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Remember when Resident Evil tried to be scary? (not trolling)

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  • #16
    Hmm..RE2 scared the bejesus out of me just about the time I got that final chess plug and was waltzing back to install it. A piece of meat twitched..grew and started puking was a combination of horror and fear I have yet to experience ever again.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mr. Kennedy View Post
      I find those moments great too. However, RE4 has a different sense of dread. It's more frantic, and it's harder to escape them than many of the enemies in the other games where you can just run past them. I know you can just run past ganados too, but the game intentionally puts you in situations where you can't. You may have found the cabin scene easy, but I didn't. I died many times.
      To each their own.

      But as for this:
      Originally posted by Foggle View Post
      I thought RE 4 was great. It didn't stick to the series' roots, but at least it tried to be similar. Spoiler:
      I guess the braintrust known as Foggle happened to miss the numerous QTEs littered amongst RE4 gameplay, including one laughably bad choreographed knife fight between 2 sweaty men (using the knives like swords to boot! ). QTEs are very action oriented. As were running up walls to backflip over laser beams. And being able to carry multiple weapons, finding TONS of ammo, facing ganados who carried gatling guns ala Jessie "The Body" Ventura in "Predator." Not to mention the places where illuminados manned stationary gatling guns. Helicopter support, shooting ganados from the back of a moving truck, fighting an ogre who swings tree trunks at you, etc.

      As for his spoiler, I'd rather do that then to ever again have to run from an animated giant stone statue of the lamest character ever, while controlling the second lamest character ever.
      Last edited by Jill's Boob; 02-20-2009, 12:48 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
        I'd rather do that then to ever again have to run from an animated giant stone statue of the lamest character ever, while controlling the second lamest character ever.
        I love that part.


        • #19
          ^You're mad I tell you! Mad!!


          • #20
            Oh God...

            To me Resident Evil has never been about horror. It's always been about atmosphere. RE4 had its atmosphere, it's just that it had more action than it did atmosphere. I like it about 60% atmosphere and 40% action. RE4 was at least 70% action, so that's what I didn't like.

            I wouldn't go as far as some people do though, and start complaining and denying the obvious. RE4 was a great game and so will be RE5. They are not the old RE, but you know, I don't want to complain too much. They could have made them truer to the old RE, but they didn't. Even so, they still did well with the new RE.

            I only wish it was at least 50/50. I mean, I never liked the mindless shooters. I'm not saying RE has become that, but it certainly does have many elements of that kind. I only wish it was more atmosphereic like it used to be, a little creepier, a little quieter, more focused on the story and the exploration. So if they want more action, great, but let's not kill all the other stuff, because it's all part of what made Resident Evil so great.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
              ^You're mad I tell you! Mad!!
              You have to admit - it was far better than anything else in the castle and the island following.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                Do you remember when fans would play a game in its entirety before passing judgment, instead of just reading something and believing it? Say, is one of your favorite games called "Lemmings?"

                Remember when a demo and tons of gameplay footage of the game were released along with previews written by people who play video games for a living?

                And no, if I was a lemming (fun game, though), I'd hate RE 4 like everyone else on this board. Watch the videos for RE 5, hell, play the demo. The statement from OXM just confirms my opinions that I formed myself from what has been released so far. It may very well be the scariest survival horror game ever made, but so far it looks like it won't be. I never said I wouldn't play the game when it came out, either, in fact, the demo is quite fun in multiplayer. But the fact stands, people have been saying that it's not horror, and it doesn't look like horror (to me) in the least, despite it coming from the survival (and then tactical) horror genre.

                Originally posted by Mr. Kennedy View Post
                See, I don't get it when people say that RE4 is not survival horror.

                Is there surviving? Yes, I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

                Now is there horror? I guess that's a little harder to define. I will tell you that there were times in RE4 where I felt literally FUCKED. None of the other games gave me the same feeling. They had a more scary atmosphere, but RE4 had more tense moments where you truly felt like you weren't going to make it.
                I agree, I love Resident Evil 4. I never said anything bad about it, I was just saying "even RE 4" because I know most of the people on these boards hate it.

                Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
                You don't know that for sure.

                Besides, I don't see anything in that statement to be mad at the reviewer for |:
                I'm not mad at the reviewer in the least. I'm just disappointed that RE 5 is apparently not a horror game, unlike the previous 6+ titles in the series.

                Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                To each their own.

