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Resident Evil Wii being released in Europe??

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  • Resident Evil Wii being released in Europe??

    According to Wii Brasil, a spanish magazine called "Hobby Consolas" listed Resident Evil Wii for release in Europe this spring... o.o

    Does anyone have access to the magazine or heard anything about this?
    Sounds pretty.... fake. This site posts a lot of rumours, but I don't think they would say the news was out on a magazine if it isn't true.... what do you think guys? Capcom already stated in Unity that the game could be released outside Japan, altough I don't think it will....

  • #2
    Well, I've seen a few sites that have them on their release lists for both Europe and US. TBA 09 (to be announced this year) but I don't know if that's confirmation or just speculation.

    I don't really care since I already have them on GC and I don't like the Wiimote. There's no point in me buying the Wii versions because they offer nothing new (besides progressive scan)...


    • #3
      'Hobby Consolas' has made some rumors in the past. I wouldn't be so sure about that info.


      • #4
        It wouldn't be so surprising if Capcom decided to release the games elsewhere, especially since Zero sold quite well in Japan.


        • #5
          Well, Capcom Europe were pretty fast to dismiss RE Zero, but they've been a bit quiet about REmake.....


          • #6
            Yes, that's what I was thinking about....
            But, on the other hand, Remake didn't sell much, I think... at least, the game didn't got into a sales top 10. Biohazard Zero was on 7th place, I think, on its first week after the release.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Skunky View Post
              Well, I've seen a few sites that have them on their release lists for both Europe and US. TBA 09 (to be announced this year) but I don't know if that's confirmation or just speculation.

              I don't really care since I already have them on GC and I don't like the Wiimote. There's no point in me buying the Wii versions because they offer nothing new (besides progressive scan)...
              Actually they don't have progressive scan either. A few extra control schemes with the original remaining superior, nothing more.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Yama View Post
                Actually they don't have progressive scan either. A few extra control schemes with the original remaining superior, nothing more.
                I've not got my copy of Biohazard Wii yet, but I've got Zero Wii up and running now and my TV disagrees with you about them not having Progressive Scan support.

                (My screen will not show any component input info for interlaced SD 50hz and 60hz images. But if it's a progressive image, it'll display the hz and resolution as seen in the second image)
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  I've also seen REmake Wii on TBA on some websites and lists. But hell, I've also seen Guitar Hero WT for pc and Marvel vs Capcom 2 for Xbox360/PS3, so I'd just take those as speculations.


                  • #10
                    Marvel vs Capcom 2 is a real deal, it is at least being thought about. Trust me hah.

                    And yeah, it looks 480p to me on my projector on the Wiimakes

