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Let's play RE5 co-op together!
I'm really bored of every game I have, except the RE5 demo. It would make me so happy to do nothing but play the RE5 demo all night long, all...night...long. Anyone who's up for it, let me know.
Might as well add me to the list then;
GT: Zombie Fred
PSN: Zombie Fred
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Originally posted by Skunky View Post
So, I'm pretty sure that most enemies have been programed to attack Chris as a priority. Particularly if you are separated, most will run towards where ever Chris is and often just ignore Sheva!
Therefore in co-op, Sheva is the easier game.
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Speaking of strange things and experiments in the demo, here's one that I thought is worth mentioning.
My online experiences have suffered connection issues but I really wanted to play as Sheva, so here's what I did...
I played the 2nd level of the demo in off line co-op, split screen and left Chris at the start.
When I got to the building with the locked door, the Manjis charged me but several ran straight past me and headed towards where I left Chris. They were sprinting and I had to run after them and shoot them before they got there.
When they were all dead I found the door open (no grenade needed).
Then I switched to Chris and brought him over to throw me up to the rooftop so I could grab the items there.
Next I went into the building, killed everyone and again switched to Chris, so I could bring him up to throw me across the large gap.
Then switched back to Sheva and killed everyone. I didn't unlock the door, so I figured Chris would be safe where he was. I triggered the Chainsaw man and then things got really weird. After his first charge, he just started spinning around in circles in front of the locked doors and ignoring me. Very few Manji came so I just started shooting him (too easy). But then I saw on Chris' screen that Manji had got in the building and were attacking him. Instead of jumping over the wall like usual, they must have entered through the first entrance of the building.
Meanwhile, as Sheva, I was standing in the open, next to the destroyed bus, getting completely ignored by everybody (they all just wanted Chris).
I switched to Chris and started hacking (I had given most weapons and amo to Sheva) and then found that the Chainsaw man had gotten in and was coming up the stairs. When I ran back outside and hid behind Sheva I was able to switch again but Chris was defenseless and got killed.
So, I'm pretty sure that most enemies have been programed to attack Chris as a priority. Particularly if you are separated, most will run towards where ever Chris is and often just ignore Sheva!
Therefore in co-op, Sheva is the easier game.
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all i know is that im taking 44hrs off from work for this game(spring break )
ill be getting off work early , but if im play with someone online they had better not suck lol , i need someone who can put a ALL nighter with me i just hope the invite works -_- well any let me know if want to play with meand thats the power of love.
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[QUOTE=valentinesdead?;77584]Actually I"m getting it for both, so cross-platforming not a problem with either side(screw the special edition!). Me and nemesiswon't die might play together(We've been playing demo alot, lol), but his mic seemed to grow a mind of its own and decide to die off(and it was wired!) But, I"m obviously open to playing the demo with anyone, since well, there's almost a whole month still ahead before all the logistics come together as far as the choice of who playing through the game. But yeah, I"m serious about buckling down and pile driivng through the game until me and my partner finish, though obviulsy nto to rush through it, lol(no fun in that!). I"m basically going to get me soem pizza and (maybe a couple energy drinks like nemmy recommneded) and play through the 20-25 hours it'll take with my partner. Hopefully no crazy technical problems will arise as far as connection issues. That stink.
cool well im playing the game all day/night so idk and il play the demo with you some time lol and yeah im geting pizza and drinks aswell haha
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Originally posted by chris redfield View Postil play lol well depends tho you playing xbox 360 or ps3 cuz im geting it for the 360 lol but if yopu are i would love to
Actually I"m getting it for both, so cross-platforming not a problem with either side(screw the special edition!). Me and nemesiswon't die might play together(We've been playing demo alot, lol), but his mic seemed to grow a mind of its own and decide to die off(and it was wired!) But, I"m obviously open to playing the demo with anyone, since well, there's almost a whole month still ahead before all the logistics come together as far as the choice of who playing through the game. But yeah, I"m serious about buckling down and pile driivng through the game until me and my partner finish, though obviulsy nto to rush through it, lol(no fun in that!). I"m basically going to get me soem pizza and (maybe a couple energy drinks like nemmy recommneded) and play through the 20-25 hours it'll take with my partner. Hopefully no crazy technical problems will arise as far as connection issues. That stink.
Dang ChrisRedfield29, that really sucks to spend all that time only for one of you to get beheaded. though, that info you mentioned is really interesting to here. I hadn't even thought of the idea of their being an AI actually being the item drops(always seemed like they might be random). Though the majini disappearing because of the chainsaw majini cutscene trigger isn't surprising--though who knows if Capcom has latered that in the final game.
A knife game for RE5 seems kinda insane, lol. The old-school games you could more or less avoid situations except for boss fights, but RE5, like 4, not very pratical, as it sounds like you and rossetta spent alot of time on Shanty Town. I remember I tried knifing the chainsaw majini once. . . got in a coupel swipes before he took my head off! lol. Must'a been a pain in the ass to have to swipe and run, swipe and run, and swipe and run again and again. . .
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Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View PostSpeaking of glitches though...has anyone found any items dropped that they can't pick up? Chris and I had an amusing time trying to grab a grenade in Shanty Town's thoroughfare. Neither of us had full inventory and we weren't having connection issues. We just kept trying to pick it up while the majini kept trying to grab us. It was actually pretty amusing...until it vanished.
We bent down and stood up, bent down and stood up for a good 5 minutes, laughing the whole time. We could not for the life of us pick up that damn grenade. Majini were lunging for us, swinging blades and monkey wrenches at us and missing, and we laughed. Oh, did we laugh. Finally, for no apparent reason, one of us was able to pick it up, and I got hacked in the face with a sickle.
