psn: evil6679
have a mic, but can't find it =x
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Let's play RE5 co-op together!
Gamertag is - Tyrant Cenobite
Playing Now. & Will be for the next hour most probably.
I have a mic, but can't use it right now as it's late and people are asleep.
Get adding me!
Don't forget to give me player reviews. People rated me unfairly when I first began to play, but pretty good now!
Add me!
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Originally posted by Skunky View PostI wanted to have a game with someone from this forum yesterday... Um, so how do I do it?
(on PS3) I saw that I can join a game or host a game but how do I choose who I play with? It just looked at random and didn't give me a choice.
I got a couple of "errors" anyway, so gave up and went back to playing by myself. I still havn't played online yet...
I'm still loving the demo. It's getting pretty easy now but it's still heaps of fun, trying different strategies and experimenting with everything. Sheva's AI is okay IMO. I'm sure I wont have any problems completing the game with her.
Add me if you want so you can test it out.Last edited by Bertha; 02-10-2009, 06:20 PM.
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i have an xbox 360 and im willing to play with anyone my gamertag is armyMurderer
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I wanted to have a game with someone from this forum yesterday... Um, so how do I do it?
(on PS3) I saw that I can join a game or host a game but how do I choose who I play with? It just looked at random and didn't give me a choice.
I got a couple of "errors" anyway, so gave up and went back to playing by myself. I still havn't played online yet...
I'm still loving the demo. It's getting pretty easy now but it's still heaps of fun, trying different strategies and experimenting with everything. Sheva's AI is okay IMO. I'm sure I wont have any problems completing the game with her.
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Add mine on there too. XBL: Zombie Alexia , and I have a mic. I'll more than likely have a PS3 by that time as well.
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UPDATE: I have a beautiful Plantronics Headset (lavendar colored! It was the only one on sale, weird >_>)
I didn't see my PSN on the OP, it's NeoEkamp89 =)
Gatta go to work til 5:00PM, tho.
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Guest repliedI add here:
Michael - XBL: MichaelRecenter
I haven't microphone...Last edited by Guest; 02-08-2009, 12:54 PM.
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Hey, folks. My PSN ID is DivineArion and I do have a microphone.
I don't have an Xbox ID though.
I'm still working getting accustomed to the game, so please excuse my noobish gameplay, lol.
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XBL: Rox Cerberus
PSN: Roxcerberus88
(but those are just temporary IDs till march 13)
Mike i'm adding you right now, go online, quick!
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damn me and adamthegrave were supposed to play but for some odd reason we cant join
eachothers game
its bs
damn playstation and internet errors get on my damn nerves sometimesLast edited by nemesiswontdie; 02-07-2009, 05:24 PM.
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Originally posted by Gradon View PostI was playing Public Assembly with you.
Was a good game, but I had to get off the PS3.
i had great fun playing with you all guys thanks a lot,i am looking foward to playing with you all in the final vesion.
Umon Daisuke:sorry i couldnt play wih you,i was playing with grandon,and when i was going to invite you were ofiline.
Nemesiswontdie:sorry,every time you send me an invite is was already playing,next time we play ok.
EDIT:it is raining here,i am bored lets play??Last edited by ZERO; 02-07-2009, 10:51 AM.
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Guest repliedOriginally posted by Mr. Spencer View PostI'll play with you, but you must adhere to the following rules.
- No entering subway areas.
- No backpacks.
- You MUST respond and comply to my demands.
- No running, even if you're late for something.
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