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How Did you Get Into the Series?

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  • #16
    I got a PSX and RE1 for my birthday in 1997. My birthday is July 24, which seems an interesting coincidence in retrospect.

    That Christmas I got the Director's Cut and the included demo of RE2, and then RE2 the following February, I believe.


    • #17
      When I was 10 I played RE2 on N64 (wich a frend lend me): I HATED it, the controlls were REALLY bad and I didn't know what to do, so I never passed.... any part.
      Then, 2 o 3 years later I discovered RE4 in a friends house, he played it at all hours, so I got to like it. That year, my little bother got a PS2, so I decided to buy it, and that is how I started with the series. Now, I know what you are thinking, but NO, I'm not the type of gamer who thinks RE series starts with RE4, I whent and played every RE game, I learned (with help from a friend) how to play with does awfull tank controls, in my mind I had this thought: "don't bother with the gameplay, focus on the story, the story is the best thing you've seen untill now, so play them all and you'll discover something beautiful: Resident Evil". And THAT is how I entered the series.
      I'm not very proud that I started with RE4, but since now I am the #1 Resident Evil Fan in my city=town (YES! I know more than any of my friends! though they are the ones that actually own most of the games I played, but still, I unlocked EVERYTHING BEFORE them, so that makes me better... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! that sounds so stupid!! HAHAHAHAHA... but it's what I think), I gess its all right then


      • #18
        Well I moved to Germany in 95 and was working at a print shop that had a contract with Konami to print their catalogs. Around 98 I saw a really cool looking game (Silent Hill) in the new catalog and that it was for Playstation. So I begged my wife to buy me one for Christmas. She did but didn't buy any games, so I looked for Silent Hill but it wasn't out yet. So I looked at the other games and bought RE director's cut. Went home put it on and was blown away by the Virgin Interactive eyeball..followed by that bloodbath of an intro film...then zombies..I was hooked. My wife was scared. I would come home from work every day and play over and those were good days.


        • #19
          in 1996 my cousins got a ps1 (i had a sega genesis)
          he played re1 with the family (us kids only at dark) i got scared i played it hated it because i didnt understand 5 years later bought re2 played it hated it i couldn finish it
          3 years later re4 played it hated it i alway got killed and well know re5 is awesome i played the demo i dominate and well of course im 19


          • #20
            i was in a game/movie/music store and i seen the cover of RE DC and i asked for it (this is when i was
            uhh idr but i was young lol) and my dad bought it for me and i played it and ive been into RE ever since


            • #21
              In 99 or in 98. I finally got a PS1 to call my own, and it came with a disc called Interactive 6. Between the Parappa the Rapper and Bloody Roar demos, a certain video caught my eye. It was a demo video for RE2. I still remember Leon gettin' caught by that giant alligator in the end... good times . I had only seen it before in magazines and such, but never in motion. The rest is history.


              • #22
                Well I was quite a horror movie fanatic when I was younger, but I wasn't much into video games yet, besides Tomb Raider. Anyways, one of my friends spent the night and told me about a game his uncle had shown him awhile ago. And my friend Basically described the opening to Resident Evil 2 to me. I was like

                Well one of my neighbors was this girl and her older brother had a Playstation and since he had no new games, he wanted to borrow some of mine, in exchange for any game he had. Well I went looking through his collection and low and behold there was Resident Evil 2. So I snatched that game up and ran home. I waited for night and invited my two friends over to watch the game and so I put in Claire's disk and was so freaked out I didn't know what to do, but I continued anyway. I was so bad at it but I didn't care it was so great. Well my sister's best friend's boyfriend came over and he helped me figure out some of the puzzles as he had played a little bit of the game before. I didn't beat it, sadly, before I had to give it back.

                Well I then asked for it for Christmas, as well as RE 1 and REDC. I was so happy when I finally beat it and then when I saw it continued from the Leon B story I was so excited. Then went through Leon A and then Claire B.


                • #23
                  well, i just recently got into the series, but i had played it before that, but also had a very bad expereince, called RE4.

                  yeah RE4 was the first RE game i played im not proud of it, i saw it in the shop and had heard it was the Best Game Ever, so i rented it to see what it was like. took it home, started to get a little scared before i played it, then i started it up.

                  i was very unimpressed with it, i thought it was WAY overhyped, it was just the same as every other game i had played, there was nothing particularly special about it to deserve all the praise i heard about it. so i stayed the hell away from RE for a few years.

                  anyways, a few years later, i saw the first RE movie on TV, so i watched it cause i was bored, and i liked the zombies, but it wasn't until the last scene, where Alice goes out into the ruined city streets that made my jaw drop and spiked my interest and curiosity in the series again.

                  after that, i looked RE up on the internet, RE4 came up, skipped past it, then i saw Jill (she was the only thing i knew about classic RE) and some other game(a classic RE), which looked nothing like RE4, i clicked on it and discovered to my joy that all the other RE games played nothing at all like RE4, in fact that looked different that any game i had ever seen before.

