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Resident Evil Online Chat RPG

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  • Resident Evil Online Chat RPG

    I'm basically gauging interest to see if anyone is interested in a Resident Evil chatroom based RPG. There were a few back when the series had a larger online community (with resitez listing a bunch of fansites and such), and I thought perhaps with the upcoming release of Resident Evil 5 it might renew some interest in doing one.

    There's one of the old ones from back toward the beginning of this decade to give an example of what I mean by chat RPG.

    I don't intend this as an advertisement for a different website or anything like that, so I apologize if it is seen as such. I'm just wondering if anyone still active in the RE online community would be interested in this sort of thing.

  • #2
    Damn, I used to RP so much back in the day. I was a big Chris fan, so naturally, I played Chris. I made an AOL screenname, ChrisRedfield29...which, coincidentally, inspired my name on this site.

    It was fun blasting zombies and stuff, but eventually it just turned into trying to bang Jill.


    • #3
      i was into something like that once,was really fun
      still am, I do it with MissValentine alot but thats just me and missV.
      But its still REALLY fun.


      • #4
        Eh...I'm more into bangin' the real thing nowadays.


        • #5
          I love to RP, but I prefer forum based ones. With two kids I can't get online for extended periods when other folks from other countries are on.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
            I love to RP, but I prefer forum based ones. With two kids I can't get online for extended periods when other folks from other countries are on.
            I can understand that,you dont have alot of time.
            Everyone here would probably like RPing one way or another..
            I prefer to do it with one to three friends.
            Much easier to work out the storyline then


            • #7
              It was fun blasting zombies and stuff, but eventually it just turned into trying to bang Jill.[/quote]



              • #8
                it always seems to come down to banging Jill.....oh well guess Rebecca was away for the moment....