                But as for this:

                I guess the braintrust known as Foggle
                This comment made your post seem a lot more intelligent. Really, great work.
                Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                happened to miss the numerous QTEs littered amongst RE4 gameplay, including one laughably bad choreographed knife fight between 2 sweaty men (using the knives like swords to boot! ). QTEs are very action oriented. As were running up walls to backflip over laser beams. And being able to carry multiple weapons, finding TONS of ammo, facing ganados who carried gatling guns ala Jessie "The Body" Ventura in "Predator." Not to mention the places where illuminados manned stationary gatling guns. Helicopter support, shooting ganados from the back of a moving truck, fighting an ogre who swings tree trunks at you, etc.
                The QTEs and cutscenes were horribly cheesy, fitting the older games to a Tee. All of those things you mentioned at the end, as well a few new things in that vein, are back with a vengeance in RE 5.

                Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                As for his spoiler, I'd rather do that then to ever again have to run from an animated giant stone statue of the lamest character ever, while controlling the second lamest character ever.
                Yeah, that part was stupid.
                Last edited by Foggle; 02-20-2009, 05:23 PM.


                • #23
                  Okay...let me get this are saying a game that we've seen little of, that you've never even played, and that is most likely "RE4 in HD," is not a horror game like the "previous 6 entries" (I'm guessing you mean 0,1,2,3,4,CV).

                  And also, I am supposed to take the words of "people who play games for a living," - the same group of people who also stated that RE4 wasn't horror but SURVIVAL ACTION, were they not? So these journalists, you take their word 100% when it concerns your preconceived bias toward RE5 (mentioned above, by you):

                  The statement from OXM just confirms my opinions that I formed myself from what has been released so far.
                  Yet these same journalists coined the genre SURVIVAL ACTION to encompass RE4, which they dubbed not scary but full of action on a horror premise (or at least franchise).

                  I love how in your blind love for RE4 you group it with the "classics," and claim its QTEs and cutscenes fit the "old games to a Tee."

                  Sorry. RE4 is a fun game and all, but it isn't the least bit scary and there's a reason many fans here on this website claim it deviates heavily from the "old formula."

                  If you're bashing RE5, then you better step back and apply the same criteria to RE4.

                  Just because you've played the demo, seen a lot of images, and read a few early reviews (there's what, 2-3 total...1 of which was based on only half the game), doesn't mean "it confirms [your] opinions that [you] formed yourself." (That is a redundant sentence, by the way.)
                  Last edited by Jill's Boob; 02-20-2009, 06:56 PM.


                  • #24
                    I was actually just watching this thing on YouTube last was gameplay and cutscenes from REmake and Umbrella Chronicles, edited and cut to make it seem like a movie. It was actually pretty awesome...and it was probably a good hour and a half in length.

                    Anyways, the atmosphere in REmake...seemed incredible. I never had a GameCube so I never got the chance to play it, but it really looked incredible. In the pretty near future I plan on getting a Wii, and when I do, I'm gonna hunt down a Wavebird, a GC memory card and REmake just so I can experience it for myself.


                    • #25
                      Oh man...all I ever had was a Cube during last gen, and the reason I picked up a Wii was for REUC and also so I could play my old GC games.

                      REmake is an experience. It has a haunting atmosphere, beautiful graphics (that will age well over time, unlike RECV), and is just the ultimate RE experience in my opinion.

                      I often replay it because it is the consummate RE game. I cannot wait for you to enjoy it as well. It's that good.


                      • #26
                        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                        For anyone who's interested, here's Part 1 of the REmake movie. Like I said, it has some bits of Umbrella Chronicles cut in(mainly just some Rebecca and Richard moments, and some of the ending to make it appear that Chris, Jill, Barry and Rebecca make it out alive. It's actually pretty awesome to see how the guy edited it all together, it was pretty well-done.
                        Last edited by Vector; 02-20-2009, 07:13 PM.


                        • #27
                          The remake is the most atmospheric of all the RE games.


                          • #28
                            REmake, such a breath taking experience, really.
                            Also, is someone bashing RE5 but not RE4? wat.
                            That's like saying 1 is amazing and 2 was totally crap because it had pre-rendered backgrounds.
                            Either way, I hope RE5's story can pick up over the lack of Survival Horror.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                              As for his spoiler, I'd rather do that then to ever again have to run from an animated giant stone statue of the lamest character ever, while controlling the second lamest character ever.
                              Very good


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post

                                For anyone who's interested, here's Part 1 of the REmake movie. Like I said, it has some bits of Umbrella Chronicles cut in(mainly just some Rebecca and Richard moments, and some of the ending to make it appear that Chris, Jill, Barry and Rebecca make it out alive. It's actually pretty awesome to see how the guy edited it all together, it was pretty well-done.
                                yeah that was pretty cool

