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The best Resident Evil character ever?

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  • #61
    the best good guy is : chris, becuse he got everything to be the hero

    badest bad guy: wesker. he is the evil genius over them all and i hope kinda in away that he will never die !


    • #62
      I think it would be a good ending to RE5, if Wesker, you know lived?
      Anyways, does anybody know how many more Resident Evil's they're going to make?


      • #63
        i dont know how many they will make i dont think any of us know and as for wesker
        i actully hope he will live his the best bad guy ever !!! so i hope he makes it.


        • #64
          Oh man,...I like so many of them! But there can be only one...and thats Wesker.


          • #65
            Everybody likes Wesker.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Weskers Flag View Post
              I don't like Jill, but maybe I'm a bit biased, because when I'm being Chris is Umbrella Chronicles and I'm low on health, she's always like "Get back!" or something like that, but I'm already frustrated at that point, so I'm like
              "What're you gonna do, bitch? I'm doing all the work!!!"
              Techinically, because the game is meant for two players, she would have been doing something had there been another person there. Would it have been a nice twist if, when playing by yourself and health was low, Chris and Jill (or whichever people had partners) could swap and you'd regain health? Perhaps...but it would have made the game way too easy. UC isn't difficult by any means...and you really need to calm down if you're getting so angry at something that isn't even really a main game in the series. Disliking a character for something that isn't even a personality flaw is a bit immature.
              Are you tired, Rebecca?


              • #67
                Jill,the only heroine ive ever been able to like at all
                or hero for that matter..
                usualy only villians become my favorite characters
                Jill and Wesker are my favorite RE characters


                • #68
                  With the exception of a few posts, this thread is an embarrassment.
                  I refuse to participate...
                  (starting now)


                  • #69
                    I'd like Wesker more if he stayed the **** away from my Jill,Ada,Claire and Rebecca.
                    Last edited by ValentineKnight; 02-19-2009, 09:57 PM.


                    • #70
                      Wesker really needs to accomplish something before I can take him out of my dislike column. For all his strength and power, he hasn't done much. This doesnt include RE5 mind you, and besides beating up the Redfields in CVX..what has he done? Even spy's that he uses to steal things for him end up betraying him.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Mr. Kennedy View Post
                        Uhhh, Steve is sooooo annoying. He falls in love with Claire in less than a day or so. Must be that ass.

                        Ya, it's the ass.
                        hell yeah id like to be with that ass i mean claire


                        • #72
                          My favorite character is Alexander Ashford. He secretes teh poison and doesn't afraid of anything.


                          • #73
                            I'm gonna go with Claire as my favorite. However, she's not too far ahead of Jill, HUNK, Nicolai, and Mikhail.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Town of Green View Post
                              I like Claire. It used to be Leon, even after RE4 but being an emotionless block in Degen means he's not really a character anymore.

                              Claire was always cool. She was great in RE2, and great in CVX. I haven't seen Degeneration yet but going by the track record, it can't be bad.
                              oohhh Claire in Degeneration is the BEST!!! she is so awesome in that, Claire is so close to over taking Jill as my favorite character, but Jill is still in the lead.

                              also i Love Rebecca, she's just an awesome character, as well as Barry.

                              i like all the RE characters, although i find a few to be overhyped a lot.


                              • #75
                                Jill Valentine.

