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Your Questions about the Capcom Event

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  • Your Questions about the Capcom Event

    I've decided to keep all the questions in one place so I don't need to keep answering them. Okay, let's go.

    Is Jill the bird woman?

    I'm not sure.

    How far did you get in the game?

    4 hours or so into it, to the end of Chapter 2.

    Is Jill Tube Girl?

    Is the game better than the demo?

    Much better, the gameplay is smoother and in general feels a lot better.

    What is the event and how did you get into it?

    We all got to play through the earlier parts of RE5. I got in cos I know Shawn from Capcom US and he got me and Gareth a place.

    Anymore questions, please just post below and ask.
    Last edited by Dot50Cal; 02-16-2009, 10:28 PM.

  • #2
    Someone else asked already, but...was it scary in anyway shape or form?

    I suppose I should throw in the other two things I long for. Was it entirely linear from area to area and were there any puzzles worth the name?


    • #3
      was it scary in anyway shape or form?
      Kinda, not in the classic Resident Evil sense though. It's more intense though, panic, than actual OH CRAP! fear like you got in the classic RE games. Compared to stuff like Eternal Darkness though.. nah, not really, no. Intense, panicky, yeah.

      Was it entirely linear from area to area and were there any puzzles worth the name?
      It can be if you want to be. You can choose to run straight to the objective point on the map, or explore to find the BSAA tokens and various files and items. You have to actually find guns before you can buy them so it is worth it.

      Didn't do many puzzles, but there is a lot more "This door requires a key" style puzzles than in RE4.


      • #4
        So the game itself is linear but each area needs some careful exploration? Eh. I suppose I can live with that until I make my game, which will be awesome and totally not Dead Island in a city.

        Shame about the horror though. I don't panic. The last time I even came close was when a random dog attacked me...and then I snarled at it and it ran away. Eh.

        And finding bloody keys is a big part of RE, but with no major choice as to where you go it can't be too rough. More a blockade to stop you legging it straight the end I guess.

        Thanks for the answers.


        • #5
          Did you play online co-op or splitscreen? If you played online, how exactly does it work with playing through the storyline?

          Can someone jump in and out as they please? And if they leave, does the AI take over or does the game end?

          And, MOST IMPORTANTLY, when you save your progress, how do you continue with the person you played co-op with before?
          Last edited by Vector; 02-16-2009, 04:17 PM.


          • #6
            I wouldn't be able to answer that, unfortunately. We played with two 360's connected together on two separate TVs, and we played throughout the whole thing, neither of us dropped out or had to save.


            • #7
              Damn it. That's the one thing I'm really concerned about when it comes to RE5.


              • #8
                1. Did you see any graphical improvements from the demo
                2. What were your thoughts on the new system that replaces the merchant e.g. was it easy to use and were uprgrading weapons options still there.
                3. Did shevas a.i seem better than the demo (could she really handle her own LOL)

                Thanks in advance


                • #9
                  You could've put that spoiler tag under Jill.

                  Maybe then I wouldn't have clicked it.


                  • #10
                    Please define what the spoiler is concerning in the future. I've edited it to clarify.


                    • #11
                      1. What difficulty were you playing on? And how hard was this difficulty?

                      2. Is the upgrading weapons system like it was in RE4 (fire power, ammo capacity, fire rate, reload speed)?

                      3. Did you try to rush through the two chapters you played? 4 hours for two full chapters seems rather short. I would be really disappointed if the full game was only 10-12 hours long...

                      Thanks in advance for answering the questions!
                      Last edited by LVL100 Merchant; 02-17-2009, 03:50 AM.