Did it happen to anyone else?Last edited by Vector; 02-17-2009, 12:23 AM.
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Chainsaw Chuck doesn't like me...but I'll admit I was being ambitious trying to get that second slash in on him. I'd like to know if anyone else has ever noticed his slashes. He seemed to be laughing and shaking his head around a bit more and doing far more quick side slashes. Like Chris said...when playing with full weaponry I've never noticed this behavior. When we play again Chris, we'll have to keep a closer watch on him.
And I'd like to reiterate to anyone that cares...Chris and I aren't using any sort of glitch or cheat (like in Public Assembly just standing in the doorway at the start of the level and take out the majini there).
Speaking of glitches though...has anyone found any items dropped that they can't pick up? Chris and I had an amusing time trying to grab a grenade in Shanty Town's thoroughfare. Neither of us had full inventory and we weren't having connection issues. We just kept trying to pick it up while the majini kept trying to grab us. It was actually pretty amusing...until it vanished.
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Well, Rosetta and I played knives only on Public Assembly. We emptied our inventories and kept nothing but herbs. It was pretty simple...after all, there's a time limit on the level and Kirk bails you out after a set amount of time. We beat it without issue, without hassle, on one try.
Shanty Town, however, was a chore. After discarding every item from our inventory aside from herbs, we began our journey. We made it through the first couple of buildings very easily, but when I tossed her to the building across the way, things got interesting. She ran down the stairs past the lunging grasps of 9 or 10 Majini, and helped me out of the locked door. We began knifing, and knifing and knifing, but the Majini began to multiply. At most, there were at least 15 of them on screen.
We began backing up towards the gate, and Chainsaw Chuck came out. 15 Majini, and Chuck...or so we thought. We turned around, and all the Majini had disappeared. I feel like this is worth mentioning. When we triggered the cutscene, a good 15-20 Majini disappeared. After that, we began to take on Chuck and the Majini. I underestimated him, however, and was slaughtered. So, we started again.
This time, we took on all the Majini and knifed them into dust. After they were defeated, we gathered all the herbs we could find and triggered the cutscene. Chainsaw Chuck came out, and we retreated to the second area of the map, where Sheva can jump up to the roof of a building and gather ammo. We ran around and knifed the Majini who accompanied him, narrowly escaping death many times. Something I noticed is that the dead Majini began dropping green herbs, a whole lot more than EVER before. I'm guessing that this was the AI adapting to our inventory situation? It's something to think about.
After a good 20 minutes, many herbs and near-death experiences, the hell began. It was just us and Chuck. Her health was in the red, my health was in the very low green area. We knifed him for a good 25 minutes; running up to him, running away, running up and knifing, rinsing and repeating. After a while, his demeanor changed...I think we weakened him, and his attacks got more frequent, faster, and he began laughing a lot more than usual. I've never noticed it before because I've always dropped him pretty quickly using the rifle.
Sadly, after a good 45-50 minutes of Shanty Town, Rosetta went and got herself decapitated. I felt like crying. We almost made it, but we failed. Eventually I think we'll try again, but I did find a bunch of new stuff in our play sessions tonight.Last edited by Vector; 02-16-2009, 11:47 PM.
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Originally posted by valentinesdead? View PostWell, I guess I'll throw this out there. I'm certainly interested in finding somoene who wants to play co-op the first time through in one big marathon starting soon after a midnight release(which, I"m hoping there will be one in my area, still not clear on that). I beat Metal Gear Solid 4 over the course of a 36 hour period with no sleep(because I had to go to work the day it came out, lol, so I didn't sleep when I got back till the end credicts)
But I"m taking that Friday and saturday off from work, and if I can get the game in a midnight release, I"m looking to hunker down in my room and go to war with a buddy. All us RE fans will be playing Re5 for a very long time, but we only get ONE chance to expierence it for the first time, and I really would like to experience it the way it was the meant to be; co-op. Shared expierence.
Anyways, I"m would be glad to particpate if someone else is thinking of something similar. . .
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Well, I guess I'll throw this out there. I'm certainly interested in finding somoene who wants to play co-op the first time through in one big marathon starting soon after a midnight release(which, I"m hoping there will be one in my area, still not clear on that). I beat Metal Gear Solid 4 over the course of a 36 hour period with no sleep(because I had to go to work the day it came out, lol, so I didn't sleep when I got back till the end credicts)
But I"m taking that Friday and saturday off from work, and if I can get the game in a midnight release, I"m looking to hunker down in my room and go to war with a buddy. All us RE fans will be playing Re5 for a very long time, but we only get ONE chance to expierence it for the first time, and I really would like to experience it the way it was the meant to be; co-op. Shared expierence.
Anyways, I"m would be glad to particpate if someone else is thinking of something similar. . .Last edited by valentinesdead?; 02-16-2009, 09:35 PM.
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If any of you are making plans to play through the game together, be sure to stop by and let me know via PM or something. You guys can update us on your exploits when its released in this thread:
I'll update the first post with the teams.Last edited by Dot50Cal; 02-16-2009, 09:15 PM.
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Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
I'm also hoping that the people are reading this, and the people who are reading this know that Rosetta and I are doing these things with the community in mind, trying to bring things to light that to my knowledge haven't been exposed before. If the demo is an indication of how easy the main game will be, I think all of you, the loyal RE fans, deserve to know.
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Public assembly is definitly a little tougher, I thought shanty town was pretty easy to do.
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