Also, this second link shows whats in the limited edition guide for pre-order, glad i pre-ordered it
Things that might be somewhat spoiler-ish have been wrapped
"Locations for all secret collectibles – Spoiler:
Treasures are your primary source of income for essential weapon upgrades and item purchases – collecting all 50 will unlock a valuable Xbox 360 achievement/PS3 trophy.
The treasures and emblems are revealed throughout the Walkthrough chapter in dedicated sections that explain where and how these can be found (see for example page 31). All are recapped in handy checklists (page 160 for emblems), enabling instant tracking of your inventory. The detailed maps show the exact position of each of these collectibles, so you will retrieve all of them, even on your first playthrough.
Detailed strategy for all enemies and bosses – Enemies and bosses are by far the main challenge in Resident Evil 5, and beating them can be surprisingly tricky – especially on the higher difficulty levels.
To help you dispatch your enemies, an exhaustive Bestiary chapter (starting on page 132) studies each monster individually, with a strong focus on practical, advanced information: weak spots, weapon weaknesses/resistance, behavior patterns, tried-and-tested tactics – you will find everything you need to know to handle your opponents in all situations.
But the assistance we offer goes beyond this in our extensive, super-visual Walkthrough (starting on page 26): in this chapter, applicable to all difficulty settings, area maps detailing mandatory action always appear on the left-hand page, and corresponding advanced data on the right. This is where you will find out when each new creature is introduced, with advanced tips and strategy showing how to defeat them safely as you progress at your own pace.
Unlocking conditions for all secrets – Spoiler:
The guide’s Extras chapter (starting on page 154) will tell you exactly how to unlock all of these, with clear explanations and solutions that you can apply instantly. But these unlockables are not only revealed in the guide; they’re also closely examined for you to make the most out of them.
Exclusive art and Behind the Scenes materials – Offering dozens of monsters, weapons, characters, and complex environments, Resident Evil 5 bursts with fantastic artwork. The guide features an extensive Behind the Scenes section presenting stunning concept art (page 192-201), which is a feast for the eyes.
In addition the Capcom developers offer unpublished insights and comments on the creation of the game. This is followed by a spectacular Artwork Gallery with beautiful hi-res art provided directly by the Resident Evil team. "