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Co-op play for Resident Evil 6? Opinions?

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  • Co-op play for Resident Evil 6? Opinions?

    After playing co-op in the Resident Evil 5 demo quite a bit (locally and online) I'm really convinced it's a good direction for the series, especially with how co-op centric the game really is. In most co-op action games, the second players are just an extra gun, but in RE5 I like how Chris and Sheva really rely on each other; two players actively managing inventories and ammo together, and the cool actions you can perform to free each other from grapples or reach certain areas. I know some are skeptical of the RE5 co-op and I can see why I suppose, but I think it's an exciting feature and I can't wait to use the feature to its fullest in the final game.

    What are your thoughts about the co-op? If you would like co-op to return in Resident Evil 6, what two characters would you like to be playable?

  • #2
    Jill Valentine and Rebecca Chambers or Claire

    but thats me
    i do like the idea of co-op,it means i can play with friends


    • #3
      I think co-op is AWESOME

      I think the next RE must have co-op with Claire and any other character

      I would like a game with 4 characters, and we could pick 2 ways to go and see the story from different points of view lol


      • #4
        Single player focused game, with a gameplay structure that would support quick-and-casual co-op play and (I can dream) competitive play? = O.K.

        Co-op focused game? = fail.

        Why? Because it would simply become a less enjoyable game. Not everyone wants to play games with other people to be able to enjoy them, but having the option there for those who want it is fine.


        • #5
          I'm not too keen on the co-op actually...It reminds me too much of games like Gears and Army of Two. I enjoyed the feeling of solitude facing enemies. I do however know and understand the reasoning behind using it. I'm still waiting to make a solid judgment after playing the main game. The demo only created a limited perspective for me.

          I would love to see some co-op play between Chris and Claire. I think the sibling team would be interesting. Because I'd totally love to OD on testosterone, Chris with Leon would also be a pair to watch. Taking a few characters from the other games, Bruce and Fong Ling together again would be pretty fun...or perhaps have Bruce team up with Leon. It would fit since both are goverment agents.
          Are you tired, Rebecca?


          • #6
            I'll probably get lynched for this, but I've got an idea for something I wouldn't mind seeing them do some day, even if it was just a spinoff title. It's something I've thought about for a long time, and with RE5 entering the world of online co-op play, I think it could work well in a future title. Plus, I get the feeling RE6 will be a fresh start for the series, with little, if any, ties to previous games aside from Tricell (and maybe Las Plagas).

            For most of the games, we've played as elite soldiers or members of a police force, but we never really got to see any of that affect the gameplay. Playing someone like Claire who has had no special training is really no different from playing as someone like Chris, Jill, or Leon. My idea would be for them to expand on the idea of co-op to possibly four players, ala Gears of War or Halo 3. Even if it wasn't available in the main campaign, it could be an unlockable mode or something (kind of like the co-op missions in the Splinter Cell series).

            Then, with that new option, try something akin to Rainbow Six, but streamline it. Maybe not to the point of, say, Gears of War, but allow for a more tactical approach to the gameplay. You could start by having the team infiltrate a Tricell facility or even an area where there has been a recent biohazard outbreak. If you're playing single player, expand on the commands you are able to give your teammate in RE0, RE5, or even the Outbreaks.

            However, when I say try something similar to Rainbow Six, I do not mean I want the game to go first person. I think they should keep the third person view and over-the-shoulder aiming. Maybe add the option to switch to first person for more precise shots. Since RE6 probably won't share the same legacy as RE5, I think it would be more feasible for the developers to allow for players to move and shoot at the same time, but they could still allow the option for the classic controls.

            I don't think a cover system would be necessary, unless the enemies start using guns. One thing I have always wanted to see is a place before there's an outbreak. For example, if the unit infiltrates a Tricell facility, the game could start off with having you fight regular human enemies with guns, but then shortly into the game, an outbreak of some virus or parasite would occur within the facility, and then you'd have a mix of humans and infected for awhile until everyone in the facility (aside from the playable characters and perhaps a bad guy or two) is infected. BOWs could begin to come into play at that point, as well.

