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Buying Weapons and Upgrades Vs Finding or Earning them ?

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  • Buying Weapons and Upgrades Vs Finding or Earning them ?

    I was just wondering what you guys and girls preferred as your means of gaining or upgrading your arsenal in the RE games. Did you prefer having to earn your more powerful weapons by looking through areas or making your own acid/fire/ice rounds to use in your weapons or perhaps even weapons you gain from defeating a certain boss or level under a certain time ?

    Or you got the other end of the spectrum where you can collect money or treasures in order to buy newer weapons and upgrades and it just becomes a matter of killing enemies over and over to gain more cash and not so much a point of exploration or putting the hours in to complete a certain task.

    For me personally I loved the exploration and actually earning your upgraded weapons and new ammo in the first three games and getting a true sense of achievement when you finally got that extra box of ammo or a newer, more powerful shotgun part or Colt handgun. Having to just buy your way to these just seems to take that away and makes the game easier some how. But that is just me personal opinion on the matter. I hope at least RE 5 has the right balance between these two options and not totally make the idea of just easily buying up your weapons and stock the only way to gain new weapons, armour and ammunition.

  • #2
    I would like to see the ability to find more weapons, the three in Resident Evil 4 didn't cut it. I hated buying weapons but it's here to stay

    I did feel a sense of acomplishment when I grabbed a new part for my gun, I'd rather fight for the upgrades then buy them.

    Pretty much I completely agree with you.
    Last edited by Richard Aiken; 01-24-2009, 10:42 PM.


    • #3
      I hope that there is a combination between the two. In RE 4, some of the more powerful weapons were only available in later parts of the game but you could also upgrade the initial weapons to be just as powerful. I would like to fine a good amount of weapons but also be able to buy and upgrade.


      • #4
        i agree with Jill loves Chris.

        i love finding stuff, and i love the exploration of it all, it's so much better, i don't find buying stuff fun at all.

        i really hope that i have to find most of the stuff in RE5, cause i love exploring around the place and finding little hidden areas.


        • #5
          Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
          i agree with Jill loves Chris.

          i love finding stuff, and i love the exploration of it all, it's so much better, i don't find buying stuff fun at all.

          i really hope that i have to find most of the stuff in RE5, cause i love exploring around the place and finding little hidden areas.
          There's still a lot of incentive to explore in RE4, but mostly for treasures and money.

          I think it would be good to find a balance. Half the guns are found, half are bought. Stuff like stocks and scopes can be found, while stat-based upgrades are bought. I'd like more situation like the Broken Butterfly where it can be bought, but careful exploration also allows you to find it. So weapons that could be found or bought.


          • #6
            Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
            cause i love exploring around the place and finding little hidden areas.
            Well you'll have to explore in order to collect all the treasures and all the hidden BSAA emblems.


            • #7
              I must say I actually do like the ability to buy and upgrade weapons. I'm not sure whether that's just because I love RPGs and I like the ability of being able to enhance your guns, but I did like it and I'm glad it's staying in RE5. That's not to say I didn't like the old method, though.


              • #8
                I am not too fussed over the weapon upgrading system in 4 being carried on to 5, but I would like to see maybe a bit more hands on approach to creating your own ammo or combining stuff to make a more powerful weapon like you could to in 3 and even CV.


                • #9
                  I love finding and exploring to get my guns. How else would we get a "Jill Sandwich"?

                  Btw, RE4's upgrading was absolutely stupid. Why should I pay thousands to move my trigger finger faster, or to reload faster when one would think I would be very capable of doing that myself?

