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IGN - "The Best Resident Evil?"

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  • #46
    Originally posted by CubedSphere View Post
    I stated it was my "unpopular opinion" in my first post in this thread. It helps to read.
    It certainly does, so if you do that, you'd conclude that my post was directed at your definitive stance that you re-iterated. That's all:

    4 is quite obviously the best game. Unpopular opinion around here, but that's the way it is

    I've been with this franchise since the week RE1 came out on the PS1 in '96, and even I can admit that 4 and 5 are just much better games than the others.

    Reading and consistency helps too


    • #47
      Oh yeah, I suppose if everyone else is making a list:

      1. 4
      2. REmake
      3. 1
      4. C:V
      5. 3
      6. 2
      7. 0

      3 and 2 are interchangeable given my mood, but that's more or less my conrete list, with RE5 likely going to push them all down on slot since it'll be my new fav.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Umon Daisuke View Post
        It certainly does, so if you do that, you'd conclude that my post was directed at your definitive stance that you re-iterated. That's all:

        4 is quite obviously the best game. Unpopular opinion around here, but that's the way it is

        I've been with this franchise since the week RE1 came out on the PS1 in '96, and even I can admit that 4 and 5 are just much better games than the others.

        Reading and consistency helps too
        It probably would have made more sense if you had quoted that statement the first time.


        • #49
          Mad Jackal isn't confused about what it wants to be, an action game or a horror game.
          It ramps up the action, presents a decent challenge, and the task of rescuing survivors with limited supplies is a near perfect balance of risk vs reward.
          The story in the main game of RE3 is rather neglible, and most of the story gained from RE3 is from the epilogues.
          The story in Mad Jackal is also neglible, but it doesn't take itself too seriously
          Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 02-11-2009, 09:49 PM.


          • #50
            That's true

            Your avatar just reminded me of something... WB is actually releasing a TMNT box on DVD and BD in August. No MSRP yet, but it's all 4 movies.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Umon Daisuke View Post
              That's true

              Your avatar just reminded me of something... WB is actually releasing a TMNT box on DVD and BD in August. No MSRP yet, but it's all 4 movies.
              Yep, already saw that this morning, but I appreciate the thought.


              • #52
                Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                The story in Mad Jackal is also neglible, but it doesn't take itself too seriously
                Someone probably would've made a similar game out of it at Capcom eventually. Sounds bizarre, but RE4's mercenaries was a slightly altered PN 03, and neither had any story to boot.

                I got into Mad Jackal back then and spent probably hundreds of hours. When I replayed it when Bio3 hit the PSN, I couldn't for the life of me get dodge timing right most of the time.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Henry Spencer View Post
                  I actually got into the series via RE4, so I have no qualms with this poll.
                  My point exactly...

                  And about the puzzles. The old titles had that mysterious feeling when it came to solving puzzles, and they actually felt like part of the game. In RE4 they are in the shadow of all the action. I was really disappointed they didn't make harder puzzles that took longer to solve. The whole 'mystery' of Resident Evil was barely present in RE4.


                  • #54
                    I love Mad Jackal too but that's part of what makes RE3 so great!
                    It's a bit silly to separate the 2 (you can't have one without the other).
                    But I know you like it more than the main game and that's okay (but you're still playing RE3 when you play it).

                    The extras are also one of the reasons why RE4 is so great. The main game is epic but it also includes the shooting galleries, Mercenaries, Assignment Ada and Separate Ways. All of that stuff makes up RE4 for what it is.

                    I just hope that RE5 delivers a similar amount of bonus extras!


                    • #55
                      Top 5 RE Picks:
                      1. Resident Evil REmake
                      2. Resident Evil 3
                      3. Resident Evil 2
                      4. Resident Evil 5
                      5. Resident Evil 4

                      Everthing else is very close behind, but I just did the top 5 as there are way too many to rate from best to good.

