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Let's play RE5 co-op together!
i tried a knife run w/a random player! second try, got to the chainsaw dude and knifed him twice in a row...big mistake
yup i just watched, i didnt really know chucks pattern at the time but when i finially got it down
he gave up lol.
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Possibly so--it's just hard to gauge how much damage and how many knife hits do you have to land to get him to drop. It pretty much really is pointless if Capcom made teh knife that useless against him, yet, I think I beat Krasuer in RE4 on friggin profressional on the last playthrough I did with a knife ridouclously easy on his last form(I was literlaly starving for ammo and herbs at that point, lol, but read you could just knife him, which I found so hard to believe until well. .. I tried it).
Honestly though, teh chainsaw majin's pattern is pretty easy once you understand what animations lead to what kind of swipe. its just yeah, IT TAKES SO LONG AND NOTHING SEEMS TO HAPPEN FOR IT. But I might try it again one night simply because RE5 is still way too long away! lol, and that leaves alot of time to feel.
Hell, maybe you and me ought to take a *stab* at it
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Well, let's see...I've defeated Chuck with 12 rifle rounds to the face, combined with 11 melee attacks. 11 straight rifle rounds, 11 straight hooks from Chris. On the 12th rifle headshot, he dropped. So, if you think about it, knifing him would obviously take a really, really long time...but I've tried it with Rosey twice, and, I'll probably never do it again. It takes too long and the depression that comes with defeat isn't fucking worth it.Last edited by Vector; 02-22-2009, 03:16 AM.
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Well, trying to continue Chrisredfield29 and Rosetta Mist experiment, me and nemmy tried to kill the chainsaw majini(though, I guess I shoudl say me, lol--nemmy more of a spectator.) After spending god knows how long kniving him(it had to be around or close to 90 minutes I swear), I think its a safe conclusion that you simply can't kill him with the knife. Maybe Capcom figured nobody would be crazy enough to do it "old school style", so I just finally said screw it and let Chainsaw chuck decapicate me. Though, I have to say, after you figure out his pattern, its basically child's play as far as kniving him, even though its rather pointless I suppose.
Though, i kinda wonder if maybe BOTH players my have to knife him at more frequent intervals to cause the deathblow to him, or something like that. Just more of wild guess on my part. Me and nemmy might try that anyways for the hell of it. (We tried to knife the executioner on Public Assembly--he killed us both in one swing, lol. Thinking about it know makes me laugh).
Either way, it looks like chainsaw chuck can only be downed by gun or gernade or punch or kick at this point. (Or maybe in the real game the chainsaw man will have knife damage as well?)
Just when I thougth how fun it might be to try and knife super-fast Albert Wesker, lol. . .
Edit* Maybe not 90 minutes, but it was past a ridiculously long amount of time, and there was no change in the majini chainsaw man's behavior.Last edited by valentinesdead?; 02-22-2009, 03:06 AM.
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PSN: dartharis
However I don't have the RE 5 demo. I can't find it on the EU PSN store.
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me & razerblade tryed the knife challenge, he was knifing him 4 about 35 mins then he got decapataded, well b trying again tomorrow.
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its now official me & valentinesdead? (razersaw36) r gonna go co-op together on our 1st time. and were starting at 12:30am lol
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my psn is naitaimutgwai in case anyone wants to add me, evil6679, if ur still on here, i added u and thought i would play a game w/u but just got lazy and played w/random people, seems like a majority of them are from japan...
anybody get dumped for not having a mic? the voice scared the shit out of me, then they apologized and disconnected me, very sad....haha
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Hey guys, im still looking for good re5 players to play with on xb live... add me: Catalyst11
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well im gonna be on the ps3 here is my name if you ever want to play with me
psn: don1988
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hey valentineisdead? nice game today we owned the chainsaw guy lol but i got owned by axe man on assembly lol your pretty good at the demo
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Mic side for me. Gonna buy it for 360 but I can't download the 360 demo for some reason, so I'm playing the PS3 demo. Finally, I can use my BAMF MGS4 bluetooth earpiece thing!
XBL: Canas Renvall
PSN: Canas_Renvall
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