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  • #61
    Originally posted by Alexia-Ashford View Post
    I don't think it's logical to quarantine the area. They had no idea what was going on, or that it was an infectant causing the chaos. It could have just been a crazy cult. Even Chris didn't know what was going on, as we see in the trailer where turban man tells him about a "Uroboros" project and he says it's mainly just rumours. No one knew. If a crazy cult started in my city, they wouldn't just quarantine the whole city off.
    And with that, one of I'm sure to be many new plotholes have been created.

    Africa is a war torn continent. A city suddely becoming violent makes people instantly think its something in the water so there is call for a quarantine? I don't think so. True we have Adam's blog describing how things are slowly changing...but I don't think a goverment would instantly see that as any sign of people getting infected. Of course...I'm looking at this in a real world situation and not the RE standard.
    Last edited by Bertha; 02-21-2009, 08:16 PM.
    Are you tired, Rebecca?


    • #62
      Unless, of course, the 'military' he speaks of is a PMC, or a branch of some kind of military that has their hand in a pot of dirty money. Remember, this is just some shmuck's blog. He's not connected to anything except the inner workings of the village, so what separates him from the savages there besides their 'infection'? You guys gotta think out of the box. I hope I'm right and this isn't a plothole.


      • #63
        Or, unless of course, TriCell has a part in getting the area quarantined off. If it was someone with benevolent intent, they wouldn't still be allowing people IN, but supposedly killing anyone who tries to get out.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Alexia-Ashford View Post
          Or, unless of course, TriCell has a part in getting the area quarantined off. If it was someone with benevolent intent, they wouldn't still be allowing people IN, but supposedly killing anyone who tries to get out.

          Do you guys think that maybe Irving had a part in the infection starting?

          He seems to be disliked by almost every character in the game...


          • #65
            It seems like Irving is dealing Bioweapons to the same army that has barricaded the city. If you look at the new picture of Irving on the BSAA site, the guy has the same uniform (well, same model actually) as the guy Chris and Sheva talk to at the very beginning (the guy with the blood on his shirt and the red beret).


            • #66
              BSAA site is..... weird just now, is it broken?


              • #67
                I think that someone uploaded a virus ;).
                That's why you should never open attachments send you by a person you don't know.


                • #68
                  maybe it was Wesker or Ricardo or TriCell who send the virus on the BSAA site......


                  • #69
                    Perhaps they have sealed the city so they can attempt to trap Irving inside and arrest him, as mentioned in one of the files.
                    "I've got 100 cows."
                    "Well I've got 104 friends."


                    • #70
                      Anyone noticed that the last entry has changed a little?
                      Last paragraph was:
                      Please, if you’re reading this, don’t give me any more advice. Help me!
                      Tell anyone to report on the madness here. You have to get the word out! Let them know that there are still good people in Kijuju – people who need to be rescued! We need help now!
                      now it's
                      Please, if you’re reading this, don’t give me any more advice. Help me! Tell anyone you know who works for a newspaper or something to report on the madness here. You have to get the word out! If you know someone who has a friend who works for some government agency, tell them! Let them know that there are still good people in Kijuju – people who need to be rescued! We need help now! Send the army, the air force, or even N.A.S.A.! Please, if you’ve ever felt anything for your fellow man, now is the time to act! Please!
                      (selected sentences were added)


                      • #71
                        Totally whipped.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by CubanOlive07
                          It would make more sense to seal off the area with roadblocks or a fence at most, not a wall. If you remember there was a scene in Degeneration where Curtis is being held back by the military as he tries get into Raccoon City. There was simply a road block being guarded by soldiers. This makes sense, given the small window of time the military would have, to effectively quarantine anyone from leaving. I thought that the wall was cheesy in RE: Apocalyspse because you can't build a wall that fast. I accepted it though, knowing that the movies aren't canon.

                          I would rather have Adam say that the army has blocked off roads leaving the city, instead of the wall.
                          Yeah well what about all the open ground with no road on them? What then

                          Monsters do not neccessarilly stick to sidewalks...


                          • #73
                            Maybe the walls are a leftover from the feudal era...

                            Besides, they have to justify why areas are divided by big doors, but like Raccoon City's doors for alleys that go into even more alleys =o


                            • #74
                              It could be like a super version of mad cow disease.
                              lol, so that could be the thing that's killing everyone

