Ooh was that it? I hadn't had time to putz around with the little extras yet, so I didn't know they had things like that. SOMEONE DID THAT TO ME. XD Only I didn't die.
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General consensus of RE5 demos
what the heck sheva! she needs to learn how to be frugal in economic times! id shot someone in the head/knee and run up to them to punch/upper cut them, but by the time i get to them, she would shot them again so the contextual hit would be gone.
and there should be an option to give half, not all the bullets, shed just waste them anyway
and this one time, i gave her all the grenades, and she doesnt use any of them
anybody get the bugs? this one part where u assist her in the jump to the roof to grab stuff, she just jumps up there and then jumps down quickly, ignoring all the loot, i guess just a bug in the demo?
i havent had a chance to play coop, anybody know what kind of connection u need? i have very basic dsl, i think its under 1.5 mbsp or something w/sbc in the midwest/chicago and i've tried to join a game, but i first get the dns error message and i hit back and it just stays there connecting forever and freezes
I finally got around to hooking my PS3 up to the internet.
I didn't play with anyone online because I wanted to get a feel for the controls. I've been playing mostly with Type A controls because they're what I'm most comfortable with. Yeah, I sucked pretty badly at first, but am gradually get more used to it.
The enemies aren't too bad, though they act pretty much like Ganado. I hate the chainsaw man though. There's something about the noise of a chainsaw that's very unnerving to me, lol.
I can't wait to play the game next month.
Playing the demo really has me conflicted. I originally planned to play through the game on single player at first, but Sheva is so fucking stupid when compared with a live teammate that I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it. Singleplayer really is atrocious when compared with co-op.
Now this leads me to my next dilemma...what happens when you play with someone online? If someone leaves, do you lose all progress and get disconnected like in the demo? How will the saving and checkpoint system work? Will someone be able to jump in and out? I can't find any information from Capcom, but if they've said anything about how completing the storyline will work with co-op, can someone please let me know? It's really bothering me because I'm really pumped for the game but I'm gonna be really freakin' pissed off if I have to play through the story for the first time on singleplayer because the experience with AI Sheva really, really sucks.Last edited by Vector; 02-07-2009, 05:02 PM.
when I first played the demo, I thought it was bad. I played it again last night and thought it was pretty good. Played both areas again, the second time around I approve!
I dunno if it was my 360 controller or what but it didn't feel right to me. The axe guy attacked me and he froze and clipped into one of the destructible stands for like 30 seconds. I unloaded on him with my shotgun...quite funny.
That's a very good question. I've never played online before, so I'm curious to know the answer as well. It would be shame to lose all your progress because of that.
You're right about Sheva's AI though. Everytime I handed her an herb or grenade, she used the damn thing right away even when it wasn't necessary or no enemies were around.
Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View PostPlaying the demo really has me conflicted. I originally planned to play through the game on single player at first, but Sheva is so fucking stupid when compared with a live teammate that I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it. Singleplayer really is atrocious when compared with co-op.
Now this leads me to my next dilemma...what happens when you play with someone online? If someone leaves, do you lose all progress and get disconnected like in the demo? How will the saving and checkpoint system work? Will someone be able to jump in and out? I can't find any information from Capcom, but if they've said anything about how completing the storyline will work with co-op, can someone please let me know? It's really bothering me because I'm really pumped for the game but I'm gonna be really freakin' pissed off if I have to play through the story for the first time on singleplayer because the experience with AI Sheva really, really sucks.
Originally posted by missvalentine View Posti have that same problem, i originally wasn't even going to bother with coop and just play single player, but after playing the demo, single player just sucks,a dn it's boring as hell. i think im gonna have to play coop, but i hate playing coop campain the first time through, cause i like to take things at my own pace, i don't want to play with someone else.
Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View PostMy problem is more with the fact that I don't know what the fuck the deal is with continuing a saved game that you played co-op. What if someone leaves the game? As far as I know, Capcom hasn't answered any of these pretty damn important questions.
but i wonder how you save your game when playing it online?