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So why DOES Wesker hate Chris?

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  • So why DOES Wesker hate Chris?

    This has been bothering me for a while now (dunno if it's been brought up before) and I'm bored because there's another hour till my lecture. So I was hoping that someone would have a better explanation than "retcon" (even though I know RE's plot is full of those and plotholes...)

    Okay, so from Wesker's Report 1 and his RE1 dialogue, he planned to fake his death, have the Tyrant get to the remaining STARS member, take the combat data, presumably get the Tyrant contained again (he mentions that he "lost the Tyrant" in the clip where Chris blows it up like it was something he really needed), and then sell the Tyrant and the combat data to get into a rival company.

    Originally, I'm guessing he hates Chris, because he (somehow) knows that Chris blew it up. Thus he would have nothing worth selling his way into an opposing company...

    Then comes UC... Where Wesker isn't even going after Tyrant's combat data (and that the RE1 tyrant was already obsolete), he's going after Umbrella's database or something. In that case it was Sergei who ruined his plans by blocking access to it, and he got his revenge later on. Nothing Chris did seemed to directly interfere with that plan Originally I thought it might have been because STARS still survived (although I don't see how he would hate Chris for that), but considering how he talks about meeting with Chris and Jill again midway through the scenario it doesn't seem like he expected them to die to begin with. Actually, the whole "faking his death" thing seems to depend on at least one member surviving, because otherwise there's no other logical explanation behind it...

    UC retconned a couple of things sure, and there was a good excuse considering RECV came out long before UC did. But RE5's coming out and they're still milking the Wesker-hating-Chris relationship which, from my point of view, doesn't seem to make sense anymore... ... I mean, why doesn't he obsess over, say, Jill or Rebecca as well?

  • #2
    I think it's mainly because Chris destroyed Weskers plan in RE1 thats the reason really he's never given his reasons why he hates Chris.


    • #3
      Yeah; because Chris destroyed his plans in RE1 and managed to get out alive as well. Ever since then, he has hated Chris with sheer passion. "He despises Chris".


      • #4
        If that's the case though, why does he not despise Jill so much with a passion? Then again, we have to see what happens in RE5, because.. JILL MIGHT BE BIRDWOMANZ, OMFG! Maybe he got his revenge. >.>


        • #5
          Adding to what has already been stated...Chris also seems to be the only one that has ever dealt such a blow to Wesker's ego. I don't think Wesker obsesses over killing Chris though...if that was the case, he could have simply found where Chris lives and killed him in his sleep or something. Wesker has more important things to worry about (like world domination), so I'd think he keeps his hatred for Chris on the back burner.

          You can take UC as an example if you wish, both the game and the comics Capcom released. Wesker had face to face encounters with Chris and Jill in the comics, but he didn't bother to take them out. Why? He wanted to use them. They attacked Sergei's facility and fought TALOS, Wesker snuck in took out the Ivans and Sergei. Wesker already proved he could hold his own against two BOWs, so I doubt having to kill Chris and Jill would have proved too difficult.

          Let's also remember that the hate is part of the plot. Would it be as interesting if the main hero and villain were apathic toward each other, only wanting to get the other out of the way with a "no hard feelings" attitude?
          Are you tired, Rebecca?


          • #6
            I think it's something more than that. Wesker succeeded and faked his own death and he got what he wanted after all, so why he hates specifically Chris? What plans did Wesker had?

            I hope that Chris will at least explain the situation to Sheva.


            • #7
              I doubt even Chris himself truly knows why Wesker hated him so much. Again, I'd have thought Jill would have dealt a worse blow to his ego because she's female. Jill has been with Chris in most ventures where he's seen Wesker, bar CVX, but he got what he wanted in CVX anyway. The only thing I can think of is macho bravado.


              • #8
                I have never fully understood this myself. What did Chris specifically do to make Wesker hate him?

                Does Wesker just want him dead because Chris had showed up in a few of his later plans and he just wanted someone to toy with? Honestly Wesker blaming Chris for the reason that he is a B.O.W. is incredibly stupid since he himself stated that he used the "magic" virus of his own free will.


                • #9
                  So nobody knows why he hates him. Interesting.....


                  • #10
                    It's a love-hate relationship.


                    • #11
                      I can understand why Chris hates Wesker....simple reason.

                      Wesker "killed" all of the STARS members in the mansion, well at least a majority of the team. Wesker led them to the mansion, sabotaged certain people, killed them with his own hands, etc.

                      It all springs back to the confrontation Chris has with Wesker at the end of RE:CVX. You can go even as far as Wesker attacking Claire in CVX as well.

                      And yes as for Wesker's hatred, I have to agree with everyone here by saying his plans were foiled by Chris (so I'm guessing Chris faught the Tyrant alone the 1st time eh?)


                      • #12
                        ^ I was thinking the same thing. I think its Chris that has the bigger hatred for Wesker then Wesker does for Chris. During RE1, a great amount of Chris' teammates were killed due to Weskers betrayal, which is more then enough reason to hate someone. But Wesker didnt leave empty handed, he gained superhuman strength from the virus. Chris lost a good majority of his friends and barely made it out alive, so yeah.
                        Last edited by CODE_umb87; 02-09-2009, 04:18 PM.


                        • #13
                          Because Wesker did not get the combat Data from Tyrant and STARS, he still got accepted into the rival corporation. But he had to start out doing custodial work, and earn his way to the top. Teh horrorez! =O


                          • #14
                            im pretty sure it wesker hates chris bcuz chris has a 5 o clock shadow and wesker cant even grow a mustash then again i could b wrong


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JcFFx View Post
                              Actually, the whole "faking his death" thing seems to depend on at least one member surviving, because otherwise there's no other logical explanation behind it...
                              Actually, there is. Wesker faked his death so he could leave Umbrella. It just had the added bonus of his STARS teammates thinking he was dead, as well. Wesker wasn't expecting any of the members of STARS to survive the Mansion Incident. He even admits this himself in Wesker's Report.

