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  • I....WANT....THEM....ALL

    *head asplodes at jills*


    • The characters are OK but the B.O.Ws look amazing, and the figures are cheap. I think I will get all.
      Last edited by Zombie; 07-07-2008, 11:35 PM.


      • Why do the characters all seem to be ready to take a dump O.o?


        • Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
          Why do the characters all seem to be ready to take a dump O.o?
          Probably because there are no bathrooms in Raccoon City.


          • LOL

            [SIZE="1"](attaching images so they don't dissappear after auction ends)[/SIZE]
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Project Omega; 07-08-2008, 04:24 PM.


            • Resident Evil 5 was #1 on's list of 10 Most Anticipated Titles of E3 2008.


              • New RE5 scan from Famitsu, the page reveals more info about Sheva, her last name is Alomar, and the new shoots probably are taken from the new trailer we'll see at E3.


                • If, Imdb is correct this time(definitely weren't before they took out all of the cast they had for RE5....Saddler...pft), then they say:

                  D.C. Douglas ... Albert Wesker

                  T.J. Rotolo ... Arms Dealer

                  Arms Dealer eh?


                  • It looks like the Merchant is back! Damn I liked the Merchant in RE4 even more than any of the main characters
                    "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


                    • Since they have stated that there will be no merchant, the weapon dealer would play the role like Debrin on mgs4...


                      • Civil wars are what make Africa, Africa. Weapons dealers are a dime a dozen, expecially in countries where the government is the military or where they took over by over-throwing the previous head of state (coup d'etats, political assassination, etc). The weapons's dealer, might just be a weapon's dealer. Ever see Lord of War? (great movie, btw)


                        • Originally posted by Ridley W. Hayes View Post
                          Since they have stated that there will be no merchant, the weapon dealer would play the role like Debrin on mgs4...
                          At least from a gameplay perspective, I kind of hope not. I'd rather not be able to access a weapons shop anytime, anywhere from the pause menu. I'd much prefer they keep it like RE4 where you meet with him at preset locations.

                          Having said that, I would like to see a similar upgrade system added to RE5. Keep the system they used in RE4 where you could upgrade the amount of ammo, damage, reload speed, etc, but also add attachment options like silencers, scopes, flashlights, grenade launchers, etc. RE4 had a few attachments available, but I'd certainly like to see some more options aside from scopes and stocks.


                          • G4TV to air Resident Evil 5 two-days!

                            Dont have g4tv to watch E3?Cant goto E3 yourself?Then this is your answer!

                            G4 will be ding a live stream on their site!So i got this from,and i cant wait to watch them on their live stream ,merry christmas everyone!(marked in red for resident evil 5)

                            Monday July 14th
                            1PM ET – Half-hour pre-show followed by the entire Microsoft Press Conference – live and commercial free on-air and online.
                            6PM ET – EA Press Conference - Live streaming coverage on
                            7PM ET – Two-hour E3 Preview Show featuring the following DEMOS:

                            Fallout 3 Fable 2 Halo Wars Ghostbusters : The VideogameSilent Hill: Homecoming
                            Tuesday July 15th
                            12PM ET – Live on-air and online streaming, commercial free coverage of the Nintendo Press conference
                            2:30PM ET - Live on-air and online streaming, commercial free coverage of the Sony Press conference
                            5:30PM ET – Ubisoft Press Conference - Live streaming coverage on
                            6:00PM ET– Live three hour E308 Special featuring the following DEMOS:

                            Gears of War 2Resistance 2Killzone 2Rock Band 2Star Wars: The Force UnleashedPrince of PersiaStreet Fighter IVLord of the Rings: ConquestDark Void
                            7:30PM ET – CAPCOM Press Conference - Live streaming coverage on
                            11:30PM ET – ACTIVISION Press Conference - Streaming coverage on

                            Wednesday July 16th
                            5:30PM ET - KONAMI Press Conference - Live streaming coverage on
                            6PM ET – Live three hour E308 Special featuring the following DEMOS:

                            Resident Evil 5FarCry 2LittleBigPlanetDead SpaceSporeInFamousMercenaries 2: World in FlamesLeft 4 DeadMortal Kombat Vs. DC UniverseCrysis: WarheadShaun White SnowboardingDeadly Creatures
                            Thursday, July 17th
                            6PM ET – Live three hour E308 Special featuring the following DEMOS:

                            Mirror's EdgeMadden NFL '09Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.Tom Clancy's EndWarProject OriginBanjo KazooieFace Breaker
                            Friday, July 18th
                            7PM ET – Attack of the Show E3 Wrap-up Special
                            8PM ET – X-Play "Best of E3" Special

                            Credit to Starfox2468 of GameFAQs.


                            • The official website of Resident Evil 5 has been updated, we can see the village of the game, Kijuju, through the BSAA's satellite. Surely something is going to happen...

                              look here ==>


                              • w00t! That's a lot of villagers.

                                (5 bucks says someone's going to try and map every clip we've seen with the map shown there)