                      • #12
                        I can answer 3 for you now. Alexia and Ganado ran like a Japanese school girl faced with a tentacle monster the whole way through. She barely did any exploring, just legged it to the next point in a desperate bid to get more info out of her limited time there.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                          I can answer 3 for you now. Alexia and Ganado ran like a Japanese school girl faced with a tentacle monster the whole way through. She barely did any exploring, just legged it to the next point in a desperate bid to get more info out of her limited time there.
                          I'd say we rushed through the game about two thirds of our game, however, I do have a good eye on seeing/remembering things

                          1. What difficulty were you playing on? And how hard was this difficulty?
                          Me and Emma had played it on Normal difficulty, and that was defiantly hard, by all means, even harder than Pro-mode on Resident Evil 4. It's a lot more survival horror-esque than what 4 ever did.

                          upgrading weapons system like it was in RE4 (fire power, ammo capacity, fire rate, reload speed)?
                          The upgrade system is in the "merchant system" which is a lobby menu that pops up after each chapter. Here you can store any items, like the treasure chest, and buy or upgrade any weapons. It seems that it's much more harder to buy weapons this time around, where 4 you could of just got plenty of money to just buy anything you need. We only just manage to get three other weapons only up to the end of chapter 2, and two of them had barely any ammo to use for.

                          1. Did you see any graphical improvements from the demo
                          I can say that it defiantly feels more polished when I think about it, but the demo build was a post E3 version.

                          2. Did you encounter any other enemies other than Majini?
                          We encountered a pack of hyenas, and one being the alpha male (he also stands out and takes a lot of bullets to kill. Me and Emma just barely survived) which is bigger and different than the others. What I did find interesting about their nature is how they worked together in the pack, swarming you and taking you down. We also encountered two bio-products off tri-cell, which you will see at each end of the first two chapters.
                          3. Which weapons did you find during your playthrough?
                          We manage to find a sub-machine gun and a dragunov sniper rifle, but the game wasn’t too kind of giving us ammo for the two ;)
                          . What were your thoughts on the new system that replaces the merchant e.g. was it easy to use and were uprgrading weapons options still there.
                          Personally I find this a whole lot better than the system in 4. You could buy your items and store them for later, or drop any weapons that are not needed, even any upgraded armour parts, to best fit on what you want to go out on. The upgrading system and buying weapons, to me, seems to be a lot more expensive in a sense because you don’t get much money unless you want to try and completely wipe every single enemy around you, and even that is going to be hard.

                          3. Did shevas a.i seem better than the demo (could she really handle her own LOL)
                          I and Emma only played this via system link, no AI with us. However I did ask Ben, director of Capcom Europe, and the AI is improved in the final version, thanks to some tweaking.

                          Someone else asked already, but...was it scary in anyway shape or form?
                          This is defiantly a good question. We did play in a room with a few other people, with light everywhere, but, there was defiantly a sense of a creepy atmosphere around you. I find that the horror aspects of this game is more adult than what the others did, but there is defiantly going to be some classic jump scare moments for you, but the main horror element has grown into a more tense, glooming, side of things. But there a few things that will make you feel “nervous” when playing, and this is a good thing.


                          • #14
                            Nice, nice. Good to see they provided limited ammo for other guns. =)
                            I'll miss the merchant, though.

                            I've got a few questions:

                            1. Did the Majini have any new moves, apart from what we saw in the demo? I remember in an early trailer it showed a Majini tackling Chris around his abdomen. They don't do that in the demo.

                            2. Did you regularly see gun-toting Majini, or is it rare, like in RE4?

                            3. Was there ever a part where communications with the BSAA was cut off?

                            4. How often would you find yourself or your partner in dying status? Was it hard? Would you sometimes turn around to see random Majini sneaking up on you?

                            5. Any "scary" enemies? Did you manage to see the Licker people have been talking about? Anything resembling a Regenerator? Anything that made you nervous to fight it?

                            Sorry if it's a lot of questions... And I don't think they'd put too many "scary" monsters in the first half, but it's always worth asking.


                            • #15
                              Did you get to play the part were chris is zooming in on a large bridge with his rifle, or the part were you are trying to destroy a van on the bridge. Both of these scenes were shown in the captivate 08 trailer but have not been seen since. Just wanted confirmation if these parts were still in the game because they looked pretty cool.

