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  • #46
    Anyone think it will end like the keeper's diary?

    "4. Itchy. Tasty"


    • #47
      This might not mean much, but if you're making Wesker out to be Jormungandr, then no, he doesn't survive. He and Thor kill each other. Thor beats Jormungandr with his hammer, but Thor succumbs to Jormungandr's poison, walking nine steps before falling, dead.

      I like Jormungandr. As you can see by my name...
      And I see Irving also has some infatuation with him, too.


      • #48
        Originally posted by CubanOlive07
        It would be interesting to see. However, what would he write down since he isn't infected with the T-Virus?

        By the way, have they clarified whether the Majini are infected with Las Plagas, or a new strain of Plagas and something else?
        March 13, 2009



        • #49
          Originally posted by CubanOlive07
          It would be interesting to see. However, what would he write down since he isn't infected with the T-Virus?

          By the way, have they clarified whether the Majini are infected with Las Plagas, or a new strain of Plagas and something else?
          It seems as though they're virally infected Las Plagas in all essence, so the fact the parasites are undead (and therefore there hosts, I guess) means they can go in the sunlight easier. But I guess that being simpler organisms the Plagas retains some intelligence. So, I suppose for all intents and purposes they're all mini Nemesis' without his rather intimidating form.

          Currently that seems to be the only actual difference between the Majini and the Ganados, but I expect they'll be more differences.


          • #50
            Well, Wesker's enterprise didn't get LAS PLAGAS as ADA says in separate ways at the ending...So... it must be another group that obtained that sample, maybe Ada was working for tricell.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Neoblast View Post
              Well, Wesker's enterprise didn't get LAS PLAGAS as ADA says in separate ways at the ending...So... it must be another group that obtained that sample, maybe Ada was working for tricell.
              Me thinks Ada is just freelance but held on a leash by Wesker. Or Wesker wanted the sample in someone else's hands....


              • #52
                Anybody else been wondering what happened to Wesker's HCF company (as per CODE:Veronica)???


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Biokk View Post
                  Anybody else been wondering what happened to Wesker's HCF company (as per CODE:Veronica)???
                  Judging from what HCF stands for ("Hive Capture Force"), I think the general consensus is that it's not actually a corporation of its own, but rather a task force within a larger corporation, most likely the Organization Wesker and Ada have been working for since RE2.


                  • #54
                    Last edited by Vogue_Dirge; 02-10-2009, 11:32 PM.


                    • #55
                      Dude. Seriously. Don't double post so much.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by CubanOlive07
                        Sorry, if I went a little overboard; just trying to keep it updated along with the summary on my first post.
                        But that's why there's an edit button.


                        • #57
                          Basically, if you wanna add something then use the edit. Unless it's something important, such as an update. If it's just you digesting the post and adding some thoughts then use edit.


                          • #58
                            Double/triple/quadruple posting often makes a forum look messy. Using the edit button helps keep forums tidy. It's the same on most forums.

                            As for the blogpost.. meh. Adam knew it was going to happen and things were going to hell, why is he still there? O.O


                            • #59
                              Copy Anderson's movie? Why? It's logical to quarantine the area.


                              • #60
                                I don't think it's logical to quarantine the area. They had no idea what was going on, or that it was an infectant causing the chaos. It could have just been a crazy cult. Even Chris didn't know what was going on, as we see in the trailer where turban man tells him about a "Uroboros" project and he says it's mainly just rumours. No one knew. If a crazy cult started in my city, they wouldn't just quarantine the whole city off.

                                In the movies it was logical, because Umbrella knew exactly what they were dealing with and what would happen.

