.o
                            and yah, i agree with what you just said. Its a good explanation.


                            • #15
                              I think Claire was a background character

                              In the beggining of the movie she was a nanny with a RECV movement (thats was the only cool thing that Claire did IMO)
                              Than she just talked with some people and was injuried by a glass (I dont know if I would be fine after that too) and just used some computers

                              I think Claire should be Angela,if u know what I mean xD
                              Last edited by Guest; 01-09-2009, 07:50 AM.

