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DEG - Claire Redfield Backgroud character?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
    B.O.W's don't possess the ability to transmit the virus. The Eliminator's were also created through the Progenitor virus, not the T-virus.
    I'm pretty sure it's only the Hunters and Tyrants that don't transmit the virus. And I also seem to recall that the Progenitor Virus turns people into zombies, as well. The T-Virus is just a more powerful strain of the Progenitor Virus. Of course, I haven't played RE0 in forever, so my memory may be off.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Archelon View Post
      I'm pretty sure it's only the Hunters and Tyrants that don't transmit the virus. And I also seem to recall that the Progenitor Virus turns people into zombies, as well. The T-Virus is just a more powerful strain of the Progenitor Virus. Of course, I haven't played RE0 in forever, so my memory may be off.
      Neither are the Plague Crawlers, Centurion, Yawn, etc. Progenitor is never shown to create a zombie or even infect another human. And the T-virus is far from "just a more powerful strain" of Progenitor.
      Last edited by News Bot; 01-11-2009, 01:09 PM.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #48
        Originally posted by Archelon View Post
        It went all the way through her shoulder. You can pretty clearly see it come out the other side.
        no, it just it her shoulder and injected her with purple stuff, i just played it recently.

        kinda like a taser but with purple instead of electricity.

        Originally posted by Archelon View Post
        That's a borderline irrelevancy. If we take gameplay into consideration, then we also have to accept the fact that all of the characters have survived being impaled, bitten countless times, taking anti-aircraft missiles to the face (I'm referring to Jill and Carlos here, not Leon, as I imagine someone would make some snarky remark about that), had their throats slit, and any number of other serious injuries that would kill a real person, but the characters survive due to the demands of gameplay.

        If anything, what happens in a cutscene counts more than what happens in gameplay, because the cutscene actually occurs in the story, whereas much of the gameplay sequences in all of the games can be discounted as not part of the actual story. For example, the understanding that every character has made it through their respective games without getting bitten once by a zombie. In gameplay, they may get bitten a lot of times, but as far as the story is concerned, they're never bitten once, or else they'd become zombies.
        ok i see your point, but still, what if Luke Skywalker made a mistake with is lightsaber and got killed by a stormtrooper, it could happen, but it's stupid and would suck.

        and people think the same thing about Claire getting WIA by a shard of glass, that's all, i have yet to see it yet, so im not completely sure what i think of it yet.

        Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
        I, personally, agree with you. I think older ladies can be just as sexy as younger ones. That doesn't mean Capcom or the public agrees with me. Men have been shown to have a much longer shelf life in the eye of the public, though. How many female movie stars are in there fifties or sixties? Or even fourties? Compared to there male counterparts?

        I don't like it, but I can see it as happening. Jill may well be dead by the end of RE5, Claire is retired, Rebecca is probably a supporting type the same as Claire now...Ada might be around, who knows? And then we have Sheva. Aged 23. How old is Angela again? I'm betting not over 25.

        Yeah. Don't like this at all.
        i seriosly hope it doesn't come to that.

        i would like to see a 40 year old female protagonist for once actually, it would be different

        and besides... <_< >_> .... older just means more experiance

        Originally posted by Archelon View Post
        I don't have the ability to take screencaps, I'm afraid. I could be mistaken about it, of course, but I certainly seem to recall seeing it come out the other side, or at the very least, seeing the blood and "fluid" (whatever it was that always accompanied Nemesis' tentacles when they shot out of his arm) coming out of the back of her shoulder.
        i don't remember any blood coming from Jill's arm, just purple from NEMESIS, and it could have just been graphical glitches that made NEMESIS's tentacle go out the other side of her arm, i have to GC version and it doesn't happen in that version.


        • #49
          Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
          Neither are the Plague Crawlers, Centurion, Yawn, etc. Progenitor is never shown to create a zombie or even infect another human. And the T-virus is far from "just a more powerful strain" of Progenitor.
          I guess I'll just have to reread through the files of RE0 and Wesker's Report 2.

          Regardless, my initial point still stands about characters surviving a lot worse than what Leon went through in Degeneration. Even if the Eliminator couldn't transmit the virus to Rebecca, the fact still remains that it went to town on her shoulder. In a cutscene, no less.

          Though now you've got me wondering. Does the Progenitor Virus do anything to humans, or did Marcus only start experimenting on the trainees after he created the T-Virus?


          • #50
            Originally posted by Archelon View Post
            So then what's the problem with RE4 and Degeneration, I wonder?


            It went all the way through her shoulder. You can pretty clearly see it come out the other side.

            That's a borderline irrelevancy. If we take gameplay into consideration, then we also have to accept the fact that all of the characters have survived being impaled, bitten countless times, taking anti-aircraft missiles to the face (I'm referring to Jill and Carlos here, not Leon, as I imagine someone would make some snarky remark about that), had their throats slit, and any number of other serious injuries that would kill a real person, but the characters survive due to the demands of gameplay.

            If anything, what happens in a cutscene counts more than what happens in gameplay, because the cutscene actually occurs in the story, whereas much of the gameplay sequences in all of the games can be discounted as not part of the actual story. For example, the understanding that every character has made it through their respective games without getting bitten once by a zombie. In gameplay, they may get bitten a lot of times, but as far as the story is concerned, they're never bitten once, or else they'd become zombies.
            Well that's most likely you're biased towards Leon...
            And it's ok. It's just a game, it's not meant to be realistic by any way.