                  anyways, a few days later, i went over to my friends, and noticed that on his shelf, his dad had a few RE games in there as i walked past, i asked if i could play, and discovered the RE was on GC as well.

                  anyways, i looked over all his RE collection, and tossed RE4 aside, and then looked over the rest, i saw NEMESIS, on the front cover of RE3, i put it in immediantly. i couldn't resist the badassness.

                  my first time playing the greatest video game ever created, was not great however, as i was a total newb at it i got my ass kicked badly by NEMESIS, i thought that Jill was a total spunk, i hated the camera at first (which i now love), and it took me about half an hour to figure out how to run (aided by the fact it was also my first time playing a GC).

                  anyways, after i got Jill face raped ( ), i turned it of and tried Remake, the graphics were amazing, i picked Jill again, and she was even more beautiful than before, then i got pwnd by the first zombie.

                  lastly i put RE0 in, and stared at the graphics in awe for hours, just siting there, and Rebecca was awesome as well, i started to love the camera angles, and i was getting used to it, anyways, iplayed RE0 all through out the night, i still remember it vividly to this day, oh the memorys

                  anyways, after that, i bought the entire series immediately.

                  just proves, classic RE can survive today, you just have to give it a chance, i mean, i used to be one of those idiot shooter noobs. now im a hardcore classic RE fan.
                  Last edited by missvalentine; 02-12-2009, 02:51 AM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                    i used to be one of this idiot shooter noobs. now im a hardcore classic RE fan.
                    I think they're one and the same. Both of these kinds of people don't appreciate the other side of the spectrum.

                    And that makes me a sad sausage:

                    Last edited by Vector; 02-12-2009, 02:50 AM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                      I think they're one and the same. Both of these kinds of people don't appreciate the other side of the spectrum.

                      And that makes me a sad sausage:
                      well i like both opposites of the spectrum, i still love my shooters, and i love my classic RE and MGS and other games that make you think.
                      i can play mostly any genre.

                      but i do know, that RE4 fails as both a shooter, and a horror game.

                      *celebrates my 1000th post*


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                        RE4 fails as both a shooter, and a horror game.
                        That's your opinion.


                        • #27
                          When the first Resident Evil game came out I was only 5 and my brother lended it of his freind and I the second I saw the first Zombie came on I ran out the door screming I nenver really play RE1 back then I really got into the series when RE2 came out.


                          • #28
                            It must have been 97/98, when I used to be in my friends house and we'd sit and watch his older brother play re1. Then whenever the bro was out, my friend would sneakily play his own game of it. I didn't really get involved until my friend just couldn't pass the infamous zombiedog corridor so I (successfully) tried it. I was hooked.

                            Christmas 98 I got my very own psx along with a copy of re1. At this stage I still hadn't cleared it and my interest had prob wained slightly as I had convinced myself that I wouldn't be able to complete it. Come St Stephens Day (26th December) I went to my local rental shop with money I'd gotten as Xmas presents. Up until now, re1 was the only knowledge I had of the resiverse so I was suprised to see re2 with it's sexy black cover staring back at me on the shelf. I immediately picked it up and ran home. I was sucked in completely by this game and became a hermit, while trying to complete both scenarios. Once I'd finished both, I immediately went back to re1 and completed it finally. It was official - I was in love!!!!! Since then I'm a fanatic, buying every game on release day, spending vast amounts of money on merch, making scrapbooks and covering my bedroom walls in re related posters! And I intend to continue doing so for many years to come.

                            Ah the memories.. Good topic! ;) think I'll go boot up re2 now!
                            Last edited by Biokk; 02-12-2009, 11:20 AM.


                            • #29
                              I first played the game when I rented a playstation from blockbuster. I just picked RE because of the cover. I wound up not playing much of the game because I couldn't figure out the controls. I spent most of my time playing other games that I had. I actually picked the game back up and a friends and he explained it to me and he let me borrow his longbox version of the game. I went out and bought the director's cut and then RE 2. I have been a fan ever since and even bought the longbox version off my friend.


                              • #30
                                I was reading a few gaming magazines around the time Director's Cut and RE2 came out, and (for one reason or another) I decided to take RE2 for a spin first. Every last thing about it had me on my toes, but unfortunately I wasn't really any good at it. It was the case where the controls were a bit much for me and I ended up getting gang raped by the zombies that emerge from the truck wreckage. So my experiences of seeing the game progress involved my brother/friends at the helm. Around that time I mostly used gameshark to progress through the series.

                                Memorable moments were the crow hallway (when they crashed through the window I instinctively cowered under the nearest pillow) and the growth of the G-Imago (when it started growing my brother yelled "JESUS!" in the greatest panic).

