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  • Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
    the weak coop outbreak ? fuck them that wrote that ....
    Same here. The only thing outbreak lacked was the ability to use mics in game. Otherwise the whole multiplayer experience was great. Too bad CAPCOM won't port them to the PS3/XBOX.
    My Head-Fi Page



      Gamespot preview with game play against Birkin.


      • The oficial Revelations site was updated with new informations about T-Abyss virus and new creatures.

        There is one spoiler, be carefull!


        • Sven from Capcom-Unity posted an update on the Resident Evil: Revelations demo:

          A RE: Revelations demo for NA and Europe is coming.

          In the case of NA, we're awaiting our date confirmation and code approval from NOA (we have a tentative from them, but I'll have to keep you in suspense).

          When we have something more concrete to share, you won't be able to miss it on the Capcom-Unity blog.

          SOURCE: Resident Evil e-shop demo live now...when can we expect the NA version?
          Last edited by Pikminister; 01-05-2012, 12:04 PM.
          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


          • Collector's items on the way here...

            Resident Evil: Revelations "Navigation & Art" book:

            RE: Revelations Soundtrack (2 CD's - 66 tracks)

            Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


            • ONM releases new screenshots of Revelations:

              More here: http://www.officialnintendomagazine....s-screenshots/
              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


              • I'm glad that they're keeping the "Clone Chris/Chris tied up"-storyline, for a while people seemed to have been worrying that they might have scrapped this part of the story.


                • A new video of Operation Raccoon City was released and it shows footage we have seen as well as a boss battle with William Birkin in his G1 form.

                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Already posted that.


                    • Oh? My bad but I do not see such a post on this thread nor do I see it on the news page. Maybe I overlooked it, so my bad.

                      Oh I see you posted it but when I clicked the link it says "404 - Not Found". That's why I posted it again. I tried searching their site but the video wouldn't load for me at all. Kept giving me an error.

                      On another note I found a viral marketing video for Revalations on Youtube. For sure this one has not been posted yet.

                      Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-07-2012, 12:23 AM.
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • Not specifically Resident Evil related news, however CAPCOM have begun hiring to update their in-house MT Framework engine by 2013 to "extend the platforms supported". It's called "MT Framework Next Generation" right now, indicating that it's for next-gen consoles.

                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • CVG just posted a Resident Evil: Revelations hands-on preview (3 pages long)

                          * How 3D is used for scares:
                          The fact that Revelations scares us at all is a minor miracle. As former Nintendo handhelds will attest, it's hard to make a grown man jump with a four-inch screen. It's hard to take a tiny zombie seriously - you'd just flick their heads off, wouldn't you? 3DS benefits from the intense concentration needed to maintain the 3D sweet spot. Our eyes are drawn in for a closer look, setting us up for sudden spooks. And that tangible sense of distance between Jill's face and the mutant mouths comes into its own when the distance begins to shrink. We yelped several times

                          * About the Genesis scanner
                          Jill's day at the seaside also introduces the Genesis scanner. Point this sucker at a shambling horror and its zaps their DNA in order to manufacture vaccines - health potions, basically. Each monster contributes a chunk of data, though each breed contributes less with each subsequent scan. A convoluted way of earning health, yes, but as the difficulty begins to skyrocket you'll be guzzling those vials like a man possessed. This raises a cool risk/reward dilemma, too - do you risk scanning a charging mutated koi carp or do you put a bullet in it?
                          *The script:
                          Bringing renowned anime scripter Dai Sato on board (pardon the pun) results in a coherent yarn, with a juicy cliff-hanger to round out most episodes. And our playthrough ended on the mother of all twists...
                          *The conclusion:
                          From our latest hands-on, Revelations is shaping into the third-party game to beat in 2012
                          SOURCE: Resident Evil Revelations: The best of old and new -
                          Hands-on with Capcom's ambitious handheld Resi
                          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                          • Cliff hanger? I assume these guys don't have the full version then. I can't see them doing a cliff hanger with a game where you already know the fate of the two main characters...and it would be a dick move to try.


                            • According to Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City will have weapon DLC:


                              • Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Triple Impact Trailer

                                We’ve just released the brand new Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Triple Impact Trailer which shows off the brutal triple threat combat between the Umbrella Security Service, US Spec Ops and zombies and B.O.W’s. Head over to the Capcom Europe Press Site to download the full horror as Raccoon City descends into hell.

                                Introducing the six members of the US Spec Ops team - Tweed, Dee-Ay, Harley, Willow, Shona and Party Girl. Sent into the ill-fated Raccoon City to determine the source of the mysterious T-virus outbreak the US Spec Ops team will use their elite skills and training to defeat the USS team and ensure the truth behind the outbreak is revealed.

                                Compete in single player campaign or team up with up to three friends and take on the role of a member of the crack USS squad and battle against all the opposing forces at play in Raccoon City. With the zombies and B.O.W’s adding chaos to the action and the return of favourite Resident Evil enemies all roads will lead to hell when Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City releases on March 23rd across Europe for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. The PC version will follow shortly after console release.
                                Party Girl.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