                      REmake is my favorite because it was perfect in every way.
                      Graphics - check
                      Zombies - check
                      Gameplay - check
                      Horror - check
                      Puzzles- check
                      Plagas - not checked

                      I really cannot think of anything better than REmake. It's like (insert badass analogy here). IMO it is flawless and cannot be beaten, and sits at the top of the throne as one of the best games ever created.

                      Oddly enough, I've never played the original for PS1, as I've never owned a PS1. Hate Sony...but thats for another topic.

                      P.S. RE2 REmake FTW


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Umon Daisuke View Post
                        It certainly does, so if you do that, you'd conclude that my post was directed at your definitive stance that you re-iterated. That's all:

                        4 is quite obviously the best game. Unpopular opinion around here, but that's the way it is

                        I've been with this franchise since the week RE1 came out on the PS1 in '96, and even I can admit that 4 and 5 are just much better games than the others.

                        Reading and consistency helps too
                        Fair point, guy.


                        • #57
                          hum so the old re's were puzzle games by elitists (since they are always saying how they miss the puzzles and how the puzzles was part of what made the old re series)

                          i started in 1996 with re1 then 2 and 4 and never finished neither one but i like 4 since it saved a dying franchise wheter the elitists want to admit it or not

                          look at silent hill, sillent hill is pretty much a dead franchise the diference about re and silent hill is that capcom took a chance a hail mary and silent hill died by being the same thing as the old ones

                          re1 or 2 gameplay in this day and age the games would sell like 5 copies because games changes and evolves but still the change saved re and thats a FACT!


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                            Me say
                            1. 2
                            2. 3
                            3. 4
                            4. 1
                            5. C:V

                            Keep in mind I never played REmake.
                            wait a minute here, let me get this strait, ChrisRedfield29's three favorite RE game are, RE2 (no Chris), RE3, (no Chris) and RE4 (no Chris), and he has never played Remake (includes Chris).

                            *is shocked*

                            i demand and explaination for this!

                            Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
                            RE2 IS the highest selling. It sold nearly 5 million on the PS1 alone. It was ported to the Gamecube, PC and Dreamcast also. Add those up and it outs RE1.
                            well if you remember, RE1 also got ported to the PC and Dreamcast and some other consoles and has RE Deadly Silence as well, and also had over 5 million units sold with all the PS1 versions combined.

                            im pretty sure RE1 has sold more than RE2 has.

                            Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                            Personally, I'd rank the games like this.

                            1) RE2
                            2) RE3 Mad Jackal
                            3) REmake
                            4) RE1
                            5) RE3 main game
                            6) RE4
                            7) RE0
                            8) RE CV/X

                            Mad Jackal is that good .
                            LOL Mad Jackel is RE's best mercs mode, WAY better than RE4's mercs mode, Mad Jackel was awesome, but i wouldn't separate it from RE3, i include it.

                            Originally posted by TheDivineBoss View Post
                            re1 or 2 gameplay in this day and age the games would sell like 5 copies because games changes and evolves but still the change saved re and thats a FACT!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                              wait a minute here, let me get this strait, ChrisRedfield29's three favorite RE game are, RE2 (no Chris), RE3, (no Chris) and RE4 (no Chris), and he has never played Remake (includes Chris).

                              *is shocked*

                              i demand and explaination for this!

                              well if you remember, RE1 also got ported to the PC and Dreamcast and some other consoles and has RE Deadly Silence as well, and also had over 5 million units sold with all the PS1 versions combined.

                              im pretty sure RE1 has sold more than RE2 has.

                              LOL Mad Jackel is RE's best mercs mode, WAY better than RE4's mercs mode, Mad Jackel was awesome, but i wouldn't separate it from RE3, i include it.

                              why ban?


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                                wait a minute here, let me get this strait, ChrisRedfield29's three favorite RE game are, RE2 (no Chris), RE3, (no Chris) and RE4 (no Chris), and he has never played Remake (includes Chris).

                                *is shocked*

                                i demand and explaination for this!
                                I know, I always noticed that.

                                Probably because the games themselves mean more to me than the characters do. *cough*
                                Last edited by Vector; 02-12-2009, 02:30 AM.