            EDIT - Lara Croft is almost around 55 and she still gets sexy...
            Last edited by Jill Lover; 01-11-2009, 01:39 PM.


            • #51
              Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
              firstly i don't think NEMESIS's tentacles went right through Jill's arm, it just pierced her skin and infected her that's all.

              im not sure about Ada

              but Claire's intro in CVX was just an intro movie, not gameplay, Leon was gameplay which makes it a whole lot worse.

              Jill is 34, Ada is 34, Claire is 29, Rebecca is 28, i hardly consider any of them middle aged or old.

              i mean Wesker is 48, do i hear anyone complaining about that?

              if Wesker can be used at 48, so can a female character, they don't need to be retired cause there old

              i consider females more than eye candy, i don't think they need replacing with younger girls with big boobs,

              i think they should keep using them forever, and ive sugsted this before capcom does not have to set the game in the year they are released, RE12 could be set in 1999 and i wouldn't care.

              I think Capcom should slow down the timescale in resident evil from now on, the character's are getting too old soon enough, if the game takes 3 or 4 years to make a time how many more games are possible to u get to a point where u think hold on... These character's are all so old.

              So i think yes they need to consider slowing down the time scale a little bit.

              I may be wrong but i think they should just slow to process a bit.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                Well that's most likely you're biased towards Leon...
                There's an iron clad argument right there.


                • #53
                  I knew you'd say something like that. The fact here, is that you pretend games to be realistic or trying to explain something which is pretty obvious...


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                    I knew you'd say something like that. The fact here, is that you pretend games to be realistic or trying to explain something which is pretty obvious...
                    Um, what? Did you even read any of my posts?

                    If anything, I was arguing about how unrealistic the games are when it comes to things like injury and characters' abilities.

                    Sorry, try again.


                    • #55
                      Steady on guy's stay on topic.


                      • #56
                        Honestly, it seems everyone is a bit conservative with how things are and not liking the change, I can understand that, as I am conservative too...but sometimes we just have to except change and support it if its for the best. The Resident Evil we knew back 10 years ago is gone. This is a new generation (Degeneration ) of people who want to see something different. I believe that the movie was very well executed and people played thier rolls just right. So wasnt Claire a babysitter in RE2 with Sherry...though she may not have been with her the whole time. It seems like Claire never really wanted to get in the messes she did in RE2 (Obviously) and CV it was a huge shock again when all hell broke loose with the T-Virus. It's not like she wanted to be in those situations in the first place. But the movie was bad ass, but people wanted Claire to be a huge action hero....Talk about another was more realistic for her to be a supporting character and not a lead roll.


                        • #57
                          The Progenitor must do SOMETHING to humans, because we have the Proto-Tyrant. He was infected with the Progenitor Virus. Even though Marcus was inbetween, because it was Progenitor plus the leeches (which has been suggested as one way of making T-Virus), he still had the photosensitivity associated with Progenitor, not the pyrosensitivity associated with the T-Virus. So yeah, it must do something.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Alexia-Ashford View Post
                            The Progenitor must do SOMETHING to humans, because we have the Proto-Tyrant. He was infected with the Progenitor Virus. Even though Marcus was inbetween, because it was Progenitor plus the leeches (which has been suggested as one way of making T-Virus), he still had the photosensitivity associated with Progenitor, not the pyrosensitivity associated with the T-Virus. So yeah, it must do something.
                            Maybe we'll finally find out in RE5.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Alexia-Ashford View Post
                              The Progenitor must do SOMETHING to humans, because we have the Proto-Tyrant. He was infected with the Progenitor Virus. Even though Marcus was inbetween, because it was Progenitor plus the leeches (which has been suggested as one way of making T-Virus), he still had the photosensitivity associated with Progenitor, not the pyrosensitivity associated with the T-Virus. So yeah, it must do something.
                              The T-001 was created with the T-virus.

                              Marcus and the leeches are also a product of the T-virus. At least that's what he says.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • #60
                                Here's what we know about the Progenitor Virus:

                                BOW Report

                                Research to date has shown that when the Progenitor virus is administrated to living
                                organisms, violent celluar changes cause a breakdown in the system, Furthermore, no
                                satisfactory method has been found to control the organisms for use as weapons.
                                Clearly, greater co-ordination at the cellular level is essential to enable further
                                growth. I conducted a number of experiments in an effort to find a breakthrough. This
                                is my report:

                                - Perhaps because of these ancient animals have been genetically stable for millenia,
                                when administered with the progenitor virus they exhibited only explosive high-energy
                                growth and increased aggressivness. It is extremely difficult to envision using them
                                as a BOW.

                                - Injecting a frog with the virus resulted in an increase in leaping power and abnormal
                                tongue growth. However, no change in mental ability is observed. Furthermore, an abnormal
                                resulted in the test subject randomly attacking all moving objects. Usefulness for BOW is

                                - The progenitor virus was merged with the monkey's cellular DNA, resulting in an increase
                                in fertility. The resulting young exhibited improved aggressiveness and some increased
                                mental capacity. (As a side effect, the visual power was lost, but this offset by an
                                improvment in hearing ability). However, they were unsatisfactory as weapons. It does
                                seem that no progress can be made without making humans as the base organism.

                                When combined with Leech DNA, it created the T-Virus. And that's about it for hard info on the Mother Virus.

                                Anyway on the topic of Degeneraiton, Leon sucked in here. Was boring and looked lame as hell. It goes RE4 Leon > RE2 Leon > Degeneration Leon for me.
                                Last edited by Becky's Butt; 01-12-2009, 04:27 AM.