            Also, add a bit of a stealth element to it. Don't turn it into Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell, but take a page out of the newest Turok's book (or perhaps Uncharted 2, if the stealth works in that game like I think it will). If you can sneak up on an enemy, then you're given the opportunity for an instant kill, whether it be with your knife, breaking their neck, whatever. It would give an opportunity for people who get tired of the shooting to break it up a bit. You could use silencers as well, if you wanted to pick off targets from far away.

            As the game progresses, you would fight smarter and harder enemies, but they would be BOWs, not humans. You could even toss in a few normal human enemies from time to time, and have them fighting the BOWs as well, and you would get the choice of killing the BOWs first and then taking on the humans, or killing the humans first and then taking on the BOWs, or let the two duke it out and finish off whatever is left.

            I know this sounds less and less like a Resident Evil title the more I type, but I think given the direction Capcom seems to be going with RE5, it might work.


            • #7
              PC LAN coop FTW.


              • #8
                I only dont want lots of characters cause they wouldnt focus on the characters, so the game would be a crap


                • #9
                  @ Archelon

                  Some suggestions regarding your idea:

                  "it could be an unlockable mode or something"

                  Forget that possibility. If it'd happen, it wouldn't be like that. Unless the single player game is awfully similar, it'd be basically a new game itself, and very few devs. would put such effort in an unlockable mode. Also, there could be memory a lot of memory related issues.

                  Changing the focus of the gameplay from humans to BOWs ingame:

                  Unless the BOWs behaved somewhat like humans, such dramatic change to the enemies (and therefore, gameplay) would turn a lot of players off with the "WTF were these guys thinkings?" or "The story has gone to hell" stuff. It's horrendous when games suddenly change their focus to something COMPLETELY unexpected and expects us to cath it from there (a la the first Star Ocean, and some other games wich I can't recall right now). And if the BOWs behaved somewhat like humans, it would kill any RE appeal left. Also, enemy inbalances would be everywhere.

                  "but they could still allow the option for the classic controls."

                  Won't happen, and should never happen in any RE game. Ever. The imbalance would be tremendous, and a dramatic shift to the enemy A.I. would be necessar: more work no-one's willing to do.

                  "Also, add a bit of a stealth element to it."

                  1 hit stealth kills are Tenchu old, and Tenchu-flawed. The simply possibility of getting out without a fight and saving ammo and health items should be enough.

                  "As the game progresses, you would fight smarter and harder enemies, but they would be BOWs, not humans."

                  This rings daikatana. Unless the enemies would simply become faster/stronger or the likes, it wouldn't work at all.

                  ... and that's that. Might be somewhat offtopic tho, but I really felt like saying it lol.

                  PC LAN coop FTW.
                  Hell yeah, back in the day? Brings back memories.

                  @Tyrant T-002:

                  BR cara?
                  Last edited by Rock it.; 01-15-2009, 12:46 AM.


                  • #10
                    Chris and Leon.


                    • #11
                      Good replies everyone. I agree with the many who said Claire should be in RE6. <3 Claire.


                      • #12
                        Well, unless they drastically change Claire again I don't see her in anything but supporting roles from now on in. Maybe stuck in the Mercernaries game.

                        I dislike the co-op mode, essentially because it forces me to rely on a computer controlled assitant who will do what they want rather than what I need them to. Yes, I could play with a person, but I know very few people I like or trust well enough to give them that kinda time, and I'm fairly anti-social with new folk. Honestly, I'd rather have the option to play alone.


                        • #13
                          im against this idea very very much.

                          im prefere single player the most, the idea of a two player coop survival horror game to me is laughable, even just having AI around like Billy and Rebecca in RE0 made it less scary, in a horror game you really really need to be alone all the time, leave coop for gears 3.

                          @ Archelon

                          no, just no.

                          although, i would love to have Jill, Claire and Rebecca team up, it would ruin all the atmosphere and mood for the game, i hope RE5 is the only coop RE game, hopefully they go back to single player in RE6.


                          • #14
                            With all that enemies I didnt notice Sheva at all

                            I have to admit that its boring when Sheva save us, but RE5 has a lot of action, so co-op is not a really big problem, I think xD


                            • #15
                              I'd rather single player dont get me wrong co-op is great fun but I'd much rather single player for Resi games. Knowing Capcom though if this is a success they will stick with it.

