i think you're right!! RE has a lot of videogames, action figures, official posters, official books, comics, magazines, accesories (chainsaw controller, etc), movies, even has a zippo, TCG and a few atracctions in Japanese theme parks!!!!! and just mentioning the officials!!!!
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As far as what Chris Kramer said goes, check out Christian Svensson's post on the Capcom boards:
I think what Chris was trying to explain was that you will see a lot more material on RE5 this year (and you will), not necessarily that it's coming out in 2008. As for when in 2008 you'll learn more? Logic would dictate it will be around our media events (we have one scheduled toward the end of the 1H of the year but I won't say exactly when) or other trade functions (e.g. E3, Liepzig, TGS).
As for Surfer Girl's predictions, I predict you're setting yourself up for great disappointment if you listen to her (I mean him).
Not sure if this is really newsworthy, but Gametrailers.com has posted their Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2008 list, and #1 is RE5, despite the fact that it's not coming out this year.